
The travelers have embarked on their journey, and below us

طرقت أسيماء الرحال ودوننا

1. The travelers have embarked on their journey, and below us
Lies a plain stretching from Jufaydah’s valley to Kuthayb.

١. طَرَقَت أُسَيماءُ الرِحالَ وَدونَنا
مِن فَيدِ غَيقَةَ ساعِدٌ فَكَثيبُ

2. Beyond lie the hills, the angels, obscured before our eyes-
The sacred heights of Jerusalem and its depths.

٢. فَالطَودُ فَالمَلَكاتُ أَصبَحَ دونَها
فَفِراعُ قُدسَ فَعُمقُها فَحُسوبُ

3. If you have decided, daughter of Malik, to cast off restraint
Though counsel about that course may be right or wrong,

٣. فَلَئِن صَرمتِ الحَبلَ يا اِبنَةَ مالِكٍ
وَالرَأيُ فيهِ مُخطِىءٌ وَمُصيبُ

4. Know that I am a man who has endured tribulation
And suffered many sorrows throughout my life.

٤. فَتَعَلَّمي أَنّي اِمرِأٌ ذو مِرَّةٍ
فيما اَلَمَّ مِنَ الخُطوبِ صَليبُ

5. I spurn baseness; I do not clothe myself with it.
My share of good and ill in this world is sufficient.

٥. أَدعُ الدَناءَةَ لا أُلابِسُ أَهلَها
وَلَدَيَّ مِن كَيسِ الزَمانِ نَصيبُ

6. White partridges shelter on its southern slopes,
And a few mountain cows and some crosses.

٦. وَمُعَبَّدٍ بَيضُ القَطا بِجُنوبِهِ
وِمِنَ النَواعِجِ رِمَّةٌ وَصَليبُ

7. I scared off the secure birds and beasts of prey
With the howling of my hungry, threadbare camel.

٧. نَفَّرتُ آمِنَ طَيرِهِ وَسِباعِهِ
بِبُغامِ مِجذامِ الرَواحِ خَبوبُ

8. I feel as though my camel is stumbling over uneven ground
Baring his gums, his loose teeth displayed.

٨. أَجُدٍ كَأَنَّ الرَحلَ فوقَ مُقَلَّصٍ
عاري النَواهِقِ لاحَهُ التَقريبُ

9. He sticks out his tongue as if
Scratching for locusts with his front teeth.

٩. عَدَلَ النُهاقُ لِسانَهُ فَكَأَنَّهُ
إِمّا تَخَمَّطَ لِلشُحاجِ نَقيبُ

10. And rain came pelting down, battering my shoulders,
Its edge like the lower end of an upturned bucket.

١٠. وَلَقَد هَبَطت الغَيثَ يَدفَعُ مَنكَبي
طِرفٌ كَسافِلَةِ القَناةِ ذَنوبُ

11. When the bit is attached, the ants seem
Like a man waving both hands in welcome.

١١. نَمِلٌ إِذا ضُفِرَ اللِجامَ كَأَنَّهُ
رَجُلٌ يُنَوِّهُ بِاليَدَينِ سَليبُ

12. The ram moves backwards before the ewes as if
He were an ardent lover serenading his beloved.

١٢. حامٍ عَلى دُبُرِ الشِياهِ كَأَنَّهُ
إِذا جَدَّ سَجلٌ نَزُّهُ مَصبوبُ

13. Hailstones were driven on me rapidly
Scattered between them tongues of flame.

١٣. بَرِدٌ تُقَحِّمُهُ الدَبورُ مَراتِباً
مُلقى ضَواحي بَينِهِنَّ لُهوبُ

14. Peering ahead with my hand, I rose and went on,
Following steadily in my course.

١٤. مُتَطَلِّعٌ بِالكَفِّ يَنهَضُ مُقدِماً
مُتَتابِعٌ في جَريِهِ يَعبوبُ

15. The dissenter, when events confront him, though his leg
In their impact and speed may stumble.

١٥. رَبِذُ الخِلافِ إِذا اِتلَأَبَّ وَرِجلُهُ
في وَقعِها وَلَحاقِها تَحنيبُ