1. It appeared as a garden from the eternal paradise when it appeared
A lofty abode of piety it was built
١. بَدا رَوضة مِن جنة الخُلد إِذ بَدا
مقام عَلى التَقوى الرفيعة شيدا
2. In it the five prayers became a place of worship
And in it is the Book of God, knowledge and guidance
٢. بِهِ الصَلوات الخَمس أَضحَت مقامة
وَفيهِ كِتاب اللَه وَالعلم وَالهُدى
3. Have you not seen people who adhered to piety in it
And people who in it spent the night bowing and prostrating
٣. أَلَم تَرَ أَقواماً بِهِ لازموا التُقى
وَقَوماً بِهِ باتوا ركوعاً وَسُجَدا
4. So blessed is the servant of God, to God he is devoted
The offspring of Jesus attained eternal honor
٤. فَطوبى لِعَبد اللَه لِلّه دره
نَتيجة عيسى نالَ عزاً مخلداً
5. He built it and in Al Fayha he was a representative
And employed it from the endowment bureau as a mosque
٥. بَناهُ وَفي الفَيحاء قَد كانَ نائِباً
وَوظفه من خانه الوَقف عسجَدا
6. And spread benevolence and noble customs until it was as if
Our Master was of generosity and benevolence
٦. وَبث النَدى وَالعرف حَتّى كَأَنَّما
تَكون مَولانا مِن الجود وَالنَدى
7. He returns to good deeds naturally because
He sees the best among people as Ahmad
٧. يَعود إِلى الخَيرات طَبعاً لأَنَّه
يَرى العود مِن بَين الخَليقة أَحمَدا
8. The reward of the people of the Throne for his good deed
Is lasting bliss that never ceases
٨. جَزاء آل العَرش عَن حُسن فعله
نَعيماً مُقيماً لا يَزال مُؤبدا
9. I say to him the date of its completion is
For you is the good - you established a mosque for God
٩. أَقول لَهُ قَد تَم تاريخه فجُز
لَكَ الخَير قَد أَسَست للّه مسجدا