1. The truth emerged in meaning and word
So we looked upon it in every moment
١. ظَهَرَ الحَق مِن مَعان وَلَفظ
فَنَظَرنا إِلَيهِ مِن كُل لَحظ
2. It continued to rise with the nobility of Quraysh
Who broke every roughness around its sanctity
٢. ظَلَ يَعلو بِسادة مِن قُريش
قَصموا عَن حَريمه كُل فَظ
3. They supported it with their souls and wealth
With generosity that anger never soured
٣. ظاهروه بِأَنفس وَبِمال
عَن سَماح ما شيب يَوماً بغيظ
4. They willingly endured fiery exile
And forgot in its presence any share
٤. ظمئوا في هَواجر القيظ طَوعاً
وَنَسوا في جنابه كُل حَظ
5. They succeeded when they held to the Prophet
And what came of limits and preaching
٥. ظفروا إِذ تَمَسكوا بنبي
وَبِما جاءَ مِن حُدود وَوعظ
6. The darkness of idolatry it erased with light
We have recited it between study and memorization
٦. ظلمة الشرك قَد أَزالَ بِنور
قَد تلوناه بَينَ دَرس وَحفظ
7. His belief in God was strong conviction
Where he suffered for His sake every harshness
٧. ظنه بِالإِله ظَن قَوي
حَيث عانى لِوجهه كُل لَظ
8. Oppressive is whoever disobeyed Him ungrateful
He will meet on the Day of Meeting every wrath
٨. ظالم كُل مَن عَصاه كَفور
سَوف يَلقى يَوم اللقا كُل غنظ
9. If you would see speech that humbles pearls
When any word is uttered
٩. ضاعن للعلى يريك كَلاماً
يَخجل الدُر عِندَ إِيراد لَفظ
10. Manifest are the truth and chastity pleasant
Is the mention at every bite and sip
١٠. ظاهر الصدق وَالصيانة يحلو
ذكره عِندَ كُل مضغ وَلَمظ