1. Cease blaming, for you are not my first reproacher
How much youthful passion lingers that cannot be dispelled
ูก. ูู ุงูู
ููููุณุช ุฃููู ุนูุฐูู
ูู ุงูููุคุงุฏ ุตูุจุงุจุฉ ูุง ุชููุฌููู
2. Would you blame one whose heart is possessed by love?
Go away, for you are far removed from passion
ูข. ุฃูุชููู
ู ู
ูู ุงูุบูุฑุงู
ูุงุฐูุจ ููุฃููุชู ุนูู ุงูุบูุฑุงู
3. O men, with zeal for an absent love
Who glance at the kohl-rimmed eyes of a gazelle
ูฃ. ูุง ููุฑุฌุงู ุญู
ูุฉ ู
ูู ุบุงุฏุฉ
ู ุจูุฃูุฌูุงู ุงูุบูุฒุงู ุงูุฃููุญูู
4. I looked and what shyness has not ceased?
I approached and what chastity has not humbled?
ูค. ููุธูุฑุช ููุฃูู ุญุดุงุดุฉ ููู
ููููุฃุช ููุฃููุฉ ุนุจุฑุฉ ููู
5. My eyelids are sick and their illness has afflicted me
In every limb and every joint
ูฅ. ู
ูุฑุถ ุงูุฌูููู ููุณูู
ูุง ููุฏ ุญูููู ุจู
ูู ููููู ุฌูุฒุก ู
ูู ูููุงู ููู
6. She walked away as dawn rose to part us
Brightening from a dark night of communion
ูฆ. ุณุงุฑูุช ููููุฏ ุทูููุน ุงูุตูุจุงุญ ุจููุฑููุง
ุชุจูุฌุงู ุนูู ูููู ูุฑุน ุฃูููููู
7. And she was bashful with a stature, that if faced
The harshest decrees in tumult, they would not take effect
ูง. ููุชูุฃูุฏุช ูู ูุงู
ุฉ ููู ูุงุจูุช
ุถู ุงูุนููุงู
ู ูู ุงูููุบู ููู
8. O mistress of the soft cheek and dust of the delicate waist
Come nearer and show tenderness
ูจ. ูุง ุฑุจุฉ ุงูุฎูุฏ ุงูุฃูุณูู ููุชุฑุจุฉ ุงู
ุฎุตุฑ ุงูููุญูู ุชููุฑุจู ููุชุฏููู
9. How can I attain your garden, when between us
Lances of glances in earnest throng?
ูฉ. ููููู ุงููุตูู ุฅููู ุฌูุงู ููุฏููู
ุฒุฑู ุงูุฃูุณูุฉ ูู ุงูููุงู
10. Grant that I meet them alone
With my great resolves and the strength of my frame
ูกู . ูููุจู ุจูุฃููู ุฃูุชููููู
ู ุงูุนูุธู
ู ูููููุฉ ูููููู
11. For with what intellect can I meet you
When, if I glimpse your face unveiled, I lose all reason?
ูกูก. ููุจูุฃูู ุนููู ุฃูุชููู ููุงููููู
ุฅูู ุดู
ุช ููุฌูู ู
ูุณููุฑุงู ููู
12. For you there is a special place in my heart
For you, dwellings that have not been humbled
ูกูข. ููู ูู ุงูููุคุงุฏ ู
ููุงูุฉ ู
ููู ูู ุงูููููุจ ู
ููุงุฒู ููู
13. O breeze, bear my words to her
And carry her words to me
ูกูฃ. ูุง ูุณู
ุฉ ุญู
ูุช ุฅููู ุญูุฏูุซูุง
ุจูุซู ุฃูุญุงุฏูุซู ุฅูููููุง ููุงุญู
14. For there we have pacts we have not forgotten
And there we have tokens we have not been heedless of
ูกูค. ูููููุง ูููุงู ู
ูุนุงูุฏ ููู
ูููููุง ูููุงูู ู
15. Where the beloved and her lover together
Are both branches between drawing nearer and drawing nearer
ูกูฅ. ุญููุซ ุงูุญูุจูุจุฉ ููุงูุญูุจูุจ ูููุงููู
ุบูุตูุงู ุจูููู ู
ูุจู ููู
16. The branch is verdant, the time auspicious
And the matter earnest, the spy absent
ูกูฆ. ููุงูุบูุตู ุบูุถ ููุงูุฒู
ุงู ู
ููุงูุฌุฏ ุณุงู
ููุงูุฑูููุจ ุจูู
17. Until when time shows its clouds
And its torrents flow into my dwelling
ูกูง. ุญูุชูู ุฅูุฐุง ุฃูุจุฏู ุงูุฒูู
ุงู ุถูุจุงุจู
ููุชูุบููุช ุบููุงูู ูู ู
18. And its deceits appear, as if it were
The stubbornness of rock cascading from on high
ูกูจ. ููุจูุฏูุช ุฌููุงุฏุนู ูููุงู ููุฃูู
ูุฏ ุตูุฎุฑ ููุฏ ุชูุญุฏุฑ ู
ูู ุนู
19. It has tasked me with inviting youths
Whose taste is the sweetest, like water of fenugreek
ูกูฉ. ุฃูุถุญู ููููููู ุจูุฏูุนูุฉ ูุชูุฉ
ุฃูุญูู ู
ุงุก ุงูุญููุธู
20. You know not, O time, that I
Am a servant of Mohamedโs family and the people of Ali
ูขู . ูุง ุฏุฑ ุฏุฑู ูุง ุฒูู
ุงู ููุฅูููููู
ุนุจุฏ ูุขู ู
ุฏ ููุจููู ุนูู
21. Shall the servant of God ignore the call
Of one wary of the griefs of this time, while you are my aid,
ูขูก. ุฃูุฃุถุงู
ุนูุจุฏ ุงูููู ุฏูุนูุฉ ุตุงุฑุฎ
ูู ุฑููุจ ุฐุง ุงูุฒู
ูู ุงูุฎุคูู ููุฃููุชู ูู
22. And wrong befalls me, while your door is my recourse,
O son of those who race sublimely to the heights
ูขูข. ููููุตูุจูู ุฌูู ููุฃููุชู ููุณูููุชู
ูููุญู ุจู ุณูุก ููุจุงุจู ู
23. And walk to the most virtuous station
And son of the trusted, holding fast to piety
ูขูฃ. ูุง ุงุจู ุงูุณุฑุงุฉ ุงูุทุงุฆูุฑูู ุฅููู ุงูุนููู
ููุงูุณุงุฆูุฑูู ุฅููู ุงูู
24. And drinking from the first pool
They have, in glory, the loftiest rank
ูขูค. ูุงุจู ุงูุซูุงุช ุงููุงุจูุถูู ุนููู ุงูุชููู
ููุงูุดุงุฑูุจูู ู
ูู ุงูุบูุฏูุฑ ุงูุฃููู
25. No platform has descended before them
The honored masters and guiding lights
ูขูฅ. ูููู
ูู ุงูู
ูุฌุฏ ุฃูุฑูุน ุฑุชุจุฉ
ูุตุฉ ู
ูู ููุจููู
26. Whose origins ascend to the most noble messenger
And eminent scions, the progeny of Ahmad
ูขูฆ. ุงูุณุงุฏุฉ ุงูุดูุฑููุงุก ููุงูุดูู
ุชุนุฒู ุฃุตูููู
27. And the children of Ali, the contented Guardian
For you, o son, their greatest pride
ูขูง. ููุงููุงุฏุฉ ุงูุฃููุฌุงุจ ุนุชุฑุฉ ุฃูุญู
ููุจูู ุนูู ุงูู
ูุฑุชูุถู ุงููุฑู
28. Shining atop the impenetrable celestial sphere
Knowledge and wisdom and brilliance
ูขูจ. ูููู ูุง ุงุจู ููุฎุฑ ู
ููุฎุฑ ุบูุฏุง
ูุชูุฃูููุง ููููู ุงูุณู
ุงู ุงูุฃูุนุฒูู
29. And merits that have manifested and detailed clarity
And a hand that touches and is not miserly through the ages
ูขูฉ. ุนูู
ููุนุฑูุงู ููููุถู ุจุงูุฑ
ููููุถุงุฆู ุฌููุช ููุชููุตูู ุฌูู
30. And lasting, all-encompassing generosity
And virtues that are beautiful when heard
ูฃู . ููููุฏ ุชุณุญ ูููุง ุชุดุญ ู
ูุฏู ุงูู
ููุชูุทูู ุจูุงูุฌูุฏ ุงูุนูู
31. Cascading like gently flowing drink
Your eminent traits have wearied
ูฃูก. ููู
ูุญุงุณู ุญุณูุช ููุทุงุจู ุณูู
ููุชูุณููุณูููุช ู
ุซู ุงูุดูุฑุงุจ ุงูุณููุณู
32. The mind of the eloquent, articulate contemplator
For you are the source of every brilliant merit
ูฃูข. ุทุงููุช ู
ููุงูุจู ุงูุญูุณุงู ููุฃุนุฌูุฒูุช
ุฐูู ุงูููุตูุญ ุงูู
ููู ุงูู
33. And the axis of every praised and noble act
You have become singular in magnanimity
ูฃูฃ. ุฅูุฐ ุฃููุชู ู
ุตุฏุฑ ููู ููุถู ุจุงูุฑ
ูุฏุงุฑ ููู ุญูู
ูุฏุฉ ููุชููุถู
34. Called the best of the greatest and most majestic
It brings you joy, the children whose destinies are lofty
ูฃูค. ุฃูุตุจูุญุช ููุฑุฏุงู ูู ุงูู
ุชูุฏุนู ุจูุฎููุฑ ู
35. And whose hands flow like released torrents
Fair of face, noble in account
ูฃูฅ. ููููู ุฃูููุงุฏ ุณูู
ูุช ุฃููุฏุงุฑูู
ููุฌูุฑูุช ุฃููุงุฏููู
ููุณููู ู
36. Keen of scent, of the finest stock
Their glories have spread over all the land
ูฃูฆ. ุจูุถ ุงูููุฌูู ููุฑูู
ุฉ ุฃูุญุณุงุจูู
ุงูุฃูููู ู
ูู ุงูุทูุฑุงุฒ ุงูุฃููู
37. And their virtues have appeared to every hopeful
And it is enough honor for them that you are their father
ูฃูง. ููุดุฑุช ู
ุนููู ููู ุงูููุฑู
ููุจูุฏูุช ู
ููููู ู
38. For you possess the loftiest nobility
For you is protection and care for the land
ูฃูจ. ูููููู ููููู
ุดูุฑููุงู ุจูุฃููู ูุงูุฏ
ูุฃูู ุตุงุญุจ ุงูุดุฑูู ุงูุนูู
39. A legacy โ and what legacy has been accepted?
And for you are favors from me I have not forgotten
ูฃูฉ. ููููู
ุงูุฉ ููุงูุฑุนุงูุฉ ูููููุฑู
ุฅุฑุซุง ูุฃู ูุฑุงุซุฉ ููู
40. No, by the One God, the Singular, the Sublime
With them you graced me aforetime
ูคู . ููููููู
ุนูู ู
ูุง ููุงูุฅูู ุงููุงุญุฏ ุงูููุฑุฏ ุงูุนูู
41. Not to be ignorant among the people thereafter
And indeed for your promise I waited eagerly
ูคูก. ู
ูู ุจููุง ุทูููุชู
ููู ุณุงุจููุงู
ูู ูุงุญู ุจูููู ุงูููุฑู ููู
42. Like the yearning of the archer for the sweetest spring
I do not hesitate in what you have promised and I did not say
ูคูข. ููููููุฏ ุฃูููู
ุช ููููุนุฏูู
ููุชุดูู ุงูุตุงุฑู ูุฃุนุฐุจ ู
43. Prolonged standing at the vestiges of the dwelling
Far be it from you to say to a visitor
ูคูฃ. ูุง ุฃูู
ุชุฑู ููู
ุง ููุนูุฏุช ููููู
ุทุงูู ุงูููููู ุนููู ุฑูุณูู
44. โIf you desire, Abu Muโadh, then departโ
Rather humankind is distinguished by a state
ูคูค. ุญุงุดุง ุฌููุงุจู ุฃูู ููููู ูููุงุตุฏ
ููุฅูุฐุง ุชูุดุงุก ุฃูุจุง ู
ูุนุงุฐ ูุงุฑุญู
45. Of heart-alarmed and urgent apprehension
So when you find, O father of bounties, a time
ูคูฅ. ูููู
ุง ุงูุฅููุณุงู ุฎุต ุจูุญุงูุฉ
ููุน ุงูููุคุงุฏ ููุฎููุฉ ุงูู
46. For my need, then accomplish and hasten
I have proposed, due to my hardship and necessity,
ูคูฆ. ููู
ูุชู ููุฌูุฏุช ุฃูุจุง ุงูููุฑุงู
ูููุชุงู ููุจุงุฏุฑ ุจูุงูููุถุงุก ููุนูุฌู
47. When I knew you as my refuge in adversities
I remain under your protected shadow, hopeful
ูคูง. ุฅููู ุงููุชูุฑูุญุช ูุดุฏุชู ููุถูุฑูุฑูุชู
ุง ุนูู
ุชู ูู ุงูุดูุฏุงุฆุฏ ู
48. For events and every perplexing matter
ูคูจ. ูุง ุฒูุช ู
ูุญุฑูุณ ุงูุฌููุงุจ ู
ูููุญุงุฏูุซุงุช ููููู ุฃูู
ุฑ ู