
Abbas, between us is like a crack in glass that cannot be mended.

أعباس إنا وما بيننا

1. Abbas, between us is like a crack in glass that cannot be mended.
You are not worthy of our regard, though you deserve our insults more.

١. أَعبّاسُ إِنّا وَما بَينَنا
كَصَدعِ الزُجاجَةِ لا يُجبَرُ

2. We are not the kind for what you have said, yet in insulting you we have more excuse.
I see you keenly observe she who refuses while to others blind.

٢. فَلَستَ بِكُفءٍ لِأَعراضِنا
وَأَنتَ بِشَتمِكُم أَجدَرُ

3. Your falling short of me is a gentle doe whose anger mutilates her fawn.
She is blue-coated, a sinner, when she shakes her hump she startles.

٣. وَلَسنا بِأَهلٍ لَما قُلتُمو
وَنَحنُ بِشَتمِكُمُ أَعذَرُ

4. Her teeth flash on her back like a fire lit on a watchtower.
A lively piebald like a pool inherited by donkeys before her.

٤. أَراكَ بَصيراً بِتِلكَ الَّتي
تُردُ وَعَن غَيرِها أَعوَرُ

5. That is a naked, Khayfanah, who, when the horses are scolded, is not scolded.
When the horses birth their young, you surpass in racing them.

٥. فَقَصرُكُ مِنّي رَقيقُ الذُبا
بِ عَضبُ كَريهَتِهِ مُبترُ

6. When the water wets their shoulders, they startle the steeds but do not dazzle.
I spur her from the west and drive her where none would deny.

٦. وَأَزرَقُ في رَأَسِ خَطِيَّةٍ
إِذا هَزَّ اِكعَبَها تَخطِرُ

7. I race her blameless with her red spittle frothing.
I say, and her kin have doubted, you betrayed; one like me is not betrayed.

٧. يَلوحُ السِنانُ عَلى مَتنِها
كَنارٍ عَلى مَرقَبٍ تُسعَرُ

8. And I call to witness against her the torrents of wars - indifferent is she to survival or uprooting.
Abbas, the ode has borrowed outside its own kind, which is shameful.

٨. وَزَعفٌ دِلاصٌ كَماءِ الغَديرِ
تَوارَثَهُ قَبلَهُ حِميَرُ

9. Why grasp what you cannot obtain, only to break yourself or lose?
For when the wager is desired, the lofty, daring one wins it.

٩. فَتِلكَ وَجَرداءُ خَيفانَةٌ
إِذا زُجِرَ الخَيلُ لا تُزجَرُ

10. You bargain when you lack the means, as if your hatred blinds you.
Your falling short, if it remains, I will preserve to sober you or intoxicate you.

١٠. إِذا أَلقَتِ الخَيلُ أَولادَها
فَأَنتَ عَلى جَريِها أَقدَرُ

11. My tongue and my sword together - behold which of them will strike first!

١١. مَتى يَبلُلِ الماءُ أَعطافَها
تَبُذُّ الجِيادَ وَما تُبهِرُ

١٢. أُنَهنِهُ بِالسَوطِ مِن غَربِها
وَأُقدمُها حَيثُ لا يُنكرُ

١٣. وَأَرحَضُها غَيرَ مَذمومَةٍ
بِلَبّاتِها العَلَقَ الأَحمَرُ

١٤. أَقولُ وَقَد شُكَّ أَقرابُها
غَدَرتَ وَمِثلي لا يُغدَرُ

١٥. وَأُشهِدُها غَمَراتِ الحُروبِ
فَسِيّانِ تَسلُمِ أَو تُعقَرُ

١٦. أَعبّاسُ أَنّ اِستَعارَ القَصيدُ
في غَيرِ مَعشَرِهِ مُنكَرُ

١٧. عَلامَ تَناوَلُ ما لا تَنالَ
فَتَقطَعُ نَفسَكَ أَو تَخسَرُ

١٨. فَإِنَّ الرِهانَ إِذا ما أُريدَ
فَصاحِبُهُ الشامِخَ المُخطِرُ

١٩. تُخاوِضُ لَم تَستَطِع عُدَّةً
كَأَنَّكَ مِن بُغضِنا أَعوَرُ

٢٠. فَقَصرُكَ مَأَثورَةٌ إِن بَقيت
أَصحو بِها لَكَ أَو أَسكَرُ

٢١. لِساني وَسَيفي مَعاً فَاِنظُرَن
إِلى تَلكَ إِيَّهُما تَبدُرُ