1. The palms are desolate amid strongholds between the sands and the meadows,
The wild replaced by the familiar from times gone by,
١. أَوحَشت النَخلُ مِن مَعاقِلِ فَالرَو
ضاتِ بَينَ الغَيساءِ فَالنُجُدِ
2. After years aloft its arenas
You hear within prizes of money,
٢. بُدِّلتِ الوَحشَ بِالأَنيسِ لِما
مَرَّ عَلَيها مِن سالِفِ الأَبَدِ
3. It guards its pack and protects them
A gaze like a vigilant doe, unsheathed,
٣. بَعدَ سَوامٍ تَعلو مَسارِحَهُ
تَسمَعُ فيهِ جَوائِزَ النَقَدِ
4. And a swimmer, gathering, clawed by
Every unruly leader like a lion,
٤. يَحرُسُ أَكلاءَهُ وَيَحفَظُهُ
طِرفٌ كَتَيسِ الظِباءِ مُنجَرِدِ
5. It has no prophecy, so it refused it
On a day of wagering, from it no acceptance or rejection,
٥. وَسابِحٍ مُدمِجٍ يَخرِشُهُ
كُلُّ عُنودِ القِيادِ كَالمَسَدِ
6. O can you see the lightning in the darkness of its knuckles
In a growling thunder, its temples clenched,
٦. لَيسَت لَهُ نَبوَةٌ فَنَكرَهُها
يَومَ رِهانٍ مِنهُ وَلا طَرَدِ
7. It leaned on the dome of ruins gloriously
The pole glittering between the sands and the rocks,
٧. يا هَل تَرى البَرقَ بِتُّ أَرقَبُهُ
في مُكفَهِرٍّ نَشاصُهُ قَرَدِ
8. It leaves them, the endings, scattered,
Like fresh, loosened headbands,
٨. مالَ عَلى قُبَّةِ البُثاءِ فعز
زَ المَترُ بَينَ الرَجلاءِ فَالجُمُدِ
9. When a Yemeni wind passes it
It returns its banners to the textile,
٩. يَترُكُ مِنها النِهاءُ مُفرِطَةً
مِثلَ الرِياطِ المَنشورَةِ الجُدُدِ
10. If yesterday I stroked the soil, could
Death after me turn from anyone?
١٠. إِذامَرَتهُ ريحٌ يَمانِيَّةٌ
يَرُدُّ رَيعانَهُ إِلى نَضَدِ
11. Every person has lost his loved ones
And a Muslim his face turned to the homeland,
١١. إِن أَمسِ رَمساً تَحتَ التُرابِ فَهَل
تَصرِفُ بَعدي المَنونُ عَن أَحَدِ
12. I opened my shop spreading it
With luggage atop the brilliant camels
١٢. كُلُّ اِمرِئٍ فاقِدٌ أَحبَتهُ
وَمُسلِمٍ وَجهَهُ إِلى البَلَدِ
13. My eyes pierce the cups yet I do not
Get drunk from their scent and I do not flinch,
١٣. وَقَد أُغادي الحانوت أَنشُرُهُ
بِالرَحلِ فوقَ العَرانَةِ الأُجُدِ
14. I avoid the era of scheming, and I
Slay the hunger of the wretched outcast
١٤. تَنفُذُ عَيني إِلى الكَياسِ وَلا
أَسكَرُ مِن ريحِها وَلَم أَكَدِ
15. And I bring down the fearful stranger with it
I fold up the day with a slumbering wail
١٥. وَاِترُك القَرنَ مِنَ المَكرِ وَقَد
أَقتُلُ جوعَ المُحَوَّلِ الصَرِدِ
16. Barefoot, its vessels,
Clouds like frightened ewes, restless,
١٦. وَأَهبِطُ العازِبَ المَخوفَ بِهِ
أَطوي النَهارَ بِسابِحٍ نَهِدِ
17. It did not contend with veils and its
Heat did not weary it, nor did it object
١٧. أَجرَدَ مَدلوكَةٍ مَعاقِمُهُ
فُقمٌ كَشاةِ الصَريمَةِ العَتَدِ
١٨. لَم يَتَخاوَشِ مِنَ النِقابِ وَلَم
يُزرِ بِهِ قَيظُهُ وَلَم يَرِدِ