
The people around you are all equals

الناس دونك كلهم أكفاء

1. The people around you are all equals
In perfection over them you have advantage

١. الناسُ دُونَكَ كُلُّهمْ أَكْفاءُ
لك بالكمالِ عليهمُ إِيفاءُ

2. O the one whom if they saw lonely
Would seem like a pearl mixed with pebbles

٢. يا واحداً منهم رأَوْهُ أَوْحَدًا
كالدُّرَّةِ اختلَطَتْ بها الحَصْباءُ

3. Are you not one of the people, just like
Some of the red rubies among white pebbles

٣. هل أَنتَ بعضُ الناس إِلاَّ مِثْلَ ما
بَعْضُ الحَصَا الياقوتَةُ الحَمْراءُ

4. You clarified their deficiency and built surplus
And by its opposite things become clear

٤. بَيَّنْتَهُمْ نَقْصاً وبِنْتَ زيادَةً
وبضِدِّها تَتَبَيَّنُ الأَشْياءُ

5. You are not like the shining full moon even if
It filled the eyes and delighted them equally

٥. ما أَنتَ والبَدْرُ المنيرُ وإِن غذا
مِلْءَ العيون وراقَهُنَّ سَواءُ

6. The moon has illumination across its breadth and you
The lights have gathered in your essence

٦. للبدرِ في العَرَضِ الضِّياءُ وأَنتَ قد
جُمِعَتْ بجوهرِ ذاتِك الأَضواءُ

7. It did not harm the one dressed in black with his body
If behind him there was a pure white soul

٧. ما ضَرَّ من لِبسَ السَّواد بجِسْمِه
ووراءَهُ نَفْسٌ له بَيْضَاءُ

8. God is the Greatest - this is the mark of the sublime
Glory I smell and the ambition of the stooped

٨. اللُّه أَكبرُ هذهِ شِيَمُ العُلَى
مَجْدٌ أَشَمُّ وهِمَّةٌ قَعْساءُ

9. There is no day like this pleasant one even if
For the army there was a rowdy mob from it

٩. لا مثلَ ذا اليومِ الأَغَرِّ وإِن عَلَتْ
للجندِ منه عجاجةٌ دهماءُ

10. The house, the sultanate and the guards are not
Praised, nor the ministers or counselors

١٠. الدارُ والسلطانُ والحرَّابَةُ ال
أَنجادُ والعًرَفاءُ والوزراءُ

11. Either the jurists look at each other or the
Orators scatter around or the poets recite

١١. يتناظَرُ الفقهاءُ أَو يتناثَرُ ال
خُطباءُ أَو يتناشَدُ الشعراءُ

12. Each one gestures to your sublimity with
His speech, his glance, his talk and his hints

١٢. كلٌّ يشير إِلى عُلاكَ بلَفْظِهِ
وبلحظِهِ والنُّطْقِ والإِيماءُ

13. A king whose father invited you as his heir
So the monies and the names came together

١٣. ملِكٌ أَبوكَ له دَعاكَ بمالك
فتلاقَتِ الأَموالُ والأَسماءُ

14. How strange is the deluded one who angers you lightly
What does he want and your home wrecks havoc

١٤. عجباً لمغرورٍ يَهيجُك ضَيْغَماً
ماذا يريد ودارُكَ الهيجاءُ

15. The green camel saddle, the blue quiver
And the brown overcoat

١٥. الَّلأْمَةُ الخضراءُ والصّمصامَةُ الز
رقاءُ والخَطِّيَّةُ السَّمراءُ

16. And the breakers from the young warriors carrying the
Eternal lion with glorious victories

١٦. والكاسراتُ من الجواشِكِ تحمل الَّ
ليْثَ الأَزَلَّ الِّلقْوَةُ الفَتْخَاءُ

17. Ships, when they spread the wings of their hulls
The wind and water obey their purpose

١٧. سُفُنٌ إِذا نشرَتْ جناحَ قُلُوعِها
خَدَم الهواءُ مُرادَها والماءُ

18. They carry your army even though in number like motes
Victory paraded them and made them wealthy

١٨. يحملن جُنْدَكَ وَهْوَ في عَدَدِ الثَّرى
عَدَّى بِهِنَّ النَّصرُ والإِْثراءُ

19. And you rode so none would deny anymore
The horses their vanity in their galloping

١٩. ولقد ركبتَ فليس يُنْكَرُ بعدَها
للخيل في عَدَوَاتِها خُيَلاءُ

20. Among the processions like stars, having over them
None but your towering with no humbled sky

٢٠. بين المواكِب كالكواكِب ما لَها
إِلاَّ سُمُوُّك لا خُفِضْتَ سَماءُ

21. So the dusty cloud burst from the galloping in fear
Of the spraying of its green flood

٢١. فارتَجَّتِ الغبراءُ من مُتَغَطْمِطٍ
تخشى رشاشَ عُبابِه الخضراءُ

22. And the desert crouched under the ruckus
As if it had perished under it

٢٢. واكتنَّتِ البيداءُ تحت عجاجةٍ
فكأَنَّما بادتْ به البيداءُ

23. And the torrent almost pushes its surge
That we don't say its surge has banks

٢٣. ويكادُ وهو السّيلُ يدفع مَتْنَه
أَن لا نقولَ لِمَتْنِهِ أَرجاءُ

24. As if between the drums there is a quarrel
Prolonged for the horns therein is conflict

٢٤. وكأَنما بين الطُّبولِ تَشَاجُرٌ
قد طالَ للبُوقاتِ فيه مِراءُ

25. As if it listened to their voices
So the deaf ruggedness was frightened

٢٥. وكأَنما اسْتَمَعَتْ إِلى أَصواتِها
فتخوَّفَتْهَا الصَّعْدَةُ الصَّمَّاءُ

26. Until when the standard fluttered frightened
And stood storming while you are the standard

٢٦. حتى إِذا خفقَ اللِّواءُ مُرَوَّعاً
وثَبَتَّ مقتحماً وأَنتَ لِواءُ

27. Your awe filled the hearts so that the
Friends and enemies almost disappeared

٢٧. ملأَتْ مهابَتُكَ القلوبَ فلم تكَدْ
تَتَبَيَّنُ الأَحبابُ والأَعداءُ

28. And the ignorant were guided from their vanities
To the paths of truth and the reasonable persevered

٢٨. واسترشد الجُهَلاءُ من لَهَوَاتِهِ
طُرُقَ الهُدَى واستَثْبَتَ العقلاءُ

29. And as if it clove the hearts and singled it out
With light where there is the black dot

٢٩. وكأَنما شقَّ القلوبَ وخصَّها
بالنُّور حيث النُّقْطَةُ السَّوداءُ

30. So they held onto the loyalty of your kingship as protection
And for every freedman upon him is loyalty

٣٠. فتمسَّكوا بولاءِ مُلْكِكَ عِصْمَةً
ولكلِّ ذي عِتْقٍ عليه ولاءُ

31. And you rode unsheathing swords a group
Whose swords guaranteed them what they desired

٣١. وركبتَ فاخترطَ الصَّوارمَ معشرٌ
ضمِنَتْ صوارِمُهُمْ لهم ما شاؤُوا

32. They played and flowed in the bodies their blood
And from the wonders is that blood flows

٣٢. لعبت وقرَّت في الجسوم دماؤها
ومن العجائبِ أَن تَقَرَّ دماءُ

33. You secured the possession of the kingdom in a sitting
In which the attendees stood by its majesty rightfully

٣٣. آنستَ دَسْتَ المُلْكِ منك بجلسةٍ
قامت بحقِّ جلالِها الجُلَساءُ

34. So for you is the congratulations in the bliss of an Eid
Which for your Lord always remains bliss

٣٤. فلك الهناءُ ببهجةِ العيدِ الذي
أَبداً لربك لا يزال هَناءُ

35. You fulfilled the duty of the fast or bade it farewell
So may its fulfillment bid you farewell

٣٥. قضّيتَ حقَّ الصومِ أَو ودَّعْتَهُ
فلْيَقْضِ حقَّ الصومِ منك لقاءُ

36. The sweet basil raised its stems to you
And in its lowliness the gray bird moved

٣٦. قد رفَّع الرّيحانُ نحوَكَ طرفَه
وتحرَّكَتْ في دَنِّها الصَّهباءُ

37. And the lute's body quivered informing that
The leaves must murmur

٣٧. واهتزَّ مَتْنُ العُودِ يُخْبِرُ أَنَّه
لا بُدَّ من أَن تَسْجَعَ الوَرْقاءُ

38. And we have a different talk reaching it
A thirst while you and whoever is with you are hydration

٣٨. ولنا حديثٌ غَيْرُ ذاكَ بِنَالَهُ
ظَمَأٌ وأَنتَ ومَنْ لَدَيْكَ رِواءُ

39. Oh his repetitive singing oh his repetitive singing
You fulfilled their Sustainer the rent and double it

٣٩. الحلسان الحلسان مكررا

40. So deliverance with you should flow fully
And I desire your permission for travel for I

٤٠. وَفَّيْتَ رَبَّهُما الكِرَاءَ وضِعْفَهُ
فَلْيَجْرِ بالإِطلاقِ منك وَفاءُ

41. Travel on and my gratitude in you is however He wills
This is the position of one seeking refuge and never

٤١. وأَشاءُ إِذنَكَ في الرحيلِ فإِنني
أَسْرِي وشُكْرِي فيكَ كيفَ يَشاءُ

42. For one seeking refuge with you expectations failed
Nothing distracted me of my time

٤٢. هذا مَقامُ المستجيرِ ولم يَخِبْ
للمستجيرِ لديك قَطٌّ رجاءُ

43. Until I was engulfed by your generosity
Help with that fresh rains so I exit winner

٤٣. ما خصَّني الإِعْطابُ من زَمَنِي إِلى
أَن عَمَّنِي من جودِكَ الإِعطاءُ

44. Won he for whom things came together

٤٤. ساعِدْ بذاكَ نَدًى لأَخرُجَ رابِحاً
رَبِحَ الذي اجْتَمَعَتْ له الأَشياءُ