
The sun of beauty has risen for you as a planet

شمس المحاسن قد أطلعتها فلكا

1. The sun of beauty has risen for you as a planet
And every virtue and favor is seen as yours

١. شمسُ المحاسِنِ قد أَطلَعْتَها فَلكَا
وكل فضلٍ وإِفْضَالٍ يُرَى فلَكَا

2. Poetry has obeyed you, so rule it, o king
And the chastity of the soul has called you, o angel

٢. أَطاعَكَ الشعرُ فاحكُمْ فيه يا مَلِكا
وعِفَّةُ النفسِ قالَتْ فِيك يا مَلَكا

3. And if you pass by those who are enslaved
The writers of people have been kept awake in chains for you

٣. ولو تَمُرُّ على رَقٍّ أَنامِلُكا
أَرَقَّ بِالرِّقِّ كُتَّاب الأَنامِ لَكَا

4. If you remain and God gives you time
You would not care who has lived or perished

٤. إِذَا بَقِيتَ وَكان الله أَمْهَلَكا
فما تُبالِي بِمَنْ قد عاشَ أَمْ هَلَكا