
If the knot were untied from his cheek

لو حل عن خديه عقد لثامه

1. If the knot were untied from his cheek
The crescent would attain its full perfection

١. لو حلّ عن خدّيْهِ عِقد لثامِه
نقلَ الهلال الى صِفاتِ تمامِه

2. Yet he guarded beauty, for he is
A rose, and the beauty of the rose is in its buds

٢. لكنه صانَ الجمالَ لأنّه
وردٌ وحسنُ الوردِ في أكمامِه

3. I would sacrifice myself for one who frowns
If only he were a king, injustice would end in his days

٣. وأنا فداءُ مجبٍ لو أنّه
ملِكٌ لكان الجَورُ في أيامِه

4. He lowered his tresses, his veil
Like the moon amid its darkness and clouds

٤. أرْخى ذوائبَهُ نقابَهُ
كالبدرِ بين ظلامِه وغمامِه

5. O mouth of his, walk gently the way of his cup
And of his accord, take gently the taking of its wine

٥. يا ثغرَهُ سِرْ فيّ سيرةَ كأسِه
ورضابِه خُذْ فيّ أخذَ مُدامِه

6. Or else we do not see him unravel her being
And say the blood feared so it coagulated

٦. أو ما نراهُ يفُكّ طينةَ دمها
ويقولُ خافَ الفَدْمُ فك فِدامِه

7. Her redness met him by raising her veil
So that which is on his cheek seems to be in its cup

٧. حمراءُ قابلَها برفْعِ نقابِه
فكأنّ ما في خدّه في جامِه

8. He would not allow me to look upon his face one day
Has he who would not allow me to visit him one year become indulgent?

٨. ما كان يسمحُ لي بنظرةِ يومِه
من صارَ يسمحُ لي بزورةِ عامِه

9. A demeanor that softened speech for me, but embittered it for me
While the branch, no matter how it bent with its dove, straightened

٩. خُلُقٌ ألانَ لي الحديثَ فلانَ لي
والغصنُ ربّتما انْثَنى بحَمامِه

10. As for his frowning eyebrow and his languid glance
And the sanctity of his bow and arrows

١٠. وأما وحاجبِه الأزجِّ وطرفِه الأ
حوى وحرمةِ قوسِه وسهامِه

11. Disrobed of his two robes, leaning
Between the standing of his sword and his stature

١١. ومجردٍ من معطَفَيْهِ مهنّداً
ما بينَ قائمِ سيفِه وقوامِه

12. Indeed the nights have not blamed the changes in their course
Since I took shelter in an auspicious Yasser

١٢. إنّ الليالي ما ذمَمْتُ صُروفَها
منذُ استجَرْتُ بياسرٍ وذِمامِه

13. How excellent is Abul Faraj al-Sa'eed who did me
A favor and made me prosperous in his high position

١٣. كنف أبو الفرجِ السعيدِ أفادَني
فرجاً وسعداً في عليّ مُقامِه

14. If you wish to know that he is the king whom
The cycle of fate has not ceased to serve

١٤. إن شئتَ تعلَمُ أنهُ الملِكُ الذي
ما زال صرفُ الدهرِ من خُدّامِّ

15. Take protection in his protection among his protected ones
Or seek refuge in his refuge among his refugees

١٥. قُمْ حامِه في معشرٍ من حامِه
أو سامِه في معشرٍ من سامِه

16. You will meet one who has never ceased to be daring
Crowns stumble at his feet

١٦. يَلْقى الذي ما زال من إقدامِه
تتعثّرُ التيجانُ في أقدامِه