
O Mahdi who insults me unjustly

أيا أيها المهدي لي الشتم ظالما

1. O Mahdi who insults me unjustly
I am not deserving when I am mentioned with insult

١. أيا أَيُّها المُهدي لِيَ الشَتمَ ظالِماً
وَلَستُ بِأَهلٍ حينَ أُذكَرُ لِلشَتمِ

2. Insult refuses that I am a master and son of masters
Obeyed in heyjah, obeyed for crime

٢. أَبى الشَتمَ أَنّي سَيِّدٌ وَاِبنُ سادَةٍ
مَطاعينَ في الهَيجا مَطاعيمَ لِلجُرمِ

3. They granted harm upon your father and stabbed
And that which is thrown disgracefully and does not throw

٣. هُم مَنَحوا الضُرّا أَباكَ وَطاعَنوا
وَذاكَ الَّذي يُرمى ذَليلاً وَلا يَرمي

4. Like a shaved in the darkness of night, belted
Saw death turning and the swords with it stabbing

٤. كَمُستَلحَمٍ في ظُلمَةِ اللَيلِ مِحزِماً
رَأى المَوتَ صِرفاً وَالسُيوفَ بِها تُضمي

5. Educated on the patterns of free white (women)
Facing the two grandfathers, glorious pillar

٥. أَدِبّ عَلى أَنماطِ بَيضاءَ حُرَّةٍ
مُقابَلَةِ الجَدَّينِ ماجِدَةِ العَمِ

6. And you for skilled hands, if sold
Would not have come with a spear or arrow

٦. وَأَنتَ لِحُنَفاءِ اليَدَينِ لَو أَنَّها
تُباعُ لِما جاءَت بِزِندٍ وَلا سَهمِ

7. And I am upon what was the first of firsts
Upon it is the palm produced for the palm

٧. وَإِني عَلى ما كانَ أَوَّلُ أَوَّلي
عَلَيهِ كَذاكَ القَرمُ يُنتَجُ لِلقَرمِ

8. And I honor myself from a lowly matter
With which I protect my honor and console my words

٨. وَأُكرِمُ نَفسي عَن أُمرٍ دَنيئَةٍ
أَصونُ بِها عِرضي وَآسو بِها كَلمي

9. And I pardon whoever, if I wished, I would repay him
But my rationality prevents me and my patience reaches me

٩. وَأَصفَحُ عَمَّن لَو أَشاءُ جَزَيتُهُ
فَيَمنَعُني رُشدي وَيُدرُكني حُلُمي

10. And I forgive the master even if of great
Transgression, it does not narrow within my body

١٠. وَأَغفِرُ لِلمَولى وَإِن ذو عَظيمَةٍ
عَلى البَغيِ مِنها لا يَضيقُ بِها جُرمي

11. So these are my actions as long as I remain
Entrusted with them are my consequence, my people, and my kin

١١. فَهَذيِ فِعالي ما بَقيتُ وإنَّني
لَموصٍ بِها عَقبي وَقَومي وَذا رَحمي