
The bard made her dance

أرقصها مطرب الأغاريد

1. The bard made her dance
And she stole the swaying of the young gazelles

١. أَرْقَصَها مُطْرِبُ الأَغارِيدِ
فاسْتَرَقَتْ هِزَّةَ الأَماليدِ

2. The wine of revelry spread through her limbs
She sways tipsily on the carpet amid the cushions

٢. ودبَّ خمرُ السُّرَى بأَذْرُعِها
فَهْيَ على البِيدِ في عَرَابِيدِ

3. The morning breeze flirted with her
Releasing water in the skin bags

٣. وغازَلَتْها الصَّبا بمأْلُكَةٍ
تُفَجِّرُ الماءَ في الجلاميدِ

4. Carrying news from a perfumed garden
Propped up by its willowy branches

٤. تحملُ عن روضِ عالِجٍ خَبَرًا
تُسْنِدُه عن ظِبائِهِ الغِيدِ

5. The clouds shed tears of longing upon it
And lightning split the heart of the baptized

٥. أَجرى عليه السحابُ دَمْعَ شجٍ
وفَرَّقَ البرقُ قَلْبَ معمودِ

6. The wind then drowned it between its four sides
With waves in a tumultuous, billowing sea

٦. فأَغرق الريحَ بين أربُعِها
موجُ وجَيفٍ ببحْرِ تَوْخِيدِ

7. Its waters seemed to echo thunderously
Yet the place of the family was not to be found

٧. وخيَّلَتْ ماءَهم يبُلُّ صدًى
وموْرِدُ الآلِ غيرُ مورودِ

8. My soul, pledged to passion, galloped off
Pursuing the false horizons of trysts

٨. في ذِمَّةِ الشوقِ مُهْجَةٌ رَكَضَتْ
تَتْبَعُ زُورًا مِنَ المواعيدِ

9. Imagination brought her gifts when they lined
Her sleepy eyes with kohl for sleep

٩. أَهدَى إِليها الخيالُ إِذ كحلوا
جفون أَحْداقِها بتَسْهِيدِ

10. And they turned aside to the sand dunes while she
Clung to a pact of loyalty now broken

١٠. وانْعَطَفُوا للأَراكِ وَهْيَ على
عهدٍ من البانِ غيرِ معهودِ

11. Reproach makes excuses, its banner fluttering
Beneath the veranda of boredom's chirping

١١. عُذْرٌ يَهُزُّ الجفاءُ دوحَتَه
تحت صَدُوحِ المَلالِ غِرِّيدِ

12. And the well-wisher who shows me sincere affection
His advice, alas, goes unheeded

١٢. وناصحٍ يمحَضُ المَوَدَّةَ لي
وليس في نصحِه بمَوْدودِ

13. My heart thought me heedless, so it blamed me
While it was the one unaware in its rapture

١٣. ظنَّ فؤادي معي فأَنَّبَهُ
وهو من الوجدِ غيرُ موجودِ

14. The army of love marched on following it
Under a banner on which was written a pact

١٤. سارَ وجيشُ الغرامِ يتبَعُه
تحت لواءٍ عليه معقودِ

15. Wandering blindly with her were the eminent noses
Admitting their ignorance of guidance

١٥. يخبِطُ مجهولَةً تضِلُّ بها
على اعترافٍ مناخِرُ السِّيدِ

16. Dawn crept away from her, heading off
And night returned, bound by fetters

١٦. عَرَّج عنها الصباحُ منطلقاً
وعادَ والليلُ رَهْنُ تَقْيِيدِ

17. Meeting those who hope in his family
Good news, ensuring an excellent reception

١٧. يلقى المُرَجِّين من أَسِرَّتِهِ
بِشْرٌ كفيلٌ بحُسْنِ تمهيدِ

18. At every adversity he rushes
To the cry for help and the outstretched hand

١٨. ويغتَدِي عند كُلِّ نازِلَةٍ
غَوْثَ صريخٍ وغَيْثَ مَصْدودِ

19. He makes excuses for the negligent one
With endless patience and bounty

١٩. ويبسُط العُذْرَ عن مُقَصِّرِهِ
بطُولِ طَوْلٍ عليه مَمْدودِ

20. The cunning fox dwelling there would not know
Were it not for the nest the place of its lair

٢٠. لا يعرفُ الثَّعْلَبُ المقيمُ بها
لولا الثَّرَيَّا مكانَ عُنْقُودِ

21. He who incubated the eggs, his hands became
Bound by those dark veils

٢١. من عَلِقَ البِيضَ صارَمَتْ يَدُهُ
حبالَ تلك الغدائِرِ السُّودِ

22. Old age's kin, do not be fooled by it
A trait whose renewal is impossible

٢٢. وعِمَّةُ الشيبِ لا خُدِعْتَ بها
أَخْلَقُ شيءٍ أَوانَ تَجْديدِ

23. Youthful play is the fawn of childhood; when missed
Its days are no longer praiseworthy

٢٣. واللهوُ خِدْنُ الصِّبا فمُذْ فُقِدَتْ
أَيامُه لم يكن بمحمودِ

24. The most foolish of people is one who suffers
The loss of black hair and whitening

٢٤. وأَغبَنُ الناسِ من أَلَمَّ به
فقْدُ سوادٍ وفَوْتُ تسويدِ

25. Among all the eras' riddles
Are those who passed and the excellent ones

٢٥. وفي بنِي الدهرِ كُلُّ مُعْضِلَةٍ
مِنَ الذي فاتَ والمواجِيدِ

26. If they made me drunk with the wine of their blame
Then they have cast their own honor to the winds

٢٦. إِن أَسكروني بخمرِ لَوْمِهِمُ
فَقَدْ رَمَوْا عِرْضَهُمْ لِعِرْبيدِ

27. And one who called out threats to me, I said to him
Many a threat drifts into nothingness

٢٧. ومُوعِدٍ صاحَ بي فقلتُ له
رُبَّ وعيدٍ يطيحُ في البيدِ

28. Praise, swearing an oath, will not go
To any but Abu'l Qasim ibn Hammud

٢٨. قد أَقسم الحمدُ لا يسيرُ إِلى
غيرِ أَبى القاسِمِ بن حَمُّودِ

29. In his hands, generosity has a battle
In which I see stinginess, crestfallen

٢٩. في يَدِهِ لِلنَّوالِ معركة
أَرى بها البخل صارم الجيدِ

30. With him, a fire is kindled for guests
Recognized by the miserable whenever called

٣٠. وعنده للضيوف نار قِرًى
تعْرِفُها البُزْلُ كلما نُودي

31. His volumes meet battalions
In an army of poetry that hunts its quarry

٣١. وتلتقي كُتْبُهُ الكتائِبَ في
جيشٍ من الخَطِّ صائِدِ الصِّيدِ

32. With every word as if it were a soul
That does not tire from constant repetition

٣٢. بكُلِّ لفظٍ كأَنه نَفَسٌ
غَيْرِ مُمِلٍّ بِطُولِ تَرْدِيدِ

33. His meanings came together and divided
The excellence of innovation and fine engendering

٣٣. صَحَّتْ معانِيهِ فاقْتَسَمْنَ إِلى
فَضْلِ ابتكار وحُسْنِ تَوْليدِ

34. And sometimes Thursday laughs through him
At the foolishness of the chewing dimwits

٣٤. وربما اسْتَضْحَكَ الخميسُ به
عن أَهْرَتِ الماضِغَيْنِ صِنْدِيدِ

35. He yearns for the stature of the glorious canal
And the softness of the willowy fresh branch

٣٥. يهوَى قوامَ القناةِ ذَا هَيَفٍ
وَوَجْنَةَ العَضْبِ ذاتَ توريدِ

36. A sprig of glory sways flourishing
With a flexuous bough from its branches

٣٦. دَوْحَةُ مجدٍ تميدُ ناضِرَةً
بمُيَّسٍ من غُصونِهِ مِيدِ

37. I exposed to the fire of my experience
Some kindling, and the aroma of aloeswood wafted

٣٧. عَرَضْتُ منها لِنارِ تجربَتِي
عُودًا ففاحَتْ روائِحُ العودِ