
If you trace my lineage, you trace one with glorious deeds

إن تنسبوني تنسبوا ذا دسيعة

1. If you trace my lineage, you trace one with glorious deeds
Free from defects and shortcomings, glorious

١. إِن تَنسُبوني تَنسُبوا ذا دَسيعَةٍ
بَريئاً مِنَ الآفاتِ وَالنَقصِ ماجِدا

2. Encompassed by the lineages of all tribes
And who grasped a remote enemy with his claws

٢. تَكَنَّفُهُ أَنسابُ ذُبيانَ كُلِّها
وَنالَ بِأَظفارٍ عَدُوّاً أَباعِدا

3. And they will not find in any homeland near a meadow
When some people blame my honor, seeking help

٣. وَلَن يَجِدوا في مَوطِنٍ عِندَ سَرحَةٍ
إِذا ذُمَّ أَقوامٌ لِعِرضِيَ ناشِدا

4. And they knew that I do not hurl at them
Any of the disgraces that form necklaces

٤. وَقَد عَلِموا أَن لا أَجَرَّ عَلَيهِمُ
مِنَ المُخزِياتِ ما يَكونُ القَلائِدا

5. And how many rejected trifles from a tithe I have given
To remnants of years whose elbow you cannot push back

٥. وَكَم مُفرِهاتٍ مِن عِشارٍ مَنَحتُها
فُلولَ سِنينٍ لا تُدَرّونَ ساعِدا