
The moon of gnosis rose from the verdant orbit,

بدا قمر العرفان من فلك الخضرا

1. The moon of gnosis rose from the verdant orbit,
So blessings to Moses of love who knew the verdant one.

١. بَدا قَمر العرفان مِن فلك الخضرا
فَطوبى لموسى الحُب قَد عرف الخضرا

2. It appeared and made hearts happy,
The regions of the universe gladdened, glory to the one who travelled by night.

٢. تَبدى فأَبدى لِلقُلوبِ مسَرَّة
سَرت مِن جِهات الكَونِ سُبحان من أَسرى

3. It appeared and illuminated the east with the light of its face,
The blossoms shone with its charming radiance.

٣. بَدا فَأَضاءَ الشرقَ مِن نورِ وَجهِهِ
وَأَشرَقَت الزورا بِغرتهِ الغرا

4. It rightly guided the sincere with its beauty for the beholders,
And for the ears it was a string of pearls in its utterance.

٤. يَميناً لَقَد أَهدى الأَمين لِناظِري
نضاراً وَللأسماع مِن لَفظه درا

5. So the thirst of the heart was quenched by its nearness,
And it extinguished the fire of separation from my burning liver.

٥. فَأَضحى غَليل القَلب بِالقُرب ناقِعاً
وَأطفأ نار البُعد مِن كَبدي الحَرى

6. The right eye wept excessively from extreme joy,
So when it rested the left eye flowed with its tears.

٦. بَكَت مُقلة اليُمنى لِفَرط مَسَرة
فَمُذ سَكنت جادَت بِأَدمعها اليسرى

7. Oh what a welcome to the arriving ones, for they
Are the risings of my joys, I pride myself in them.

٧. أَلا مَرحباً بِالقادِمين فَإِنَّهُم
مَطالِع أَفراحي أطول بِهم فَخرا

8. And welcome to you visitors, I am honored
By your treading the dunes and country of blossoms.

٨. وَأَهلاً بِكُم يا زائرين تَشرفت
بوطئكم الحَدباء وَالبَلدة الزورا

9. You descended on its eastern side,
And your breaths travelled to the other side.

٩. وَبالجانب الشَرقي مِنها نَزَلتُم
وَأَنفاسكم سارَت إِلى الجهة الأُخرى

10. We sensed the fragrance of connection before your arrival,
So for us there was a perfume in every instant.

١٠. شَمَمنا عَبير الوَصل قَبلَ قُدومكم
فَكانَ لَنا في كُل آونة عطرا

11. Our hearts have been ransomed by your nearness,
Just as your souls, O people of Badr, are captivated.

١١. وَقَد فديت بِالقُرب مِنكُم قُلوبنا
كَما أَصبَحت يا آل بَدر لَكُم أَسرى

12. Our chests have flowered because of you,
For you are the sons of Fatima the radiant.

١٢. وَقَد أزهرت مِنكُم نَواحي صدورنا
لأنكُم أَبناء فاطمة الزَهرا

13. For you the banners of honor have been raised over mankind,
And the standards attributed to reddish Mudar.

١٣. لَكُم رفعت رايات عز عَلى الوَرى
وَأَلوية تعزى إِلى مضر الحَمرا

14. You are the essence of secrets and the place of wisdom,
And the manifestation of their superior virtues.

١٤. مَعادن أَسرار وَمَوضع حكمة
وَمَظهر ألطاف فَضائلهم تَترى

15. Peace be upon you O people of Yasin, you
Are the oceans of eloquence, knowing the tide not just the ebb.

١٥. سَلام عَليكُم آل ياسين إِنَّكُم
بحار بيان تعرف المَد لا الجَزرا

16. Ask the people about them or ask me about them,
For I am more worthy to know them.

١٦. سَلوا الناس عَنهُم أَو سَلوني عَنهُم
فَإني بِذا أَحرى لأَني بِهم أَدرى

17. O chests of mankind, welcome, at ease, and greetings,
You have come by land and met a sea.

١٧. صدور الوَرى أَهلاً وَسَهلاً وَمَرحَباً
لَقَد جئتُم بَراً وَصادفتُم بَحرا

18. You descended upon the purest soil,
The best lineage, and the most open-chested.

١٨. نَزَلتُم عَلى أَزكى البَرية عُنصراً
وَأَفضلهم جداً وَأَوسعهم صَدرا

19. You descended with the people of pride whose grandfather is pride itself,
So through them you have increased in pride and gained prestige.

١٩. نَزَلتُم بِآل الفَخر وَالفَخر جدكم
فَزدتُم بِهِم فَخراً وَطلتُم بِهم قَدرا

20. You descended with Abdullah of rank
That surpasses so it became beneath his station.

٢٠. نَزَلتُم بعبد اللَه ذي الرُتبة الَّتي
أَنافَت فَأَضحت دونَ مَنزلِها الشعرى

21. He is the accomplished scholar and master whose
Merits have encompassed plain and rugged land.

٢١. هُوَ العالم النحرير وَالسَيد الَّذي
فَضائله قَد عَمت السَهل وَالوَعرا

22. The regions still live by the mention of you
And from you every desolate place greens.

٢٢. فَلا زالَت الأَقطار تَحيا بذكركم
وَتخضر مِنكُم كُل مغبرة قفرا

23. And good tidings still say to its people,
The moon of gnosis rose from the verdant orbit.

٢٣. وَلا زالت البُشرى تَقول لأَهلها
بَدا قَمر العرفان مِن فلك الخضرا