1. Your care for me has arrived, so inform me
Of the truth of what I've said about your concerns
١. وصلَ اهتمامُك بي فخبّرني
بصحيحٍ ما حدّثتُ عن هِمَمِكْ
2. And I knew I had become organized
Among those you have exalted your servants
٢. وعلمتُ أني صرْتُ منتَظماً
في سِلْكِ مَنْ أعليْتُ خدَمِكْ
3. So I clung to the rope of your knowledge
Which restraint from it tied the bonds of your blames
٣. فعلِقْتُ منكَ بحبلِ معرفةٍ
عقَدَ النُهى منها عُرى ذِمَمِكْ
4. So when gratitude shows you its meadow
Remember for it what adorned your abode
٤. فإذا أراكَ الشكرُ روضَتَهُ
فاذكرْ لها ما سحّ من دِيَمِكْ
5. The messenger came with what you sent
Of your most faithful generosity and your generosity
٥. جاء الرسولُ بما بعثت به
من جودِك الأوفى ومن كرمِكْ
6. Loyal to those who seek refuge in you, so he was loyal
To the certainty of one who relies on your protection
٦. وافي بمعتصميه فوَفى
ليقينَ مُستندٍ الى عِصَمِكْ
7. So it is as if a coat of mail I love
You have paired to prevent the day of your opponent
٧. فكأن مستندٌ أوده درق
قرنت لتمنع يومَ مُقْتَحمِكْ
8. And spears like tongues have
Been bent by your stabbing the day you were defeated
٨. والخشكنانك كالأسنّة قد
ثُنِيتْ بطَعْنِكَ يومَ منْهزَمَكْ
9. And as if twisted sweets have been tied
From that described from your traits
٩. وكأنما الحلواء قد عُقِدَتْ
من ذلكَ الموصوفِ من شِيَمِكْ
10. So it shone like your scattering in my hands a word
And settled like your creation in my hands your words
١٠. فاحت كنشْرِكَ في يدَيْ كلِمي
وحَلَتْ كخلقك في يدَيْ كلمكْ
11. And the prayer of your servant, which is the utmost
That one you have rewarded with your blessings can do
١١. ودعاءُ عبدِك وهو غايةُ ما
في وُسْعِ منْ جازاكَ عن نِعَمكْ
12. O Lord deliver to me Abu Hasan
As long as the wind of you has stirred my cloak of peace
١٢. يا ربِّ سلِّمْ لي أبا حسن
ما هزّ ريحَك مِعْطَفي سلَمِكْ