
The one who ascended to the highest came with the truth

جاء بالحق صاحب المعراج

1. The one who ascended to the highest came with the truth
So he guided us with his blazing light

١. جاءَ بِالحَق صاحب المعراج
فَهَدانا بِنوره الوَهاج

2. He combined goodness and courage
Thus he is the full moon of existence and lion of thickets

٢. جَمع الحسن وَالبَسالة فيه
فَهوَ بَدر الوَرى وَلَيث الهياج

3. A garden adorned with knowledge, wisdom
Dignity, integrity and delight

٣. جَنة زينت بعلم وَحلم
وَوَقار وَعصمة وَابتهاج

4. He brought righteousness to people so he became
For the darkness of hearts the most radiant lamp

٤. جلب الرُشد للأنام فَأَضحى
لِظَلام القُلوب أَبهى سِراج

5. God made him the descending place of the secret so He protected him
From the danger of disclosure

٥. جَعَلَ اللَه مَهبط السر فيه
فَحَماه عَن خطة الإِخراج

6. The people do not know his value how would they know
That the heart conceals a pearl in glass

٦. جهل الناس قَدره كَيف يَدري
أكمه القلب درة في زُجاج

7. He gathered all virtues so they connected in his ascent
Thus every confidant took on explaining them

٧. جمل الفَضل فَصلت في علاه
فَتَولى بَيانها كُل ناج

8. The heart was certain that he in the highest qualities
Is a pearl gleaming atop a crown

٨. جزم القَلب أنه في المَعالي
دُرة قَد تَلألَأت فَوقَ تاج

9. He turned away from blindness in the darkness of nights
Thus he is like the full moon in the darkness of wilds

٩. جانب الغمض في ظَلام اللَيالي
فَهوَ كَالبَدر في ظَلام الدَياجي

10. His glory is hoped for, for every great one
And I, among the servants, am the first hopeful

١٠. جاهه يُرتَجى لِكُل عَظيم
وَأَنا في العِباد أَول راج