
You left, and patience, and the songs, and behind

سرت والصبر والغواني وخلف

1. You left, and patience, and the songs, and behind
You left an ailing man who the ailing man cries over

١. سرْتَ والصبر والغواني وخلف
تَ عليلاً يبكي عليه العليلُ

2. And whenever they said, the ailing man, he would answer
About you from me, feebleness and feebleness

٢. وإذا ما قالوا العليلُ أجابتْ
عنكَ مني نُحالةٌ ونُحولُ

3. O frigid heart, if you were like me
The retreating one would have carried you to me and acceptance

٣. يا جليدَ الفؤادِ لو كنتَ مثلي
حملتْكَ الدّبورُ لي والقَبولُ

4. I am in a land and you in another
Where are you now, that which you claimed and said

٤. أنا في بلدةٍ وأنت بأخرى
أينَ ما كنتَ تدّعي وتقولُ

5. And the sincere friends were amazed at me
For you an affection over separation, momentous

٥. ولقد أعجَبَ الأخلاءُ مني
لك ودٌّ على التنائي جليلُ

6. And their praise of me for that, they compose
Thus the friend accompanies the friend

٦. وثَناهُم حفْظي لذلك يشدو
نَ كذا يصحَبُ الخليلَ الخليلُ