
A crescent moon sought when their plight grew grave

سائل هلالا إذ تفاقم أمرها

1. A crescent moon sought when their plight grew grave
And their dreams betrayed them, what refuge to crave

١. سائِل هِلالاً إِذ تَفاقَمَ أَمرُها
وَخانَتهُمُ أَحلامُهُم أَيَّ مَوئِلِ

2. And what man when people shunned giving them aid
Said, "We are destroyed, so mount and judge fair and aid"

٢. وَأَيَّ فَتىً إِذ أَحجَمَ الناسُ عَنهُمُ
وَقالوا هَلَكنا فَاِركَبِ الحُكمَ وَاِعدِلِ

3. When dawn rose crescents paused as though they
Amid injuries and dead stood by a spring to waylay

٣. غَداةَ هِلالٌ واقِفونَ كَأَنَّهُم
مِنَ الشَرِّ وَالقَتلى عَلى وِردِ مَنهَلِ

4. An tribe diseased, its evil ran rife
And wearied the emaciated in every stage and strife

٤. قُبَيِّلَةٌ داءَت وَأَثعَلَ شَرُّها
وَأَعيَت عَلى الآسينَ في كُلِّ مَزحَلِ

5. I tracked them until I dressed their wounds
And they yielded with bounty from the rule I maintain

٥. تَتَبَّعتُها حَتّى أَسَوتُ جُروحَها
وَجادَت بِمَعروفٍ مِنَ الحُكمِ فَيصَلِ

6. We had scope, we had scope in matters we postponed
For the despondent seeker, what scope postpone!

٦. وَسِعنا وَسِعنا في أُمورٍ تَمَهَّلَت
عَلى الطالِبِ المَوتورِ أَيَّ تَمَهُّلِ

7. We stretch means to every goal, however remote
Deeming its far rungs beyond all hope

٧. نَمُدُّ بِأَسبابٍ إِلى كُلِّ غايَةٍ
طِوالٍ ذُراها صَعبَةِ المُتَنَزَّلِ

8. While some tribes shatter heads against it
And whoso of the folk suffers it is given work

٨. يُصَعصِعُ أَقوامٌ إِلَيها رُؤوسَهُم
وَمَن يَتَجَشَّمها مِنَ القَومِ يُعمَلِ

9. But the doer is not to vainly dissolve
Rather where warring hundreds stall and solve

٩. فَلَيسَ الفَعالُ أَن تَنَحَّلَ باطِلاً
وَلَكِن لَدى غُرمِ المِئينَ المُعَقَّلِ

10. We strove for good tidings that day and its ilk
The bond of best effort though it ne'er lasts

١٠. سَعَينا لِبِشرٍ يَومَ ذاكَ وَرَهطِهِ
وَعُروَةَ خَيرَ السَعيِ لَو لَم يُبَدَّلِ

11. He of camels made superfluous, now counts
Mud yet but for our striving, no camels he mounts

١١. وَذي إِبِلٍ أَضحى يَعُدُّ فُضولَها
بَطيناً وَلَولا سَعيُنا لَم يُؤَبَّلِ

12. They knew our fine deeds for Ibn Malik
And in battle and war in Maqil's confine

١٢. لَقَد عَلِموا مَسعاتَنا في اِبنِ مالِكٍ
وَفي الجَونِ إِن عَدّوا وَفي حَربِ مَعقِلِ