
My father bears the banner which Harith

أبي حامل الألف التي جر حارث

1. My father bears the banner which Harith
Dragged at Murra when her men's veins did not quiver,

١. أَبي حامِلُ الأَلفِ الَّتي جَرَّ حارِثٌ
لِمُرَّةَ إِذ لَم يُرقِ عِرقاً رِجالُها

2. And we cherished life from his palm though
The melody of fortune forsook its right.

٢. وَنَحنُ وَدَينا الجَونَ مِن جَذمِ كَفِّهِ
غَناءَ اليَمينِ زايَلَتها شِمالُها

3. We, for Kinana's wound, her suffering have borne
And for a crescent moon, when her shoes were straitened,

٣. وَنَحنُ حَمَلنا عَن كِنانَةَ جُرحَها
وَجُرمَ هِلالٍ حينَ ضاقَت نِعالُها

4. And when the bowels of Ma'add were gripped with hunger
And when the mountains of Ma'add were stripped bare.

٤. وَنَحنُ إِذا ضاقَت مَعَدٌّ حُلومُها
وَنَحنُ إِذا خَفَّت مَعَدٌّ جِبالُها

5. We are not like a people who newly come to power,
Their wealth is seen, but their works are not felt.

٥. وَلَسنا كَقَومٍ مُحدِثينَ سِيادَةً
يُرى مالُها وَلا يُحَسُّ فَعالُها

6. Their labours are limited to their houses,
While our forays are dove-flighted raids sending their families into mourning.

٦. مَساعيهُمُ مَقصورَةٌ في بُيوتِهِم
وَمَسعاتُنا ذُبيانُ طُرّاً عِيالُها

7. They slander destiny in prosperity, but their benefit
Is little when possessions lose their savour,

٧. يُريغونَ في الخِصبِ الأُمورَ وَنَفعُهُم
قَليلٌ إِذا الأَموالُ طالَ هُزالُها

8. And we spoke without defect and spun with an effortless whorl
What time the fires of war sent up their flames.

٨. وَقُلنا بِلا عِيٍّ وَسُسنا بِطاقَةٍ
إِذا النارُ نارُ الحَربِ طالَ اِشتِعالُها