1. Did not his eloquence warn the sons of bastardy
When they satirized him while he was asleep?
١. أَلَم يَنهَ أَولادَ اللَقيطَةِ عِلمُهُم
بِزَبّانَ إِذ يَهجونَهُ وَهوَ نائِمُ
2. They can cope with al-A'sha and pour upon them
A tongue like the Indian swords, sharp and firm.
٢. يُطيقونَ بِالأَعشى وَصُبَّ عَلَيهِمُ
لِسانٌ كَصَدرِ الهِندُوانِيِّ صارِمُ
3. And indeed the one killed at al-Haba'
His writings, if he returns to oppression as an oppressor,
٣. وَإِنَّ قَتيلاً بِالهَباةِ في اِستِهِ
صَحيفَتُهُ إِن عادَ لِلظُلمِ ظالِمُ
4. When you read them, they will shatter your misguidance
And be recognized when the seals are undone from it,
٤. مَتى تَقرَؤوها تَهدِكُم مِن ضَلالِكُم
وَتُعرَف إِذا ما فُضَّ عَنها الخَواتِمُ
5. At the horse-post, by your father,
The essence of enmity restrained you with them.
٥. لَدى مَربِطِ الأَفراسِ عِندَ أَبيكُمُ
حَذاكُم بِها صُلبُ العَداوَةِ حازِمُ
6. So if you ask the horsemen of Dahis
He will inform you about it, a knowledgeable man from Ruwahah.
٦. فَإِن تَسأَلوا عَنها فَوارِسَ داحِسٍ
يُنَبِّئكَ عَنها مِن رَواحَةَ عالِمُ
7. Thus did Shurayk ibn Malik swear calmly
When we meet his opponent, he will not make peace.
٧. فَأَقسَمَ مُرتاحاً شَريكُ بنُ مالِكٍ
إِذا ما اِلتَقَينا خَصمَهُ لا يُسالِمُ
8. And he swore he will willingly come to the wronged one,
Yes, he will come to him while you are unwilling.
٨. وَأَقسَمَ يَأتي خُطَّةَ الضَيمِ طائِعاً
بَلى سَوفَ تَأتيها وَأَنفُكَ راغِمُ