1. They left, and sickness stays with me,
And my heart is lovesick and pained.
١. رحَلوا فالسَقامُ عندي مُقيمُ
ولقلبي من الغرامِ غريمُ
2. I glanced with my eyes when they departed,
Indeed I am sick in the stars of transportation.
٢. وبطَرْفي نظرتُ لمّا استقلّوا
في نُجومِ الحُمولِ إنّي سَقيمُ
3. O shapes of the abode give me healing,
For a heart that has no shapes left of it.
٣. يا رسومَ الديارِ علّ شفاءً
لفؤادٍ لم يبْقَ منهُ رُسوم
4. Between the rain of tears which is turbulent,
And the winds of sighing which are poisons.
٤. بين غيثِ الدموعِ وهيَ أُجاجٌ
ورياحِ الزفيرِ وهي سُمومُ
5. The standing of separation did not leave of it
Except a liver in which sorrows settle.
٥. لم يدعْ منه موقفُ البينِ إلا
كبِداً يستكنّ فيها الهُمومُ
6. It is fresh with youth and passion but
Deprived of intimacy and tranquility.
٦. فهو مُثْرٍ من الصبابةِ والوجْ
دِ ولكنْ من السُلوّ عَديمُ
7. Where is that hunter who protects himself
In vain from the black, that ostrich.
٧. أينَ ذاكَ الكِناسُ يفتِكُ منهُ
عبثاً بالأُسودِ ذاك الريمُ
8. Who has the audacity of a reckless soul
That neither dignified nor vile can deter.
٨. رشأٌ عندَه حُشاشةُ نفسِ
يرتَعيها لا الشيحُ والقيصومُ
9. The rope of my connection from the does of Subairim
Is eternally unraveled from his ropes.
٩. من ظباءِ الصريمِ حبلُ وِصالي
أبداً من حبالِه مَصْرومُ
10. How little is the victory of one oppressed
While the beauty itself argues unjustly.
١٠. ما أقلّ انتصارَ مَنْ ظلمَتْهُ
ولها شافعُ الجَمالِ ظَلومُ
11. Let the thorns of glory refuse it
As I am satisfied to be wounded by it.
١١. دعْ رماحَ الشَذا تمنّعَ عنها
فرضي أنّني بها مَكلومُ
12. And my happiness if it disregards me
Is that I am like its waist destroyed.
١٢. وسُروري منها إذا أهضَمَتْني
أنّني مثلُ خَصْرِها مهضومُ
13. I command settlement while it is death
The ground creates it without tents or shelter.
١٣. آمري بالمُقامِ وهو مُماتٌ
يُخلِقُ العرضُ دونَه والأديمُ
14. Saying that glories are only luck
And the youth, all his sustenance is destined.
١٤. قائل إنما المعالي حظوظٌ
والفَتى كلُّ رِزْقِه مقْسومُ
15. The wood grouse, the wood grouse complains of it
And the gardens of permanence are forbidden and barred.
١٥. القِلاصُ القِلاصُ يلطُمُ منها
وجنةَ البيدِ منسمٌ مرْثومُ
16. Copy the inscription of glory for your eye and seek it
You will find it where its inscription and depictions are.
١٦. نصّ رسمَ العُلى لعينِك فاطلبْ
هُ تجدْ حيثُ نصُّها والرُسومُ
17. You are not the old destitute but
For a time you were deprived and poor.
١٧. لستَ بالمُقْتِرِ القديمِ ولكنّ
زماناً أقْترْتَ فيهِ العديمُ
18. I do not see for myself victory in the nights
Which I long for while the nights are opponents.
١٨. ما أرى لي عندي الليالي انتِصاراً
أترجّاهُ والليالي خَصومُ
19. I see the lack of perfection of the tribes in them
It is a completeness Tamim has inherited.
١٩. قد أراني نقصَ القبائلِ منهنّ
تمامٌ توارثَتْهُ تَميمُ
20. They said, when the brilliant one stood as evidence,
There is nothing but admission and surrender.
٢٠. قلنَ لمّا قامَ الأثيرُ دليلاً
ليس إلا الإقرارُ والتسليمُ
21. From the generous honorable members but
That generous one did not lack generosity.
٢١. من بني الأغلبِ الكرامِ وما خلّ
فَ ذاك الكريمَ إلا كريمُ
22. A lineage that your eye has not seen
Unless you said there is no doubt a composed jewel.
٢٢. نسبٌ ما رأتْهُ عينُك إلا
قلتَ لا شكّ جوهرٌ منظومُ
23. It collected virtue the meeting point of its two edges
So its speech became equal to the ancient.
٢٣. جمعَ الفضلَ مُلتَقى طرَفَيْهِ
فتساوى حديثُه والقَديمُ
24. His palm authorized the exclusivity of glorious deeds
So for all kings it became general.
٢٤. خوّلَتْ كفُّه خُصوصَ مَعالٍ
في جميعِ الملوكِ منها العُمومُ
25. He stood without it to give away gifts
So it was protected as the inviolable ones are protected.
٢٥. قام من دونها ببذْلِ عطايا
هُ فصِينَتْ كما يُصانُ الحريمُ
26. Generosity, if the people of the world,
All shared it, there would not be an ignoble one among them.
٢٦. كرمٌ لو تقسّمَتْهُ بنو الدنْيا
جميعاً ما كان فيها لئيمُ
27. And hands that generosity gushes from
We never doubted they were rain clouds.
٢٧. وأيادٍ تفجّرَ الجودُ منها
ما شكَكْنا في أنهنّ غُيومُ
28. One who commands nobility from him,
The just one in judgment in giving injustice.
٢٨. آمرٌ تأمُرُ السماحةُ منهُ
عادلُ الحكمِ في العطاءِ ظَلومُ
29. He is from the tongues of pride erased
But from his money he is dispraised.
٢٩. فهو من ألسنِ المَفاخِرِ محمو
دٌ ولكنْ من مالِهِ مذْمومُ
30. And two matters of pride he owns
A lineage that makes one despair and steady glory.
٣٠. وله مَفخَرانِ حِيزا إليه
نسبٌ طاعنٌ ومجدٌ مُقيمُ
31. And the determination of youth with which
He repels adversity, and in its two edges are Indian swords.
٣١. وشَبا عزمةٍ يردُّ بها الخط
بَ وفيه من شفرتَيْها كُلومُ
32. The attacker of misfortunes takes precautions, and not between
The flying ends of his coats is Abraham.
٣٢. يصطَلي حاجِمُ الخُطوبِ وما بي
نَ عِطافَيْ بُردَيْهِ ابراهيمُ
33. Lord of the scent, between intensity and gentleness,
That has poisons that destroy and this is a soft breeze.
٣٣. ربَّ ريحينِ بين شدٍّ وليْنٍ
ذي سُمومٍ تُرْدي وتلك نَسيمُ
34. And two places, between peace and war,
This is bliss and that is painful torment.
٣٤. ومحلّيْنِ بين سِلْمٍ وحربٍ
ذا نعيمٌ وذا عذابٌ أليمُ
35. The advancing from it separate when he
Infiltrates them while the defeated feels safe.
٣٥. يفرَقُ المُقدِمونَ منهُ إذا ما
صالَ فيهم ويأمنُ المهزومُ
36. The Muslims have preserved from him
Reports that the Christians have refused to accept.
٣٦. حفظَ المسلمونَ عنهُ أحادي
ثَ أبَتْ أن يرضى بهنّ الرومُ
37. Of qualities, when the poetry divided them,
The approach of simile and division came to it.
٣٧. ذو صفاتٍ لما تقسَّمها الشعْ
رُ أتاهُ التجْنيسُ والتقْسيمُ
38. O crescent of joy, shine, indeed my heart,
Does not cease unless it sees you become slim.
٣٨. يا هلالَ السرورِ لُحْ إنّ قلبي
ليسَ ينفكّ أو يراكَ تصومُ
39. How can I not blame time and complain to you?
That I, its best am deprived.
٣٩. كيف لا أعتَبُ الزمانَ وأشْكو
لك أني يا خيرَهُ محْرومُ
40. Time has adversities for me frequently, so will
That frequent handsome one come close to me?
٤٠. قطّبَ الدهرُ لي مُحيّا فهلْ يَقْ
رُبُ مني ذاك المُحيّا الوَسيمُ
41. And so I meet two holidays laughing
From the shining light of both the brutal time laughs.
٤١. فألاقي عيدَيْنِ يضحكُ عن شا
رقِ نورَيْهِما الزمانُ البَهيمُ
42. By my life if not for praiseworthy Muhammad
We would have said this time is painful.
٤٢. ولَعَمْري لولا محمدُ المح
مودُ قُلْنا هذا زمانٌ أليمُ
43. A successor acted for you and for me instead of the planets
For the guided one, the stars take turns.
٤٣. خلَفٌ نابَ عنك لي وعن الأق
مارِ للمُهتَدي تَنوبُ النُجومُ