
His anxiety grew with the shining of the morning star

تطاول همه ببراق سعر

1. His anxiety grew with the shining of the morning star
For their sake, and what time is remembrance?

١. تَطاوَلَ هَمُّهُ بِبُراقِ سِعرِ
لِذاكِرِهِم وَأَيُّ أَوانِ ذكرِ

2. As if fire brings out my clothes
And enters my heart after people's sleep

٢. كَأَنَّ النارَ تُخرِجُها ثِيابي
وَتَدخُلُ بِعدَ نَومِ الناسِ صَدري

3. And Abbas harms me
Though I did no wrong but the sin of the desert

٣. وَعَبّاسٌ يُدِبُّ لِيَ المَنايا
وَما أَذنَبتُ إِلّا ذَنبَ صُحرِ

4. Were it not for Ibn Tamadhir's sons being harmed
And which of you is other than a deceiving sorcerer?

٤. وَلَولا اِبنا تُماضِرَ أَن يُساؤوا
وَأَي مِنك غَيرُ صَريمِ سَحرِ

5. The proverbs would spend the night with me
About a she-camel whose teats I milked when she was virgin

٥. لِباتَت تَضرِبُ الأَمثالَ عِندي
عَلى نابٍ شَرِبتُ بِها وَبِكرِ

6. And I forget those whom I separate from other than Qal
And I am more patient with them than the family of Amr

٦. وَتَنسى مَن أُفارِقُ غَيرَ قالٍ
وَأَصبِرُ عَنهُمُ مِن آلِ عَمرِو

7. Do you know that the patched garment of Marubb
I was cleared by retaliation and ransom

٧. وَهَل تَدرينَ أَن مارُبَّ خِرقٍ
رُزِئتُ مُبَرَّأً بِقَصاصِ وَترِ

8. A brother of trust, when adversity turns away
And a people of shyness, guests and slaughter

٨. أَخي ثِقَةٍ إِذا الضَراءُ نابَت
وَأَهلَ حَياءِ أَضياف وَنَحرِ

9. Like a boulder left for the squadron
At the peak or Muawiyah ibn Amr

٩. كَصَخرٍ لِلسَرِيَّةِ غادَروهُ
بِذَروةَ أَو مُعاوِيَةَ بنِ عَمرِو

10. And a corpse in ritual impurity desecrated my throne
Like a boulder or like Amr or like Bishr

١٠. وَمَيتٍ بِالجَنابِ أَثَلَّ عَرشي
كَصَخرٍ أَو كَعَمرٍو أَو كَبِشرِ

11. And another with half poems from a destroyer
He has perished by the Lord of your father, my patience

١١. وَآخَرَ بِالنَواصِفِ مِن هِدامٍ
فَقَد أَودى وَرَبِّ أَبيكِ صَبري

12. So I did not see the like of them alive for war
They stood between Qadhiyah and Hijr

١٢. فَلَم أَرَ مِثلَهُم حَيّاً لِقاحاً
أَقاموا بَينَ قاضَيَةٍ وَحِجرِ

13. More steadfast against the turns of fate
And he instructed them in it with patience

١٣. أَشُدُّ عَلى صَروفِ الدَهرِ إِدّاً
وَآمَرَ مِنهُم فيها بِصَبرِ

14. And most generous when people were miserly of tents
And most praising of noble traits and carrier of burdens

١٤. وَأُكرَمَ حينَ ضَنَّ الناسُ خيماً
وَأَحمَدَ شيمَةً وَنَشيلَ قَدرِ

15. When the beautiful woman does not beat her hands together
And her sight is not shortened through veiling

١٥. إِذا الحَسناءُ لَم تَرحَض يَدَيها
وَلَم يُقصَر لَها بَصَرٌ بِسَترِ

16. They satisfied their guests with profit through sale
That comes with the perfume of the yellow wine skin

١٦. قَروا أَضيافَهُم رَبَحاً بِبُحٍّ
تَجيءُ بِعبقَرِيِّ الوَدقِ سُمرِ

17. Spears of a cultured man carried blades
That shine as if they are stars of dawn

١٧. رِماحُ مُثَقِّفٍ حَمَلَت نِصالاً
يَلحنَ كَأَنَّهُنَّ نُجومُ فَجرِ

18. The polishers purified them
Places all of which flee with castration

١٨. جَلاها الصَيقَلونَ فَأَخلَصوها
مَواضِيَ كُلُّها يَفري بِبَترِ

19. They are the left hands if Jumada is arid
With every patient, lofty and generous one

١٩. هُم الأَيسارُ إِن قَحَطَت جُمادى
بِكُلِّ صَبيرٍ سارِيَةٍ وَقَطرِ

20. They repel the raider from his desire
With a stab that splits the skull with bursting

٢٠. يَصُدّونَ المُغيرَةَ عَن هَواها
بِطَعنٍ يَفلُقُ الهاماتِ شَزرِ

21. He learned that the best people for orphans
On the morning of wind and dust

٢١. تَعَلَّمَ أَنَّ خَيرَ الناسِ طُرّاً
لولَدانِ غَداةَ الريحِ غُبرِ

22. And the widow, the needy, the sword-bearing
The penniless, the incapable, mother of Sakhir

٢٢. وَأَرمَلَةٍ وَمُعَتَّرٍ مُسَيفٍ
عَديم المال عَجزةِ أُمِّ صَخرِ