
By my life, you are the noble Arabs

لعمري أنتم العرب الكرام

1. By my life, you are the noble Arabs
And those whose light guides all people

١. لعمري أنتم العرب الكرام
ومن تهدي بنورهم الأنام

2. Your sublime glory reaches high
As a sword rises with its metal

٢. سمت بسمو مَجدكم المَعالي
كَما يَسمو بِجَوهره الحسام

3. Fate has submitted to you
As if you bridled its wildness

٣. وَدان لَكُم أَبو الدَهر حَتّى
كَأَنَكُم لِجامحه لِجام

4. Heads bow down before you
You are their crown in thick crowds

٤. وَطَأطَأت الرُؤوس لَكُم فَأَنتُم
لَها تاج إِذا اِشتَد الزحام

5. O branch of leaders from Quraysh
Each of you a singular leader

٥. فَيا فرع الأَئمة مِن قُريش
وَكُل منكُم فَرد إِمام

6. O essence of the choice from Minaf
Whose prestige protects the beasts

٦. وَيا عَين الخلاصة من مناف
وَمن بِجوارهم تحمى الذمام

7. O house of prophethood, a house
To which the greatest heavens submit

٧. وَيا بَيت النُبوة وَهوَ بَيت
تدين لَهُ السَموات العِظام

8. Did anyone but you see Gabriel
Flashing his sword amidst them?

٨. أَغَيركم بَدا جبريل فيهم
يَلوح عَلى ثَناياه القتام

9. And which house but yours has niches
Where prayer is offered time and again?

٩. وَهَل في غَير بَيتكم المَثاني
تكرر وَالصَلاة بِهِ تُقام

10. Yes, you truly guide people
Else they would wander in ignorance

١٠. نَعم أَنتُم هداة الناس حَقاً
ولولاكُم بوادي الجَهل هاموا

11. So the ignorant have illuminating light
And the happy have a sea or clouds

١١. فَللجهال نور مُستَضاء
وَلِلعافين بَحر أَو غَمام

12. Your glory is inherited by the noble ones of Fakhr
Valiant cavaliers, generous and eminent

١٢. تورث مَجدكم من آل فَخر
جَهابذة غَطارفة كِرام

13. They are the scholars and rulers among us
And rain when dearth prevails

١٣. هُم العُلَماء وَالأُمَراء فينا
وَهُم غَيث إِذا شح اللئام

14. They are the light of sublime glory
Illuminating shrines and darkness

١٤. وَهُم نور عَلى شَرَف المَعالي
تُضيء بِهِ الحَنادس وَالظَلام

15. Taha raised them to heights and glory
And Mawlana Ali, not Hisham

١٥. نَماهُم للعُلى وَالفَضل طه
وَمَولانا عَلي لا هِشام

16. A sea that gifts do not muddy
Protectors for those who come to them

١٦. بِحار لا تكدرها العَطايا
حُماة من أَتاهُم لا يُضام

17. Their virtues have grown great and lofty
For they are the greatest of the great

١٧. لَقَد عَظمت مَناقبهم وَجلت
لأَنَّهُم أَجلاء عِظام

18. I began with their ancestor Glory
And Abdullah was the seal

١٨. لَقَد بدئت بجدهم المَعالي
وَعَبد اللَه كانَ هوَ الخِتام

19. His heart cannot be consoled for any glory or merit
As wine cannot console

١٩. لَهُ في كُل مَكرُمة وَفَضل
فُؤاد ما تُسليه المدام

20. It is as if people in his presence are family
And life is like the family's sustenance

٢٠. كَأن الناس عِندَ نَداه آل
وَعمر مثل ما يهب اللئام

21. In his sublimity, envy shrank
Though their bodies were giant

٢١. تَصاغَرَت الحَواسد في عُلاه
وَإِن كانَت لَهُم جثث عظام

22. No equal to him stays among them
But he is pure gold free of impurities

٢٢. وَلَيسَ لشبهه فيهم مُقيماً
وَلَكن مَعدن الذَهب الرغام

23. Through him their insight awakened
Though their eyes were closed in sleep

٢٣. بِهِ اِنتَبَهت بَصائرهم وَكانَت
مُفتحة عُيونهُم نِيام

24. None among them has a twin
None but food can be their match

٢٤. وَما مِنهُم لَهُ شَخص قَرين
وَما أَقرانها إِلا الطَعام

25. When Abdullah appears, swords shine
As if their tips are poisoned

٢٥. إِذا ما بانَ عَبد اللَه وَلت
كَأَن قنا فَوارسها ثمام

26. In his presence, their eloquent are muted
Though they are ornate and wordy

٢٦. وَأَعيت عِنده الفصحاء مِنهُم
وَإِن كثر التَجمل وَالكَلام

27. If fate humbled foreign lands one day
It would avoid his sharpened sword

٢٧. فَلو رَعَت الذمام العجم يَوماً
تَجَنب عُنق صيقله الحسام

28. Our world is worthless
And we are like its riffraff

٢٨. وَدنيانا لأحقر كُل شَيء
وَأشبهنا بِدُنيانا الطغام

29. If not for the wisdom of the Judge among us
Armies would rise and darkness spread

٢٩. وَلَولا حكمة الديان فينا
تَعالى الجَيش وَاِنحَطَ القتام

30. If they sought ascension or height
His swords would strike their necks

٣٠. وَلَو راموا رقياً أَو عروجاً
لرتبته أَسامهم المسام

31. You have the right while they are debris
Though debris contains some light

٣١. وَحَقك هُم وإِن كَثروا حطاماً
ضِياء في بَواطنه ظَلام

32. They and youth and intoxication
Are life and its bathhouse

٣٢. لَهُم كَالشَباب السكر وَالشي
ب هما فَالحَياة هِيَ الحمام

33. Time was miserly in granting his equal
Yet no miser is blamed

٣٣. لَقَد بخل الزَمان لَهُ بمثل
وَلا كُل عَلى بُخل يُلام

34. Reality's tongue says I
Stay in the station of the likes of them

٣٤. يَقول لَهُم لسان الحال إِني
لِمثل عند مثلهم مقام

35. By nature, he avoids vices
Only the generous avoid them

٣٥. تَجنَب عَن مَخازي اللؤم طَبعاً
فَلَيسَ يَفوتها إِلا الكرام

36. Where virtues are complete
And fully possessed by their people

٣٦. فَما أسنى المَكارم حَيث تَمت
وَكانَ لأَهلِها مِنها التَمام

37. Since he and his father became sublime
Lofty like the clouds and lightning

٣٧. وَلَما أَن عَلا وَعَلا أَبوه
أَنافا ذا المغيث وَذا اللكام

38. He passes by the prey's scent
But passes like the clouds

٣٨. يَمُر عَلى أُنوف الصَيد لَكِن
يَمُر بِها كَما مَر الغَمام

39. We suckled his protective palm
So we live like the crescent whose feeder doesn't wean

٣٩. رَضعنا كَفه الهامي فَعشنا
بَدر ما لراضعه فِطام

40. His beauty and favors remain
As some gifts are lasting

٤٠. يَدوم عَلى مَحاسنه وَيَبقى
وَمن إِحدى عَطاياه الدوام

41. He covered the eras' evils from us
Like pearls conceal a string

٤١. لَقَد غَطى مَساوي الدَهر عنا
كَسلك الدر يخفيه النِظام

42. Every rank he reached loves him
And lovers enjoy passion

٤٢. تعشق كُل مَرتبة تَسامَت
وَمَن يَعشق يلذ لَهُ الغَرام

43. I craved him and he craved me
And kept his devotion so no sickness came

٤٣. بِهِ شغفت وَكانَ بِها شغوفاً
وَواصلها فَلَيسَ بِهِ سقام

44. In knowledge, he was mature as a child
We know not if old or young

٤٤. تَكمل في المَعارف وَهوَ طفل
فَما نَدري أَشيخ أَم غُلام

45. You can judge if you question him
But do not debate or contend

٤٥. تَحكم إِن أَرَدت لَهُ سُؤالاً
وَأَما في الجِدال فَلا يُرام

46. Some took his gifts with praise
While others clenched tightly in blame

٤٦. فَأَخذ عَطائه لِلناس مدح
وَقَبض نَوال بَعض القَوم ذام

47. His hands remain around necks
Like necklaces, people the pigeons

٤٧. أَقامَت في الرقاب لَهُ أَياد
هِيَ الأَطواق وَالناس الحمام

48. Every merit inclined to him
As sorrows incline in years

٤٨. فَكُل فَضيلة قصرت عَلَيه
كَما الأَنواء حينَ تعد عام

49. A youth whose sharp swords protect the helpless
When their edges make blood flow

٤٩. فَتى تَحمي صَوارمه الغَواني
إِذا بِشفارها حمي اللطام

50. If you gave news of him in the West
They would give what they prayed and fasted for

٥٠. فَلو بشرت من بِالغَرب فيهِ
لأَعطوك الَّذي صَلوا وَصاموا

51. In calamities he has comrades and a people
Horses and spears with banners

٥١. لَهُ في الرَوع أَصحاب وَقَوم
خِفاف وَالرِماح بِها عرام

52. With bravery they repel battalions
Stabbing and striking constantly

٥٢. لَهُم رَد الجَحافل بِالعَوالي
وَشزر الطَعن وَالضَرب التؤام

53. A shyness makes oppressors recoil before them
And arrows avoid their faces

٥٣. حياء يَنكص الظامي لَدَيهم
وَتَنبو عَن وَجوههم السهام

54. O you who bears every burden
As bodies bear their bones

٥٤. فَيا مَن قَد تحمل كُل عبء
كَما حملت مِن الجَسد العِظام

55. Is one like you resembled, O son of Glory
Your father is the decisive king

٥٥. أَمثلك مَن يُشابه يا ابن فَخر
وَجدك حيدر الملك الهمام

56. You earn the kingdom by right
While people share your wishes

٥٦. وَمالك أَنتَ تكسبه بِحَق
وَيشرك في رَغائبه الأَنام

57. You do not really have surplus
For surplus deserves blame

٥٧. وَلَست بِصاحب للوفر حَقاً
لأَن بصحية يَجب الذمام

58. If your palm touched anyone
Though diseased, you would shake hands

٥٨. إِذا ما حل كَفك كُنت مَولى
تُصافحه يَد فيها جذام

59. Your symbols are munificence and spearing
The aware army knows this

٥٩. عَلامتك النَدى وَالطَعن شزراً
بِهَذا يَعلم الجَيش اللهام

60. Eids have smiled good news to you
As if you are time's smile

٦٠. لَقَد ضَحِكَت لَكَ الأَعياد بشراً
كَأَنَّك في فَم الزَمَن اِبتِسام

61. And this Eid brings tidings saying
God's prayers and peace be upon you

٦١. وَهَذا العيد جاءَ يَقول مَعنى
عَلَيكَ صَلاة رَبك وَالسَلام