1. I was told travelers on the road warned one another,
"Beware of ‘Aqil when they pitched tents at Dhinab,"
١. نُبِّئتُ رُكبانَ الطَريقِ تَناذَروا
عَقيلاً إِذا حَلّوا الذِنابَ فَصَرخَدا
2. A youth who shows his inmost thoughts outwardly
And entertains the guest with anger most intense,
٢. فَتىً يَجعَلُ المَحضَ الصَريحَ لِبَطنِهِ
شِعاراً وَيُقري الضَيفَ عَضباً مُهَنَّدا
3. We have stroked you like a dog wagging
Its tail fawningly to people knotted in deceit.
٣. مَسَحناكَ مَسحَ الكَلبِ إِذ أَنتَ باسِطٌ
ذُناباكَ حَتّى اِشتَلتَ لِلناسِ أَعقَدا
4. Worthless one, you have led yourself to drink
Vile water, yet the bridled donkey did not yield.
٤. عُوَيفَ اِستِها قَد سُقتَ نَفسَكَ تَنتَقي
سِوانا فَما فَما فُتَّ الحِمارَ المُقَيَّدا
5. And their chieftains have surrendered to a tribe
Of Daws who summon defectors and Asid.
٥. وَقَد أَسلَموا أَستاهُمُ لِقَبيلَةٍ
قُضاعِيَّةً يَدعونَ حُنّاً وَأَصيَدا
6. When I said I've made peace with Samh and Mazin,
Events abroad and their unbelief refused consent.
٦. إِذا قُلتُ قَد صالَحتُ شَمُخاً وَمازِناً
أَبى السَبَبُ النائي وَكُفرُهُمُ اليَدا
7. As for the clan of Badr, their affection still
Endures for the most noble and farthest goal,
٧. وَأَمّا بَنو بَدرٍ فَلا زالَ وُدُّهُم
عَلى الشَرَفِ الأَقصى وَأَبعَدَ أَبعَدا
8. And ‘Awf kindles for his tribe a fire
That blazes high above the drifting sands.
٨. وَيوقِدُ عَوفٌ لِلعَشيرَةِ نارَهُ
فَهَلّا عَلى جَفرِ الهَباءَةِ أَوقَدا