
Had our piper desired to honor us

زامرنا لو شاء إكرامنا

1. Had our piper desired to honor us
He would have, even were he dismembered, still piped

١. زامرُنا لو شاءَ إكرامَنا
كان ولو قُطِّع لم يَزْمُرِ

2. He piped early with the flute - would that he
Had piped early with remoteness and not attended

٢. باكَرَ بالناي فيا ليتَه
باكرَ بالنّأيِ فلم يحضُرِ

3. And he passed by in diverse places of his
While we are diverse from him in the assembly

٣. ومرّ في شتى أفانينِه
فنحنُ شتّى عنه في المحْضَرِ

4. With harshness that deafens our ears
And spite that clutches the nostrils

٤. من رَخَمٍ يُطرِشُ آذانَنا
وحازقٍ يقبضُ بالمنخر

5. And after this and that he did not begin
Except that every speaker went too far

٥. وبعد هذاك وذا ما ابتدا
إلا وكلُّ قائلٍ مَنْ خَري