1. The life from your lightnings,
And the harvest from your towering roots.
١. الحَيَا من غُيوثِكَ البارقاتِ
والجَنَى من أُصولِكَ الباسِقاتِ
2. May you have the finest congratulations, congratulated by God,
While the enviers have the meanness of envy.
٢. لك طيبُ الهناءِ هَنَّأَكَ اللَّ
هُ وللحاسدينَ خُبْثُ الهَناتِ
3. Happiness sailed at your place in the morning,
While misfortunes were left with the enemies.
٣. أَبحَرَتْ عندكَ السّعودُ غَداةً
خلَّفَتْهَا النُّحوسُ عندَ عُداةِ
4. The bright stars are for you, as much as
Joy requires, O son of nobility.
٤. ولك الأَنْجُمُ السُّراةُ إِلى ما
يَقْتَضِيهِ السرورُ يا ابْنَ السَّراة
5. The precious pearl appeared so it made
Our words redundant like polished poems.
٥. ظهرَ الجوهَرُ الشريفُ فأَغنَى
عن أَحاديثِنا غِنَا المُرْهَفَاتِ
6. The horses declared their liberation in what
They presented on the tongues of the youth.
٦. وأَبانَتْ عن عِتْقِها الخيلُ فيما
أَعرضته على لِسانِ الشَّبَاةِ
7. Every day you have good news that run
With wishes, the carriages of congratulations.
٧. كُلَّ يومٍ لكَ البشائرُ تَحْدُو
بالأَمانِي رَكائِبَ التَّهْنِئاتِ
8. Blessings are with you, multiplied by God,
And the Father of Blessings made them last.
٨. بَرَكَاتٌ لديكَ وَفَّرَها اللَّ
هُ وأَبْقَى لها أَبَا البركات
9. The verse of the sun rose on his forehead,
And the sun has the verse of verses.
٩. طلَعَتْ في جبينِهِ آيةُ الشَّم
سِ وللشَّمسِ آيةُ الآياتِ
10. With it, the clouds of hopes unleashed
And the burials of life and life itself.
١٠. واستهلَّتْ به سحابُ الأَراجِي
ودفِينُ الحَيَا بها والحياةِ
11. So it is as if, having filled the hand
With astonishment and infatuation.
١١. فكأَنِّي به وقد مَلأَ الدَّسْ
تَ بِمُسْتَغْرَبِ اللُّهَى واللَّهاةِ
12. Clarifying the easy from every form
And explaining the problems.
١٢. مُطْلِقُ المُسْتَمِيحِ من كُلِّ شَكْلٍ
بيسيرٍ ومُوضِحُ المُشْكِلاتِ
13. With a judgment that pleases the souls of the elite,
Fairer than all the judges combined.
١٣. بقضاءٍ تَرْضَى به أَنفسُ الخَصْ
مَيْنِ عَدْلاً أَعْيَى جميعَ القُضاةِ
14. Whenever confusion occurs, it is resolved
With a cure placed in the pen.
١٤. كلما صَرَّتِ اليراعَةُ سَرَّتْ
بدواءٍ مَحَلُّهُ في الدَّواةِ
15. Diverting adversities from the days, perforce,
With recurring blessings.
١٥. يَصْرِفُ الحادِثاتِ من نُوَبِ الأَي
امِ قسراً بالأَنْعُمِ الحادِثاتِ
16. And succeeding the connections, like his father,
So connections are seen as sisters of the prayer.
١٦. ويُوالِي الصِّلاتِ مِثْلَ أَبيهِ
فيظُنُّ الصِّلاتِ أُخْتَ الصَّلاةِ
17. What effect in the body of any sword
And fang in the chest of any spear?
١٧. أَيُّ أَثْرٍ في مَتْنِ أَيَّ حُسامِ
وسنانٍ في صَدْرِ أَيِّ قناةِ
18. How many disobedients who split the stick so he hit them
With a Moses-like stick for the disobedient.
١٨. كم عصَاةٍ شَقُّوا العَصَا فرماهُمْ
بعَصاً مُوسَوِيَّةٍ للعُصاةِ
19. And how many misguided ones who fell into puzzles
That his opinions opened with guidance.
١٩. ودُهاةٍ تَوَرَّطُوا مُقْفَلاَتٍ
فَتَحَتْهَا آرَاؤُه بهُداةِ
20. And how many naked ones his meanings made rich,
Quickly, so no nakedness remained from the naked.
٢٠. وعُفاةٍ أَغناهُمُ بمَعَانِي
هِ سريعاً فلا عَفَتْ من عُفاةِ
21. We, in his shade, sleep so we fold
from the dew of his clouds with the verb "fold".
٢١. نَحْنُ في ظِلِّهِ نبيتُ فنُثْنِي
عن نَدَى سُحْبِهِ بلَفْظِ النَّباتِ
22. And on his generosity we alight with what we hear
Except the two words "here you are" and "give me".
٢٢. وعلى جُودِهِ نَحُطُ بما نَسْ
مع إلاَّ لفظَيْنِ هاكَ وهاتِ
23. A generous one, like Hatem, to all who
Hope for him or do not hope the impossible.
٢٣. كَرَمٌ حاتِمٌ على كُلِّ من يَرْ
جُوه أّوْ لاَ يرجوهُ من هَيْهَاتِ
24. And hands that show us honors
No matter what the honors necessitate.
٢٤. وأَيادٍ ترى لنا المَكْرُماتِ ال
غُرّ مَهْمَا اقْتُضِينَ للمكرماتِ
25. The naked ones knew their merit so they do not
Depart from it except to the Mount of Mercy.
٢٥. عَرَفَتْ فَضْلَها العُفاةُ فما تَرْ
حَلُ عنها إِلا إلى عَرَفَاتِ
26. With determination that helps whoever traveled
To the holy sites, yet he has no holy sites.
٢٦. بنوالٍ يُعِينُ مَنْ سارَ لِلْم
يقَاتِ مَعْ أَنَّهُ بِلاَ مِيقاتِ
27. Attributes that the family of Khalifa inherited,
Hitting purity with attributes.
٢٧. شِيَمٌ خَلَّفَتْ لآلِ خُلَيْفٍ
سِيَرًا تقرع الصَّفا بالصَّفات
28. And traits from noble and generous brothers
We fell from them to sisterly traits.
٢٨. وسجايا من إِخوةٍ سادَةٍ غُرٍّ
وَقَعْنَا منها على أَخوات
29. They - so do not weaken - like the four pillars
That tightened the structure of prayers.
٢٩. هُمْ فلا ضُعْضِعُوا كَأَرْبَعَةِ الأَرْ
كانِ شَدَّتْ بَنِيَّةَ الصَّلواتِ
30. So if you say what sea and Nile,
Let it be said what Tigris and Euphrates.
٣٠. فإذا قُلْتَ أَيُّ بَحْرٍ ونِيلٍ
فَلْيُقَلْ أَيُّ دِجْلَةٍ وفُرَاتِ
31. The sky of glories was adorned with them
With meanings of the bright planets.
٣١. زُيِّنَتْ مِنْهُمُ سَمَاءُ المعالي
بمعانِي الكواكبِ النَّيَّراتِ
32. Ali and his noble son are names
Shining in the darkness like two full moons.
٣٢. فعِليٌّ وصِنْوُه الفَذُّ إِسما
عيلُ بَدْرَانِ في دُجَى الظُّلُماتِ
33. They shone so the eyes of happiness shone upon them,
Faces in all directions.
٣٣. أَشْرَقَا فاجْتَلَتْهُما أَعْيُنُ السَّعْ
دِ وجُوهاً على جًمِيع الجِهات
34. And the Father of Glories and Abdullah ascended
The heights with those traits.
٣٤. وتسامَى أَبُو المعالِي وَعَبْدُ اللَّ
هِ سَمْتَ العُلاَ بتلكَ السِّماتِ
35. With comfort, wisdom, dignity,
Tranquility, activity, and steadfastness.
٣٥. بارتياحٍ وحِنْكَةٍ ووقارٍ
وسكونٍ ونَهْضَةٍ وثباتِ
36. Indeed, God has singled out Abd al-Wahhab,
Granting him the highest gifts among them.
٣٦. إِن عَبْدَ الوَهَّابِ قد خَصَّهُ اللَّ
ه تعالَى فيهمْ بأَسمى الهباتِ
37. With wealth and children, he equaled the deceased
Of the Greatest, the most high houses.
٣٧. بالرِّفا والبنينَ رَدَّ الذي فا
تَ من الأَعْظُمِ البوالِي الرُّفاتِ
38. And he saw what his father saw in him
Among his children - do not separate them.
٣٨. ورأَى ما رآهُ فيهِ أَبوهُ
من بَنيهِ لا رُوِّعوا بشَتاتِ
39. They inherited him while alive so his life continued
And the sweetest inheritance before death.
٣٩. ورثوه حَيًّا فدامَ له العُمْ
رُ وأَحْلَى الميراثِ قَبْلَ المَمَاتِ
40. So when people stare at him, deservedly,
To the laziness next to pleasures.
٤٠. فاذا أَحْدَقُوا به حَّقَ النَّا
سُ إِلى قشعمٍ بِجًنْبِ الراتِ
41. Happily, in Father of Blessings, the most
Desired, whatever blessings he wishes.
٤١. فهناءً ففي أَبي البركاتِ الْ
مُرْتَضَى ما يشاءُ من بَرَكاتِ
42. And apologies - my mind is excused
For falling short of obligations.
٤٢. واعتذاراً فخاطري ذو وَجيبٍ
عند تقصيرِهِ عن الواجباتِ
43. Some of your favors are upon the lady of the house,
So what can one say about the verses?
٤٣. بَعْضُ إِنعامِكم على رَبَّةِ الدُّو
رِ فماذا يقولُ في الأبياتِ