
O you whose grieving heart is heavy with care

يا من لقلب شديد الهم محزون

1. O you whose grieving heart is heavy with care
In the evening remembering Rai'a mother of Harun

١. يا مَن لِقَلبٍ شَديدِ الهَمِّ مَحزونِ
أَمسى تَذَكَّرَ رَيّا أُمَّ هارونِ

2. In the evening remembering her after she walked away
And time is harsh at times, and at times gentle

٢. أَمسى تَذَكَّرَها مِن بَعدِ ما شَحَطَت
وَالدَهرُ ذو غِلظَةٍ حيناً وَذو لينِ

3. If love for her has become our evening sorrow
And advice from her does not come to me in the morning

٣. فَإِن يَكُن حُبُّها أَمسى لَنا شَجناً
وضأَصبَحَ الرَأيُ مِنها لا يُؤاتيني

4. We were rich and time's circumstances bring us together
I obey Rai'a and Rai'a does not disobey me

٤. فَقَد غَنَينا وَشَملُ الدَهرِ يَجمَعُنا
أُطيعُ رَيّا وَرَيّا لا تُعاصيني

5. They throw accusations but do not miss their opponents
With sincere friendship hidden in the heart

٥. تَرمي الوُشاةُ فَلا تُخطي مَقاتِلَهُم
بِصادِقٍ مِن صَفاءِ الوُدِّ مَكنونِ

6. I have a cousin who has character and I have character
We disagreed so leave him be and leave me be

٦. وَلي اِبنُ عَمٍّ لَهُ خُلقٌ وَلي خُلُقٍ
قَد اِختَلَفنا فَأقليهِ وَيَقليني

7. It seems to me that our ostriches have been separated
So leave him alone without me, rather I left him without me

٧. أَزرى بِنا أَنَّنا شالَت نَعامَتُنا
فَخالَني دونَهُ بَل خِلتُهُ دوني

8. O cousin you think yourself nobler than me
You do not judge me so do not condemn me

٨. لاه اِبنُ عَمِّكَ أَفضَلتَ في حَسَبٍ
عَنّى وَلا أَنتَ دَيّاني فَتَخزوني

9. You cannot provide for my family on a day of poverty
Nor with yourself make me self-sufficient in times of hardship

٩. وَلا تَقوتُ عِيالي يَومَ مَسغَبَةٍ
وَلا بِنَفسِكَ في العَزّاءِ تَكفيني

10. If you want the honor of the world to be diminished through me
Then that is not what grieves me

١٠. فَإِن تُرِد عَرَضَ الدُنيا بِمَنقَصَتي
فَإِنَّ ذَلِكَ مِمّا لَيسَ يُشجيني

11. Nothing but patience shows loss
And nothing else, for God is enough for me

١١. وَلا يُرى في غَيرِ الصَبرِ مَنقَصَةٌ
وَما سِواهُ فَإِنَّ اللَهَ يَكفيني

12. If not for family ties you would not keep them
And fear of God against those who do not oppose me

١٢. لَولا أَياصِرُ قُربى لَستَ تَحفَظُها
وَرَهبَةُ اللَهِ فيمَن لا يُعاديني

13. Then I would consider you innocent without coercion
I saw you do not cease to blame me

١٣. إِذاً بَرَيتُكَ بَرياً لا اِنجبارَ لَهُ
إِنّي رَأَيتُكَ لا تَنفَكُّ تَبريني

14. Indeed, He who gives and withholds the world
If He has made you needless of me, He will make me needless of you

١٤. إِنَّ الَّذي يَقبِضُ الدُنيا وَيَبسطُها
إِن كانَ أَغناكَ عَنّي سَوفَ يُغنيني

15. And God knows me and God knows you
And God will reward you for me and reward me

١٥. واللَهُ يَعلَمُني وَاللَهُ يَعلَمُكُم
وَاللَهُ يَجزَيَّكُم عَنّي وَيَجزيني

16. Why is it upon me when you are my relatives
That I not love you when you did not love me

١٦. ماذا عَلَيَّ وَإِن كُنتُم ذَوي رَحمي
أَن لا أُحِبَّكُم إِذ لَم تُحِبّوني

17. If you were to drink my blood your drinker would not be sated
Nor would your blood altogether quench my thirst

١٧. لَو تَشرَبونَ دَمي لَم يَروَ شارِبُكُم
وَلا دِماؤُكُم جَمعاً تُرَوّيني

18. O cousin if people's minds were set against me
I would remain shooting them with arrows

١٨. وَلي اِبنُ عَمِّ لَو أَنَّ الناسَ في كَبَدٍ
لَظَلَّ مُحتَجِزاً بِالنَبلِ يَرميني

19. Abbas if you do not stop insulting me and belittling me
I will strike you wherever the spot says "Quench my thirst"

١٩. عَبّاس إِن لَم تَدَع شَتمي وَمَنقَصَتي
أَضرِبكَ حَيثُ تَقولُ الهامَةُ اِسقوني

20. My sword is sharp, my mother did not raise a shepherd
Who herds miscarriages, and my view is not misguided

٢٠. دَرمٌ سِلاحي فَما أُمّي بِراعِيَةٍ
تَرعى المَخاضَ وَما رَأيي بِمَغبونِ

21. I am obstinate, stubborn, one who guards himself
And the son of one stubborn from two stubborn ones

٢١. إِنّي أَبِيُّ أَبِيٌّ ذو مَحافَظَةٍ
وَاِبنُ أَبِيٍّ أَبِيٍّ مِن أَبِيّينِ

22. Nothing but refusal comes from me to one who does not want compliance from me
And I do not soften for those who do not want me to soften

٢٢. لا يُخرِجُ القَسرُ مِنّي غَيرَ مَأَبِيَةٍ
وَلا أَلينُ لِمَن لا يَبتَغي ليني

23. Chaste, resistant - if I fear loss from a land
I do not linger in dishonor

٢٣. عَفٌ نَدودٌ إِذا ما خفتُ مِن بَلَدٍ
هوناً فَلَست بِوَقّافٍ عَلى الهونِ

24. Every person will one day revert to his true nature
Even if he pretends to be of another nature for a while

٢٤. كُلُّ اِمرِئٍ صائِرٌ يَوماً لِشيمَتِهِ
وَإِن تَخَلَّقَ أَخلاقاً إِلى حينِ

25. By your life I do not care for one of closed mind
To a friend, nor is deceit my best quality

٢٥. إِنّي لَعَمرُكَ ما بالي بِذي غَلَقٍ
عَنِ الصَديقِ وَلا خَيري بِمَمنونِ

26. I have the manners of noble folk
Corrupted, and I am not safe from corruption

٢٦. عِندي خَلائِقُ أَقوامٍ ذَوي حَسَبٍ
بِالمُنكَراتِ وَما فَتكي بِمَأمونِ

27. While you are a group more than a hundred
So gather your affairs, diverse, and plot against me

٢٧. وَأَنتُم مَعشَرٌ زَيدٌ عَلى مائَةٍ
فَاِجمَعوا أَمرَكُم شَتى فَكيدوني

28. If you know the path of righteousness, then set forth
And if you do not know the path of righteousness, then come to me

٢٨. فَإِن عَلمتُم سَبيلَ الرُشدِ فَاِنطَلِقوا
وَإِن جَهِلتُم سَبيل الرُشدِ فَأتوني

29. I used to give you my money and bestow upon you
My affection, steadfast, hidden in the heart

٢٩. قَد كُنتُ أُعطيكُمُ مالي وَأَمنَحُكُم
وُدّي عَلى مُثبَتٍ في الصَدرِ مَكنونِ

30. But, many lively people prone to rage and stupidity
I called to account when they were already in debt

٣٠. بَل رُبَّ حَيٍّ شَديدِ الشَغبِ ذي لَجَبٍ
دَعَوتُهُم رَهناً مِن بَعدِ مَرهونِ

31. I repaid their falsehood upon the speaker
Until they remain defeated adversaries

٣١. رَدَدتُ باطِلَهُم في رَأسِ قائِلِهِم
حَتّى يظلوا خُصوماً ذا أَفانينِ

32. Abbas, had you known me to be an agreeable man
Generous, who rewards those who reward me

٣٢. عَبّاسُ لَو كُنتَ لي أَلفَيتَني بَشَراً
سَماحاً كَريماً أُجازي مَن يُجازيني

33. By God, if my palm disliked my companionship
I would say, since it dislikes my closeness, let it be distant from me

٣٣. وَاللَهِ لَو كَرِهَت كَفّي مُصاحَبَتي
لَقُلتُ إِذ كَرِهَت قُربي لَها بيني