1. Did you send it as affection or madness?
Did you convey it as a tongue or teeth?
١. بَعَثْتَ به حَنَانًا أَمْ جِنانا
وصُلْتَ بهِ لِسانًا أَم سِنانا
2. And you adorned the birds with speech through it
Is it distinctly articulated or mumbling?
٢. وقلَّدْتَ الطُّروسَ به كلاماً
يُفَصَّلُ في التَّرائِبِ أَم جُمَانا
3. A visitor who brought a garden, nay a flower bed
So he brought us beauties when he came to us
٣. قريضٌ زارَ بل روضٌ أَرِيضٌ
فآتانا المحاسِنَ إِذ أَتانا
4. We suffer or examine in it an expression
With eloquence not meanings
٤. نُعانِي أَو نعايِنُ منه لفظاً
مُعاناً بالبلاغة لا مُعانَى
5. It startles and it may please, so which eggs
Remind us of cradles or coffins?
٥. يَروعُ وقد يروقُ فأَيُّ بِيضٍ
تَذَكِّرُنا القيونَ أَوِ القِيانا
6. We have read in its beauties diverse arts
And we almost called it Quran
٦. قرأْنا من محاسِنِها فنوناً
وكِدْنا أَن نُسَمِّيهَا قُرَانا
7. Laws warranting our judgment
Marvels preventing our judgement
٧. شرائِعُ مُوجِباتٌ أَن تُدَانَا
بدائِعُ مانِعاتٌ أَنْ تُدانَى
8. If Hasan attained it he would have adorned
His necklaces with its jewels
٨. فلو حَسَّانُ فازَ بها لَحلَّى
بجوهَرِها قلائِدَهُ الحِسانا
9. If Ibn Hani had sought to reach
Its difficult purpose he would have despaired
٩. ولو رامَ ابْنُ هانِىٍءٍ اتِّصالاً
بصعب مَرَامِها يوماً لهانا
10. Had I been able I would have prolonged my words
And left no so-and-so or so-and-so
١٠. ولو أَنِّي أَطَقْتُ أَطَلْتُ قولي
فلم أَتْرُكْ فلاناً أَو فلانا
11. O Abu Hasan you possessed beauty as wealth
So depose a lowly one or act magnanimously
١١. أَبا حَسَنٍ ملَكْتَ الحُسْنَ طُرًّا
فأَسْقِطْ شانِياً أَوْ فَاعْلُ شَانا
12. You have raised over Sicily a banner
Guiding us in the darkness of perilous affairs
١٢. نَصَبْتَ على صِقِلِّيَةٍ لواءً
هَدَانا في دُجَى خطبٍ دَهانا
13. It appeared as a flag and you were its fire
And were it not for forbearance I would have called it smoke
١٣. بدا عَلَمًا فكنتَ عليه نارًا
ولولا الحِلْمُ سَمَّيْتُ الدُّخانا
14. And how many were given status from people
If chosen they would have not found a place
١٤. وكم رُزِقَ المكانَةَ من أُناسٍ
لَوِ اختيروا لما وَجَدوا مكانا
15. I ransom you from a friend who is my friend
I was content with him in days and times
١٥. فديتُكَ من خليلِ لي خليلٍ
كُفيتُ به الزَّمانَةَ والزَّمانا
16. I have seen brothers but
They are brothers if they look to brotherhood
١٦. وقد شاهَدْتُ إِخوانًا ولكِنْ
هُمُ الإِخوانُ إِن نظروا الخِوانا
17. How many a lid is weighed down by him
When you weigh down their lids from you
١٧. وكم من تَسْكُنُ الأَجفانُ منه
إِذا أَسكنته منك الجِفانا