
She was not content that I was deprived of her company,

لم ترض أني قد حرمت وصالها

1. She was not content that I was deprived of her company,
Until she came to me in a dream with her apparition.

١. لم ترضَ أني قد حُرِمْتُ وصالَها
حتى حمَتْني في المنامِ خيالَها

2. She said, while my soul within me trembled in fear:
"What is mine is not for you, though she knows what is hers."

٢. قالت وروحي في السياقِ مخافةً
لي ما لَها وهي العليمةُ ما لها

3. Then after the paleness, she turned yellow,
Bashfully, drawing her skirts away from my life.

٣. فتبدلتْ بعد البَياضِ بصُفْرةٍ
هجلاً وجرّتْ عن حياً أذيالَها

4. And she left, while her waist wrap had grown tight
In sorrow, and her anklets had been filled by her legs.

٤. ومضتْ وقد ضاقَ الوشاحُ بخصْرها
جزَعاً وأشبع ساقُها خلْخالَها

5. Like a shy, tawny gazelle, she curved her neck,
Yearning for a height she saw and it awed her.

٥. كالظبيةِ الأدْماءِ أتْلعَ جيدَها
رامٍ على شرفٍ رأتْهُ فهالَها

6. I did not intend such coyness before,
Until she showed me what her deeds have done to me.

٦. ما كنتُ أزمعُ بالصبابةِ قبل ذا
حتى أرَتْني كيفَ فيّ فعالُها

7. With stumbling steps, she crossed many miles,
The slipping of feet, going beyond yards.

٧. وتنائفٌ قطعتْ فراسخَها بنا
بُزْلُ الرِكابِ وجاوزتْ أميالَها

8. With her hands, she loosened the reins of her pacing,
And recklessly, behind the hiddenness, her terrors.

٨. هتكت بأيديها مطايا سيرِها
وتعسّفَتْ عقِبَ السّرى أهوالها

9. Until she came like the bow, bending down,
The sun of the land, her full moon and crescent.

٩. حتى أتتْ مثلَ القِسيّ تحنّياً
شمسَ البلادِ بدرَها وهلالَها

10. And her trinkets, her generosity, her glory,
Her loftiness, her springtime, and her fruits.

١٠. وحليمَها وكريمَها وعظيمَها
ورفيعَها وربيعَها وثُمالَها

11. She sought the virtues of gentle Yasser, so she turned
Her back, and faced with welcome his advance.

١١. قصدتْ مكارمَ ياسرٍ فاستَدْبَرَتْ
أدبارَها واسقبلت إقبالَها

12. Affluence comes from the comfort of his wings, for he
Has made the heads of kings into his slippers.

١٢. رومُ الغِنى من راحتَيْهِ فإنّه
جعلَ الرؤوسَ من الملوكِ نِعالَها

13. If it weren't for him in bliss, her Lord would lower
Her hopes, and her pillars would shake with quaking.

١٣. لولاهُ في عَدْنٍ لأهبطَ ربُّها
آمالَها وتزلزلتْ زلزالَها

14. But since he took charge of her command,
God made successes run through her days.

١٤. لكنّهُ لما تقلّدَ أمرَها
أجرى الإلهُ على السعادةِ فالَها

15. So she saw him, after God's revival, apportioning
Her livelihood, and preordaining her terms.

١٥. فرأتْهُ من بعدث الإلهِ مقسَّماً
أرزاقَها ومقدِّراً آجالَها

16. And she saw what none before him had been allowed
To see of him, and she brought out her treasures,

١٦. وأرتْهُ ما لم يطّلعْ من قبلِه
أحداً عليهِ وأخرجتْ أثقالَها

17. As if God—may His glory be sublime—
Had inspired him, as if He'd inspired her.

١٧. حتى كأن اللهَ جلّ جلالُه
أوحى له وكأنّه أوحى لها

18. The chaste woman is not sought by one in whom
Is doubt, nor does he fear his noble neighbor's lowliness.

١٨. لا يخطُبُ العوراءَ من فيهِ ولا
يخشى كريمةَ جارِه إقلالَها

19. If creation were for noble deeds and heights,
His right and left hands would have sold her.

١٩. لو كان يخلق للمكارم والعلا
باع لكان يمينها وشمالها

20. Vanquishing her cities and fortresses,
Her protected places, her plains, and her mountains.

٢٠. مُستفتحاً بلدانَها وحصونَها
ومصونَها وسهولَها وجبالَها

21. So let her remain in power and conquering rule
For as long as the wind of the south blows north.

٢١. فلتبْقَ في عزٍّ ومُلْكٍ قاهِرٍ
ما عاقبتْ ريحُ الجنوبِ شمالَها