1. Love remained steadfast, no doubt it stays
And passion appeared, so it plays with my heart
١. ثبت الحُب وَهوَ لا شَك ماكث
وَبَدا الوَجد فَهوَ بِالقَلب عابث
2. A group has passed, loving Taha
And I have become the heir of lovers
٢. ثلة قَد مَضَت عَلى حُب طَه
وَأَنا صرت للمُحبين وارث
3. The chest is frozen with praise in my heart
And my tongue and heart have become third
٣. ثلج الصَدر لِلمَديح بِقَلبي
وَلِساني وَقلبي صارَ ثالث
4. The universe is filled with his glory
So in the hearts of worshipers it blows praise
٤. ثمل الكَون من ثَناه فَأَضحى
في قُلوب العِباد بِالمَدح نافث
5. The blemish of religion, his book has blocked it
Ask his friend about every violate
٥. ثلمة الدين سدها بِكتاب
سل إفرنده عَلى كُل ناكث
6. The injustice of blasphemy, it is the lowest thing
Since it has become, from its teeth, unstopping
٦. ثلب الكُفر فَهوَ أَحقر شَيء
إِذ غَدا مِن سنانه غَير لابث
7. Steadfast of heart and proof, his message
To guide us from God, incentives
٧. ثابت القَلب وَالحجى بعثته
لهدانا مِن الإِله بَواعث
8. From my wit, thousands of my praises have hidden
So every covetous has avoided his mention
٨. ثابَ من فطنَتي هزار مَديحي
فَتَوارى مِن ذكره كُل لاهث
9. Then I became, without him, self-sufficient
And took refuge in him from every accident
٩. ثُم أَصبَحت عَن سِواه غَنياً
وَتَحصنت فيهِ مِن كُل حادث
10. I hope for the fruit of union, because I
Without the Hashimi, have become bereaved
١٠. ثمر الوَصل أَرتجيه لأَني
عَن سوى الهاشمي أَصبَحت غارث