
My sons of Mathwala, I have obeyed your counsel

أبني مثولة قد أطعت سراتكم

1. My sons of Mathwala, I have obeyed your counsel
Even if it kept me from warring a friend

١. أَبَني مَثولَةَ قَد أَطَعتُ سَراتَكُم
لَو كانَ عَن حَربِ الصَديقِ سَبيلُ

2. And the clan of Umayya, all their chiefs
And the clan of Riadh, if you consider them

٢. وَبَنو أُمَيَّةَ كُلُّهُم أُمَراؤُها
وَبَنو رِياحٍ إِن تُدُبِّرَ قيلُ

3. My steed shall carry me to you, though their host
Of the clan of Murra in Hejaz may seek to bar me

٣. سيري إِلَيكِ فَسَوفَ يَمنَعُ سَربَها
مِن آلِ مُرَّةَ بِالحِجازِ حُلولُ

4. A ring of men who made the desert void
As if they were the tribes of Manbij and Kathib

٤. حَلَقٌ أَحَلّوها الفَضاءَ كَأَنَّهُم
مِن بَينِ مَنبِجَ وَالكَثيبِ قُيولُ

5. And when alarmed my tunic hangs loose
Bare, with slit skirt gaping wide

٥. فَإِذا فَزِعتُ غَدَت بِبِزّي نَهدَةٌ
جَرداءَ مُشرِفَةُ القَذالِ دَؤولُ

6. An ugly roan whom, when I check, I find
Slack-girthed, the belt being worn through and sliding

٦. شَوهاءُ مُركَضَةٌ إِذا طَأطَأتُها
مَرَطى إِذا اِبتَلَّ الحِزامُ نَسولُ

7. I have made ready for the sons of Luqayt
My spear, my Indian blade, my iron coat of mail

٧. أَعدَدتُها لِبَني اللَقيطَةِ فَوقَها
رُمحي وَسَيفٌ صارِمٌ وَشَليلُ

8. And my tried charger, no shirker from the fray
When tribe meets tribe in the valley to prevail

٨. وَمُجَرَّبُ النَجَداتِ لَيسَ بِناكِلٍ
عَنهُ إِذا لاقى القَبيلَ قَبيلُ