
Come, O God, from the kingdom come

تعالى الله من ملك تعالى

1. Come, O God, from the kingdom come
Did the dawn smile or the hills shine light

١. تَعالى اللَه مِن ملك تَعالى
أَبَدراً شمت أَم نوراً تلالا

2. And Khawat's lines - but it is fragrant
Its edges bent, dripping with dew

٢. وَخوط ماس بَل قَد رَطيب
ثَنى أَطرافه دلاً فَمالا

3. And an unmarried doe appeared
Frightened, resembling a gazelle

٣. وَطفل غادة عَذراء بانَت
عَلى ذعر فَشابهت الغَزالا

4. She lifted the train of her gown when she saw me
Nearby, she let down her train

٤. نَضَت سَجف الحجال فمذ رَأَتني
قَريب الرَكب حللت الحجالا

5. She glanced at me with a Babylonian eye
That directs its arrows at its onlooker

٥. رَنَت نَحوي بِطَرف بابلي
يُصوِّب نَحو ناظره نِصالا

6. The breeze blew on her, and from her wafted
A scent that touched and thrilled me

٦. وَباشرها النَسيم فَفاحَ مِنها
شَذا عطر أَلَم بِنا وَغالى

7. I felt as if I had drank preserved wine
And met with the beloved at dawn

٧. فَغبت كَأَنَّني خامَرت خَمراً
معتقة وَواصلت الوِصالا

8. So I said to my friend, with my tears
Flowing down my cheeks in streams

٨. فقلت لصاحبي من ذي وَدَمعي
عَلى الخَدين قد وطئ السبالا

9. He said: She is virtuous, from Lu'ayy
The best of tribes, expert with reins

٩. فَقالَ هِيَ العَقيلة مِن لُؤي
وَخَير قَبيلة شدوا العِقالا

10. Horsemen who roam the sands at night
Girded with quivers and camels

١٠. سُراة يَمموا الدَهناء لَيلاً
وَقَد زموا القَلائص وَالجمالا

11. I asked: Are you Bedouins?
They said: We are from Rabee'ah, no doubt

١١. سَأَلتهُم مِن الأَعراب أَنتُم
فَقالوا مِن رَبيعة لا محالا

12. Nobles from the tribe of Bakr we came
Seeking fertile land and clear water

١٢. كرام مِن بَني بَكر أَتينا
نرود الخَصب وَالماء الزلالا

13. We avoided the rough terrain and highlands
And headed for springs and sands

١٣. تَنكبنا النفانف وَالعَوالي
وَيممنا المَناهل وَالرِّمالا

14. We arrived at the camps of Lu'ayy
At every sand dune that entices battle

١٤. وَصبحنا دِيار بَني لُؤي
بِكُل طمرة تَهوى النِّزالا

15. We donned our swords in their sheaths
And lowered our high lances

١٥. تَقَلدنا المهندة المَواضي
وَنَكسنا الأَنابيب الطوالا

16. By the light of Abdullah we see our way
When we lose it, the purest man of all

١٦. وَإِنا نَستَضيء إِذا ضَلَلنا
بعَبد اللَه أَزكى الناس آلا

17. Of noble origin, from ancestry and pride
At the mother of mountains he stayed

١٧. كَريم النجر مِن حسب وَفَخر
عَلى أم الجِبال الشُم طالا

18. The foremost in glorious hunts they are
The world's people bow to their majesty

١٨. مِن الصيد الأولى بِالمَجد طالوا
لَهُم دانَت بَنو الدُنيا جَلالا

19. They surpassed all people as father and mother
And excelled every uncle and maternal uncle

١٩. سَموا كُل العِباد أَباً وَأماً
وَفاقَ جَميعهم عماً وَخالا

20. How many asked: Is there anyone like him
In this time, and I said: None

٢٠. وَكَم مِن قائل هَل مِن شَبيه
لَهُ في ذا الزَمان فَقُلت لالا

21. His grandfather's nobility and excellence suffice
As do his perfect, magnificent father's

٢١. كَفاكَ بجده حَسباً وَفَضلاً
وبِالمِغوار وَالده كَمالا

22. He is the light but for whom we'd lose
Our way in this world and its people, in misguidance

٢٢. هُوَ النور الَّذي لَولاه خفنا
عَلى الدُنيا وَأَهليها الضَلالا

23. His pen described the shining white sands
Its ink became oceans of virtue

٢٣. لَهُ قَلم حَكى البيض المَواضي
فَصارَ مِداده للفَضل خالا

24. His heart, but for which thoughts would perish
That set his essence aflame

٢٤. وَقَلب نير لَولاه خَفا
عَلى ما في جَوانحه اِشتِعالا

25. His mind grasped the highest wisdom
With its every flash and turn

٢٥. وَعَقل وَطأ الحكم المعلى
بِكلكله وَلَولاه لمالا

26. His knowledge, when disasters strike
Redirects them with invention and spontaneity

٢٦. وَعلم بِالأُمور إِذا ألمت
يصرفها اِختِراعاً وَارتِجالا

27. His being - when it inclines, it rewards
His palm - when asked, it bestows

٢٧. وَذات كُلما تَلقاه بشت
وَكَف كُلما تَرجوه سالا

28. Every hand, when stretched out to him
He teaches it to grant gifts

٢٨. وَكُل يَد إِذا مدَّت إِلَيه
يعلمها بِأَن تهب النّوالا

29. He taught the world generosity
And taught its clouds downpour

٢٩. كَريم علم الدُنيا سَخاء
وَعلم غَيث وابلها اِنهِمالا

30. Learned - in him gathered treasures
Of wisdom, leaving no question

٣٠. عَليم عِنده جمعت كُنوز
مِن العرفان ما تركت مَقالا

31. Godfearing and valiant, he aims for the highest
His weapon, when he prays, joins with him

٣١. تَقي باسل تَعنو العَوالي
لحدته إِذا صَلى وصالا

32. The month of fasting passed with his pleasure
Though he did not wish it to end

٣٢. مَضى شَهر الصِّيام وَعَنهُ راض
وَلَكن لَم يرد عَنهُ اِنتِقالا

33. He brought our Eid happiness
And his smile brought it beauty

٣٣. وَأولى عيدنا مِنهُ سُروراً
وَأَورثه بغرته جَمالا

34. A flash of his smile shone
Making Shawwal's crescent glow

٣٤. وَأَومض مِن مُحياه وَميض
فَصارَ لِوَجه شَوال هِلالا

35. Were it not for obscurity, it would be
A full moon, everlasting, eternal

٣٥. وَلَولا اللبس كانَ عَلَيه بَدراً
تَماماً سَرمدياً لَن يزالا

36. If new moons were given his mind's merit
They would bow to his noble shoes

٣٦. وَلَو تُعطى الأَهلة فَضل عَقل
غَدَت لِنعاله السامي قبالا

37. If the wild beasts sensed his awe
They would dwell on the roads and mountains

٣٧. وَلَو سَمعت بِهَيبته الضَواري
لَجاوَرت السَباسب وَالجِبالا

38. If the prairies knew his sharpness
He'd bring them despair and decay

٣٨. وَلَو عَلمت بِحدته المَواضي
لأَورثها السآمة وَالكلالا

39. If his tongue pierced the firmaments
Their towering heights would bow

٣٩. وَلَو طعنت أَسنته الرَّواسي
لَصارَ سَنامها العالي مهالا

40. If his writings were read to an army
He would scatter them left or right

٤٠. وَلَو تليت كتايبه لِجَيش
لفرقهم يَميناً أَو شِمالا

41. If he waved his hands in the horizon
The valleys would brim and pour

٤١. وَلَو سحت يَداه في فَضاء
لَضاقَ بِمائِهِ الوادي وَسالا

42. If the sun truly saw him
Its rays would melt, shy and confounded

٤٢. وَلَو نظرت إِلَيه الشَمس حَقاً
لَذابَ شُعاعها خَجلاً وَحالا

43. If his hands roiled the briny sea
Its water would turn sweet and clear

٤٣. وَلَو عَبثت يَداه بِبَحر ملح
لأَصبح ماؤه عَذباً زُلالا

44. So congratulate this Eid, and listen
To an ode crooned for you and rising

٤٤. فَدُم وَاهنأ بِهَذا العيد وَاسمع
نِظاماً في مَديحك قَد تلالا

45. For others, dawn was forbidden
Yours made it permitted and pure

٤٥. لِغَيركم غَدا سحراً حَراماً
وَفيكُم قَد غَدا سحراً حَلالا

46. I asked you to accept it, by the right
Of your father I forbid any asking

٤٦. سَأَلتُكُم القبول لَهُ وَإِني
وَحَق أَبيك حَرمت السُؤالا

47. So may your virtues remain lofty
And your merits remain long

٤٧. فَلا زالَت مَكارمكُم عراضاً
وَلا بَرحت مَناقبكُم طوالا