1. Give the camel a respite, O driver
For every guide of it is tired of leading
١. أرحِ المطيّةَ برهةً يا حادي
قد كلَّ هاديها من الإسآدِ
2. This is the bend, in it lies the remedy for my youth
If only it flowed in the accustomed manner
٢. هذا اللوى وبه شفاءُ صبابَتي
لو أنه أجرى على المُعتادِ
3. O the place where the two flags fell, is there an informer
About the dwelling places of Zainab and Saad
٣. يا مُسقطَ العلمينِ هل من مُخبرٍ
عن مستقرّي زينب وسعادِ
4. Their camels walked with stooped necks
As if they grew up in the livers
٤. حلّتْ مطاياهم بملتفِّ الغضى
فكأنّما شبّوهُ في الأكبادِ
5. My heart has become infatuated with the poets
Out of love for them in every theater and valley
٥. قلبي من الشُعراءِ أصبحَ هائماً
من حبّهم في كل مسرحِ وادِ
6. And you have blamed yet not turned away from passion
And you saw my madness in it as guidance
٦. ولقد عذلْتَ فما عدلْتَ عن الهوى
ورأيتَ غيّي فيه عينَ رشادي
7. And you made the blamer have the honor of my aloofness
From them and for the loved ones the submission of my guidance
٧. وجعلتَ للعُذّالِ عزَّ تمنّعي
عنهمْ وللأحبابِ ذُلَّ قِيادي
8. Maybe calling on the lodestar will bring you closer
To the one suffering who has become sickly with sincere affection
٨. علّ النوى يُدْنيكَ من ذي لوعةٍ
أضحى سقيمَ حشىً صحيحَ وِدادِ
9. Rather, your bestowal, if graced with a visit
Then pour forth what my heart has harvested
٩. بل عل طفَكَ إن يمنَّ بزورَةٍ
فأبثّهُ ما قد أجنّ فؤادي
10. Either I stay then your love always remains
My fortune, or if I leave then the remembrance of you is my provision
١٠. إمّا أقمتُ فإن حبّك لم يزَلْ
حظّي وإن أرحلْ فذكرُك زادي
11. And of the wonders is that from my tears
I have become in an ocean while my heart is blocking
١١. ومن العجائب أنني من مدمعي
أصبحتُ في بحرٍ وقلبي صادِ
12. And when the whiteness of eggs flows as necklaces
Between the branches of the singing canes
١٢. وأما ولمعُ البيضِ ماءً سلسلاً
ما بين أغصانِ القَنا المُنآدِ
13. I would task the gleaming lightning
To smash their shoulders with it and the guide
١٣. لأكلفنّ العيسَ طيّ مهامهٍ
تُردي كواهلَها به والهادي
14. So I walk while glorious travel is my confidant
From them and the pillows are gentle beds
١٤. فأروحُ والسيرُ المُجدُّ مُسامِري
منهنّ والأكوارُ لينُ مِهادي
15. For you O beauty of the King, the dew of the breeze
Shook my coat, the basil of the breeze of love and affection
١٥. لك يا جمالَ الملكِ هزّتْ معطَفي
ريحانُ ريحِ ندًى وريحُ ودادِ
16. So I tore the clothes of darkness off a resolute one
Healed are the roads from that which has a guide in it
١٦. فشقَقْتُ أثوابَ الدُجى عن مهمهٍ
عافى المسالكَ ما به من هادِ
17. With an unbending cypress in creation that never
Stopped standing in accusation and readiness to help
١٧. بعرَنْدَسٍ كالطودِ خَلْقاً لم يزلْ
وقفاً على الإتهامِ والإنجادِ
18. You made it gently pliant by the mention of you so it sprang up
Like the supple fiber gladdened by the one who frequents it
١٨. أطربْتَها وهْناً بذكركَ فانبرتْ
كالجأبِ أُنسّ بنائه المرتادِ
19. She said and said what she said without the mysteries complaining
Sufficient for me and sufficient for you is the mention of the guide
١٩. قالت وما قالت ولا شكتِ السُرى
حسبي وحسبُك ذكرُه من حادِ
20. Until when darkness fell and you shone in
Its bundles like the blazing star
٢٠. حتى إذا جنّ الظلامُ وبحْتَ في
أسدافِه كالكوكبِ الوقّادِ
21. Our sights turned towards you but rather
Our sights turned towards the outstretcher
٢١. مادَتْ بناظرنا إليك وإنما
مادتْ بناظرنا الى مُمتادِ
22. So I saw in you the boldness of the lion of the jungle
And the life of the resplendent clouds and the full moon of the caller
٢٢. فرأيتُ ليثَ الغابِ منك شهامةً
وحَيا السحاب ندًى وبدرَ النّادي
23. And you spoke with the wondrous eloquence so the orator did not leave
An excellence to clarify with it the eloquence of Iyad
٢٣. ونطقْتَ بالليثِ البديعِ فلم يدعْ
فضلاً يبينُ به خطيبُ إيادِ
24. And for long you made eloquent in the scattering of enemies
The day of hatred the tongues of scabbards
٢٤. ولطالَما أنطقتَ في هام العِدى
يومَ الكريهةِ ألسُنَ الأغمادِ
25. So pride yourself on the honor of virtues you have gained
As inheritance from the fathers and forefathers
٢٥. فافخَرْ بعزِّ فضائلٍ أحرزْتَها
إرثاً عن الآباءِ والأجدادِ
26. God gathered in you the dispersed grandeur
And of the wondrous is the gathering of opposites
٢٦. الله جمّع فيك أشتاتَ العُلا
ومن العجيبِ تجمّعُ الأضدادِ
27. So the scholars pride themselves in you as majesty
I likened it to the humility of the devout
٢٧. فتكبرُ العلماءُ فيك جلالةً
شبّهتُه بتواضعِ الزُهّادِ
28. And your valor is delighted by the dew and sometimes
They approached by it a towering towering mountain
٢٨. وحِجاكَ يهنو للندى ولربّما
قربُوا به طوْداً من الأطوادِ
29. I complain to you of the lack of fortune my poetry has
In publishing and proceeds
٢٩. أشكو إليك دعيّ شعري ماله
حظّي من الإصدارِ والإيراد
30. If not for you the violent would have torn its honor
From me with the tongues of someone intensely hostile
٣٠. لولاك مزّقتِ الأهاجي عِرضَهُ
مني بألسنةِ لديّ حِدادِ
31. Do not let my disregard of its action deceive you
For it has provoked the hiding places of hatreds
٣١. لا يغرُرَنْكَ تجاوُزي عن فعلِه
فلقد أثارَ كمائنَ الأحقادِ
32. Shall I perfume the wondrous praise while it bends me
With pus overflowing the hands of helpers?
٣٢. أأحبِّرُ المدْحَ البديعَ وينثَني
هو بالحُبورِ يُفيضُ بيضَ أيادِ