1. When she sang in the garden, her singing inspired us
She understood the meaning of our sweet breath
١. دَعاها إِذا غَنت عَلى الرَوضة الغَنا
فَقَد فَهمت مِن طيب أنفاسنا مَعنى
2. Say to her, repeating the words that nourish passion
When one melody ends, she composes another
٢. وَقولا لَها تروي الغَرام مردداً
إِذا ما مَضى لَحن أَقامَت لَهُ لَحنا
3. Have you not seen her sway like a willow in the orchard?
She became for it a branch among some of its branches
٣. أَلَم تَرَها في الدوح مالَت صَبابة
فَكانَت لَهُ مِن بَعض أَغصانِهِ غُصنا
4. She saw us when the nightingales burst into song and we
Were aroused on those branches as we were aroused
٤. رَأَتنا وَقَد ثارَت بَلابل وَجدنا
فَهاجَت عَلى تِلكَ الغُصون كَما هِجنا
5. The melancholy lute sounded, so she sounded
And sang to the viol's tune as it sang
٥. وَقَد صوت العود الرَخيم فَصَوتت
وَغَنَت عَلى عود الأراك كَما غَنَى
6. She listened to the tambourine during its resonating
So she shaped for it from the beauty of her tune, an ear
٦. وَأصغت إِلى الطَنبور عِندَ طنينه
فَصاغَت لَهُ مِن طيب نَغمتها إذنا
7. The violin divided ecstasy unevenly
It shook her, but she did not keep its rhythm
٧. وَقد قسم السنطير للوَجد قسمة
شَجاها وَلَكن ما أَقامَت لَهُ وَزنا
8. May God protect that slender-waisted one - how she stirred up love
And how much she gave of her voice and how much she took from us
٨. رَعى اللَه ذات الطوق كَم حَرَكَت هَوى
وَكَم بَذَلَت صَوتاً وَكَم أَخَذَت مِنا
9. The radiance of her fair face shone at dawn
As the splendor of beauty shone in the beautiful garden
٩. وَساق صَبيح الوَجه راقَ صبوحه
كَما راقَ ماء الحُسن في الوَجنة الحسنا
10. He brought her to me in the evening, and winked at me
So I said to him "For God's sake, give us more of her"
١٠. أَتاني بِها صرفاً وَأَومى بِطَرفه
فَقُلت لُه بِاللَه من هَذِه زِدنا
11. For is not the soul the spirit at its rising?
Make haste to bring her back, and keep her mixing away from us
١١. فَما الراح إِلا الروح عِندَ بزوغها
فعجل بِها صَرفاً وَدَع مَزجَها عنا
12. We drank the wine of the beloved's memory
We were intoxicated by it before we knew lowliness
١٢. شَرِبنا عَلى ذكر الحَبيب مدامه
سكرنا بِها مِن قَبل أَن نَعرف الدنا
13. For her the moon is a cup, and she is a sun turned by
A crescent - and how it appears when she mixes its meaning!
١٣. لَها البَدر كَأس وَهيَ شَمس يديرها
هِلال وَكَم يَبدو إِذا مزجت مَعنى
14. Love of her called to us, "Am I not your Lord?"
So we said, "Yes we have come to Your sanctuary, we have come."
١٤. حَبانا بِها داعي أَلَست بربكم
فَقُلنا بَلى جئنا إِلى حانكم جئنا
15. And she said, "Why is your heart obsessed
With her exalted world and fluttering sublimity?"
١٥. وَقائِلة ما بال قَلبك مولع
بعالمها الأَعلى وَرفرفها الأَسنى
16. "And why do you strive to build the edifices
Of knowledge - you have stayed up late within its bounds?"
١٦. وَحتام تَسعى لابتناء معالم
مِن العلم قَد أسهرت في حَوزِها الجفنا
17. "By your life! Whoever strives to gain a merit
Has fought against the world - and died in it, grieved."
١٧. لعمرك مَن يَسعى لِنَيل فَضيلة
فَقَد حارب الدُنيا وَماتَ بِها حُزنا
18. "He sees his drinking from it as a mirage, and his
Intellect as rationality for what he seeks - and weakness."
١٨. يَرى شربه مِنها سَراباً وَعَقله
عقالاً لما يَبغي وَقوته وَهنا
19. So I said, "Leave me be from talk of myths
For we are a people who love glory since we were."
١٩. فَقُلت دَعيني مِن حَديث خرافة
فَإِنا أناس نَعشق المَجد مُذ كُنا
20. "We have souls that refuse disgrace and rise
To the highest path, and have not sought the lowest."
٢٠. لَنا أَنفس تَأبى الهَوان وَتَرتقي
إِلى المنهج الأَعلى وَلَم تطلب الأَدنى
21. "We have ancestors who trod the best path
And we walk in the traces of their footsteps."
٢١. لَنا سلف ساروا عَلى خَير منهج
وَنَحنُ عَلى آثار سَيرهم سرنا
22. "And there is no good in the world unless you protect with it
A generous one, and reap from your generosity, bliss."
٢٢. وَلا خَير في الدُنيا إِذا لَم تصن بِها
كَريماً وَتجني من سخاك بِها عدنا
23. "And there is no good in one who hoards wealth for prosperity
While his burdens remain and their owner perishes."
٢٣. وَلا خَير في مَن يَجمَع المالَ لِلغنى
فأَوزاره تبقى وصاحبه يفنى
24. "Prosperity is nothing but restraint and piety
And a lasting achievement and harvested bounty."
٢٤. وَلَيسَ الغنى إِلا التَعفف وَالتُقى
وَمَأثرة تَبقى وَمَكرمة تجنى
25. "And a gaze that sees the happiest of people as an excellent
Youth, the greatest in esteem, the youngest in years,"
٢٥. وَطَرف يراعي أَسعد الناس غرة
وَأكبرهم قَدراً وَأَصغَرهُم سِنا
26. "The most generous of hand, the longest in arm,
The firmest in resolve, the most faithful in belief."
٢٦. وَأَوسَعَهُم بَذلاً وَأَطوَلهم يَدا
وَأَثبتهم جأشاً وَأَصدَقهم ظَنا
27. "He is the Hashimi who is illuminated by his opinion
When the night of misguidance becomes dark or is clouded."
٢٧. هُوَ الهاشمي المُستَضاء بِرَأيه
إِذا ما دَجى لَيل الضلالة أَو جَنا
28. "The pens of wisdom established for him in opinion
The position of sublimity - and they are from this, more sublime."
٢٨. أَقامَت لَهُ في الرَأي أَقلام حكمة
مقام العَوالي وَهيَ مِن هَذِهِ أَسنى
29. "He has books that suffice battalions in their evil
When recited they are for those after them, a fortress."
٢٩. لَهُ كُتب يغني الكَتائب شَرها
إِذا تليت كانَت لِمَن خَلفها حصنا
30. "Lines by which heads are raised in honor
How much distress have they uncovered, and how much grief dispelled!"
٣٠. سُطور بِها تَعلو الرُؤوس كَرامة
فَكَم كَشفت كرباً وَكَم أذهبت حُزنا
31. "By them he destroyed the army of tyrants, so they became
His prisoners, with no ransom or escape."
٣١. أَباد بِها جَيش الطُغاة فَأَصبَحوا
أسارى لَدَيها لا فِداء وَلا منا
32. "And opinion is nothing but the leader of bravery
And every tomorrow for the kingdom is in itself, a pillar."
٣٢. وَما الرَأي إِلا للشَجاعة قائد
وَكُل غَدا للملك في ذاتِهِ رُكنا
33. "He gathered men together by his very being
They did not unite, but entered implied."
٣٣. لَهُ جمعا جَمع الرجال بِذاته
وَما اِتحَدوا لَكنهم دَخَلوا ضمنا
34. "By his left hand, ease became flourishing
And the garden of Yemen thrived in his right hand."
٣٤. بِيسرى يَديه اليسر أَصبح مورقاً
وَأَثمر رَوض اليمن في كَفه اليُمنى
35. "Among them are men, fierce lions in battle
Rescuers of lions - their affair, narrate about us."
٣٥. مِن النفر الشم الخضارم في الوَغى
غيوث ليوث شَأَنهُم حَدثوا عَنا
36. "They have glowing jewels among the towering
Traveling, and they have become for explaining the path, a text."
٣٦. لَهُم غُرر في الخافِقين مُضيئة
تَسير وَقَد أَضحَت لِشَرح الهُدى متنا
37. "They bought everlasting glory with generosity and bounty
They left no condition unfulfilled, no loss unfound."
٣٧. شَروا بِالنَدى وَالجود مَجداً مُخلداً
فَما تَرَكوا شَرطاً وَلا وَجَدوا غبنا
38. "Levels among them rose over the Messenger of God
Its chambers built upon the nobility of the two realms."
٣٨. عَلت بِرَسول اللَه مِنهُم مَراتب
عَلى شَرف الدارين أَبياتها تُبنى
39. "How much for the Trustee of Revelation do the districts around their houses
Have access - and the secret of that meaning is apparent."
٣٩. فَكَم لأَمين الوَحي حول بيوتهم
ولوج وَسر شارح ذَلِكَ المَعنى
40. "None but those who sold themselves
To God willingly and truthfully for the best."
٤٠. فَما مِنهُم إِلا الَّذي باعَ نَفسه
عَلى اللَه مِن طَوع وَصدق بِالحُسنى
41. "Their father renounced the world
And was not of those who entered into miserliness and self-sufficiency."
٤١. وَقَد طلق الدُنيا علي أَبوهم
وَلَم يَك مِمَن حالف البُخل وَاستغنى
42. "So O son of the Messenger of God, take her as unmatched
And she came to you striving - and she is like the beautiful, excellent gazelle."
٤٢. فَيا ابن رَسول اللَه خُذها فَريدة
وَجاءتك تَسعى وَهيَ كَالغادة الحسنا
43. "Congratulating you on both holidays - for the reward one time
And for the breaking of the fast another - singing."
٤٣. تهنيك بِالعيدين بِالأَجر تارة
وَبالفطر أُخرى وَهيَ غانية غنا
44. "She saw you surrounded by people reverently
Not raising your head nor opening an eye."
٤٤. رَأَتك وَقَد حفت بِك الناس خشعاً
فَما رفعت رَأساً وَلا فتحت جفنا
45. "And why should she settle comfortably
In your hand so that she meets with tranquility?"
٤٥. وَماذا عَلَيها أَن تَحل بِراحة
لكفك كَي تَلقى بِراحتها أَمنا
46. "You remain in an ever-returning holiday, ever-renewing blessings
Glory that does not fade away or perish
٤٦. فَلا زِلت في عيد يَعود وَنعمة
تَسود وَمَجد لا يبيد وَلا يَفنى
47. As long as the breeze blows and the
Suns of sublime heights shine - perfect in beauty."
٤٧. مَدى الدَهر ما هَب النَسيم وَأَشرَقَت
شُموس المَعالي وَهيَ كامِلَة حسنا