
Forbidden solace to sympathetic and culpable ones

منع السلو لعاذر ولعاذل

1. Forbidden solace to sympathetic and culpable ones,
A branch adorning the cheek of an affectionate neglectful one.

١. مَنَعَ السُّلُوَّ لِعاذرٍ ولعاذلِ
غَيَدٌ يُحَلِّي جِيدَ عَاطٍ عاطِلِ

2. He left the camp with the camp complaining,
Of fervor that dwelled in the heart of one who packed up and left.

٢. تَرَكَ المُخَيَّمَ بالمُخَيَّمِ يَشْتَكِي
وَجْداً أَقامَ على فؤادٍ راحل

3. O planet, my troubled heart understands you,
Rise and do not be invisible in the invisible horizon.

٣. يا كوكبًا قلبي المُعَنَّى أُفْقُهُ
اطْلُعْ ولا تَكُ آفلاً في آفِلِ

4. I am the one whose longing is aroused by sincere estrangement,
Perhaps you will forgive him for a false promise.

٤. أَنا مَنْ تُشَوِّقُهُ بهَجْرٍ صادقٍ
فعَسَى تسامِحُه بوَعْدٍ ماطِلِ

5. Your visage is the journal of beauty, for it has
An observer in it with the qualities of a hard worker.

٥. مَرْآكَ ديوانُ الجَمَال لأَنَّهُ
ذو ناظِرٍ فيهِ صِفاتُ العامل

6. And I stayed up nights speaking to you,
To nightingales that chirped cheerfully to nightingales.

٦. ولقد سَهِرْتُ الليلَ فيكَ مُنَاجيًا
لبلابلٍ صَدَحَتْ صُدوحَ بلابل

7. The moon in the sky’s horizon is like a horseman,
The stars lined up on it in the lining of armed forces.

٧. والبدرُ في أُفُقِ السماءِ كفارِسٍ
نَظَمَتْ عليه الشُّهْبُ نَظْمَ جَحَافِلِ

8. You made me hope for union one year at first,
So I sufficed from you with a kiss of encounter.

٨. مَنَّيْتَنِي بالوَصْلِ عاماً أَوَّلاً
فَقَنِعْتُ منكَ بقُبْلَةٍ في قابلِ

9. And I compared it, O moon, to your incomplete light,
So leave perfection, for it belongs to the Perfect.

٩. وَشَدَوْتُهُ يا بدرُ ضوؤكَ ناقصُ
فَدَعِ الكَمالَ فإِنَّهُ لِلْكاملِ

10. You claimed your eyelash was a worn-out spear,
We said you spoke true, so where is the softness of the worn down?

١٠. وَزَعَمْتَ طرفَك سِنَّ رُمْحٍ ذابلٍ
قُلْنَا صَدَقْتَ فأَيْنَ لِينُ الذَّابلِ

11. O prolonged of eyelids, they are rich,
You were stingy from the sin of the rich prolonger.

١١. يا ماطِلَ الأَجفانِ وَهْيَ غِنيَّةٌ
حُوشِيتَ من إِثْمِ الغَنِيِّ الماطلِ