
I see Al-Abbas declining a little every day,

أرى العباس ينقص كل يوم

1. I see Al-Abbas declining a little every day,
Yet he claims it's from ignorance he grows.

١. أَرى العَبّاسَ يَنقُصُ كُلَّ يَومٍ
وَيَزعُمُ أَنَّهُ جَهلا يَزيدُ

2. If his resolves were undone and his composure lost,
He'd be just as he wishes, I suppose.

٢. فَلَو نُقَضَت عَزائِمُهُ وَبادَت
سَلامَتُهُ لَكانَ كَما يُريدُ

3. But vice has corrupted him,
And among his clan he's left a fraud.

٣. وَلَكِنَّ المَعايِبَ أَفسَدَتهُ
وَخلَّفَ في عَشيرَتِهِ زَهيدُ

4. Al-Abbas, son of Mirdas, son of Amr
A man's lies are the ugliest that he bears.

٤. فَعَبّاسُ بِنُ مِرداسِ بنِ عَمرٍو
وَكَذبُ المَرءِ أَقبَحُ ما يُفيدُ

5. I swear by the Lord of Mecca and the Sacred Mosque,
And by bearded elders donning their Jewish garb,

٥. حَلَفتُ بِرَبِّ مَكَّةَ وَالمُصَلّى
وَأَشياخٍ مُحَلَّقَةٍ تَهودُ

6. That you are a dear friend to us.
Yet you are far from what you love.

٦. بِأَنَّكَ مِن مَوَدَّتِنا قَريبٌ
وَأَنتَ مِنَ الَّذي تَهوى بِعيدُ

7. So rejoice if you live to see an evil day
That would turn a baby's hair white in fright,

٧. فَأَبشِر إِن بَقيتَ بِيَومِ سوءٍ
يَشيبُ لَهُ مِنَ الخَوفِ الوَليدُ

8. Like the day when you fled outpacing the horses,
With your heart aflutter and veins fit to burst.

٨. كَيَومِكَ إِذ خَرَجتَ تَفوقُ رَكضاً
وَطارَ القَلبُ وَاِنتَفَخَ الوَريدُ

9. Leave off foolish talk, do not say it,
For threats and warnings have gone on too long.

٩. فَدَع قَولَ السَفاهَةِ لا تَقُلهُ
فَقَد طالَ التَهَدُّدُ وَالوَعيدُ

10. We've seen those we fight against meet misfortune,
And who, O Bani Auf, meets fortune?

١٠. رَأَينا مَن نُحارِبُهُ شَقِيّاً
وَمَن ذا يا بَني عَوفٍ سَعيدُ