
A lightning bolt flashed from the brightness of lightning, inhaling

طار عن برقة برق فشم

1. A lightning bolt flashed from the brightness of lightning, inhaling
Its two sides with my two sides in an embrace

١. طارَ عَنْ بَرْقَةِ بَرْقٍ فَشِمِ
ضَمَّ سِقْطَيْهِ بِسِقْطَيْ إِضَمِ

2. The reproacher reproached so his lips smiled open
And he went asking about the valley of Ghada

٢. عارَضَ العارِضَ فافترَّتْ به
شفتاهُ اللُّعْسُ عَنْ مُبْتَسَمِ

3. While craving the highlands of the season
Whenever he strayed, his tears flowed

٣. وَسَرَى يَسْأَلُ عن وادِي الغَضَا
وهو يَسْتَنُّ هِضابَ الْمَوْسمِ

4. In the margins and gardens of oppression
What necklace for scattered pearls

٤. كلما ضَلَّ جَرَتْ أدْمُعُهُ
في حواشِي وَجَنَاتِ الأَكَمِ

5. Adorned the sand dunes with aligned jewels
The courageous one sipped from his chalice

٥. أَيُّ عِقْدٍ للحيا مُنْتَشثرٍ
قَلَّدَ الدَّوْحَ حِلَى مُنْتَظِمِ

6. A draft awakened from embers
And in the slopes are eyes that have been wounded

٦. جَرَّعَ الأَجْرَعَ من مُزْنَتِهِ
ضَرَبًا مُنْبَعِثاً عن ضَرَمِ

7. Weeping only with blood
And a heart where the fire of passion

٧. وعلى السَّفْحِ عيونٌ جرحت
فَهْيَ لا تَسْفَحُ إِلا بالدَّمِ

8. Is kindled by the winds of blame
Yearning stood in battle with it

٨. وفؤادٍ لم تَزَلْ نارُ الجوى
فيه تُذْكَى برياحِ اللُّوَّمِ

9. Fighting glory, far from bounty
The glances of desire spanned only

٩. وقف الشوقُ به في مَعْرَكٍ
نازحِ الأَجْرِ بعيدِ المَغْنَمِ

10. What was not covered in ignorance
Its heroes clanked with clamor

١٠. إنما جَسَّر أَلْحَاظَ المَهَا
أَنها تُتْلِفُ ما لَمْ تَغْرَمِ

11. And fervor recognized this from hot coals
Ask the anemones in their fingers

١١. قَعْقَعَتْ أَبطالُه شِنْشِنَةً
وَجْدُهُ يَعْرِفُها من أَخْزَمِ

12. If you reach them despite my blood
And a greeting the morning breeze carried

١٢. فسلِ العَنْدَمَ في أَنْمُلِها
إِنْ تَوَصَّلْتَ إِليهِ عَنْ دَمِي

13. That shook the branches of peace
It pulled the edges of the meadows

١٣. وَسَلامٍ حَمَلَتْ رِيحُ الصًّبا
منه ما هَزَّ فروعَ السَّلَمِ

14. So they sought refuge in the gentle breeze
The moon visited me in the wing of night

١٤. جاذَبَ الأَحْدَاجَ أَطرافَ البُرَى
فاستجارَتْ بالرَّسِيمِ المِيسَمِ

15. An angel above a reddish eyelid
He removed his necklace in donation

١٥. زارَني والبَدْرُ في جِنْحِ الدُّجَى
مَلَكٌ من فَوْقِ طِرْفٍ أَدْهَمِ

16. And sufficed with the bundle of his hoard
So my resolves awakened responsive

١٦. وضعَ النَّثْرَةَ عنه نَثْرَةً
واكْتَفَى رَزْمَ سِنانِ المِرْزَمِ

17. To a determination after which they did not sleep
And I let my soul taste the sweetness of death

١٧. فاستجابَتْ هِمَمِي مُوقِظَةً
طَرْفَ عزمٍ بَعْدَها لم يَنَمِ

18. Then displayed to it the deadly poison
So it recoiled, scattering from its stars

١٨. وأَذقتُ النفسَ من شُهْدِ المُنَى
ثم عرَّضْتُ لها بالعَلْقَمِ

19. Pearls that without high ideals are not aligned
With meanings that even Zuheir in his prime

١٩. فانْثَنَتْ تُنْثَرُ من أَنْجُمِهِ
دُرَرٌ لولا العُلَى لم تُنْظَمِ

20. Did not have the skill to gather
Their value increased when linked

٢٠. بمعانٍ ماتَأَتَّى حَوْكُها
لِزُهَيْرٍ في مَعَالِي هَرمِ

21. To the Commander of the Faithful, the Greatest
Like the House of Sustenance, those who visit it

٢١. عَظُمَتْ قِيمَتُهَا مُذْ عَلِقَتْ
بأَميرِ المؤمنينَ الأَعظمِ

22. Spend the night safely in the Sacred Mosque
The direction of the faith to which

٢٢. كَعْبَةِ المَنِّ التي مَنْ زارَها
باتَ في أَمْنِ حَمَامِ الحَرَمِ

23. Jesus, son of Mary, will descend
The essence of light which Moses

٢٣. قِبْلَةِ الدينِ التي يأْتَمُّها
عندما ينزِلُ عِيسى مَرْيَمِ

24. Glimpsed in the darkness of the unknown
The proof of God by which

٢٤. جَوْهَرِ النورِ الذي آنسَهُ
لَحْظُ موسَى في سوادِ الظُّلَمِ

25. His creation made pilgrimage, believer or not
The palm tree of excellence, its branches

٢٥. حُجَّةِ اللِه التي حَجَّ بها
خَلْقُهُ من كافرٍ أَو مُسْلِمِ

26. Bearing fruits in the amazing wisdom
The leader of the army, he who follows it

٢٦. دَوْحَةِ الفضلِ التي أَغصانُها
مثمراتٌ ببديعِ الحِكَمِ

27. Wins by mentioning his name before clashing
An army attacks but has no power

٢٧. قائِدِ الجَيْشِ الذي مَنْ راعَهُ
باسْمِهِ قَبْلَ التَّلاقِي يُهْزَمِ

28. What gain when the ground is an ocean of blood?
The bats built a sky above it

٢٨. عسكرٌ جالَ ولا نٌَْعَ له
أَيُّ نَقْعٍ والثَّرَى بَحْرُ دَمِ

29. Its meteors carrying only debris
And the swords' tongues were unleashed

٢٩. بَنَتِ السُّمْرُ سماءً فوقَهُ
شُهْبُها ما حَمَلَتْ مِنْ لَهْذَمِ

30. By an eloquent one at the reins
The sun beneath it shook, how much

٣٠. وشَدَتْ أَلْسُنُ أَغمادِ الظُّبَا
بِفَصِيحٍ في ثُغورِ العِمَمِ

31. Light it shed from its gold pieces
And the flag of victory through it

٣١. طرِبَتْ من تحتِها الشمسُ فكَمْ
نَثَرَتْ من نُورِها من دِرْهمِ

32. Faintly appeared atop the standard
From his creation, his banners fluttered

٣٢. وَتَبَدَّى عَلَمُ النَّصْرِ بهِ
خافِتًا كالنَّارِ فَوْقَ العَلَمِ

33. Like protective turtledoves
Fine gold playing in them

٣٣. حَلَّقَتْ من خَلْقِهِ راياتُهُ
فَهْيَ أَمثالُ الحَمَامِ الحُوَّمِ

34. Sporting lightning in the tail of mist
And beckoning which made the air

٣٤. عّذَبٌ يَلْعَبُ فيها ذَهّبٌ
لَعِبَ البَرْقِ بذَيْلِ الدِّيَمِ

35. A dwelling for pride, refuge for tyranny
With cadavers whose soul is the wind, never

٣٥. وينودٌ جَعَلَ الجَوُّ بها
مَسْكَنَ الفَتْخاءِ مَأْوى الضِّيْغَمِ

36. Closing their gaping mouths
Every rising mane in ascension

٣٦. من نُعُوشٍ رُوحُها الريحُ فما
تَأْتَلِي تَفْغَرُ أَرْجَاءَ فم

37. Grasping with its two claws
And a falcon, whenever it circles

٣٧. كلُّ لُبٍّ صاعدٍ في صَعْدَةٍ
قابضٍ منها بِلِيْتَيْ أَرْقَمِ

38. A challenger terrifies the orbit of stars
In the hands of each fencer bearing his name

٣٨. وعُقابٍ كُلَّما حَوَّمَهَا
عارِضٌ رَوَّعَ سَيْرَ الأَنْجُمِ

39. Death serves the edge of the sharpened blade
Charging in fury without

٣٩. في يَدَيْ كلِّ كميٍّ باسمِهِ
يخدُمُ الموتُ شِفارَ المِخْذَمِ

40. Need for words to be spoken
So when it hastens into battle

٤٠. يَعْتَلِي من طَرْفِهِ في مَهْمَهٍ
دونَ أَنْ يُكْلَمَ مَعْنَى الكَلِمِ

41. It teaches the knight what he does not know
And when a breeze of vigor blows

٤١. فإِذا اسْتَطْرَدَ في معرَكَةٍ
عَلَّمَ الفارِسَ ما لك يَعْلَمِ

42. It breathes from him the most fragrant scent
That army, if its heroes threw

٤٢. وإِذا ريحُ نشاطٍ نَفَحَتْ
نَفَخَتْ منهُ بأَذْكَى ضَرَم

43. The dice of fate, would not be defeated
It is by him wherever it turns with him

٤٣. ذاك جيشٌ لو رَمَى أَبطَالَه
بالصّروفِ الدَّهْرُ لم تَنْهَزِمِ

44. Wherever the advantage appears from Bay Dhahab
It stands for birds and beasts with what

٤٤. هُوَ منه حيثُ ما دارَ بهِ
حيثُ حَلَّتْ غُرَّةٌ من أَدْهَم

45. They know to expect from it as provision
So you see the wolf in its den

٤٥. قام للطيرِ وللوحشِ بما
عهدَتْهُ عنده من مَطْعَمِ

46. Brotherly in disposition to the eagle
Happy, its enemies dreading

٤٦. فترى الذئبَ على لُوثَتِه
مُسْتَهَاماً بإِخاءِ القَشْعَمِ

47. Many a wedding turned to mourning
Oh Imam, time submitted to him

٤٧. فَرَحٌ سِيئَتْ له أَعداؤُهُ
رُبَّ عُرْسٍ كائنٍ عن مَأْتَمِ

48. And the necks of nations obeyed him
A call which the steadfast restored

٤٨. يا إِماماً خضع الدهرُ له
وأَطاعَتْهُ رِقابُ الأُمَمِ

49. To the path of purpose that was not severed
Whenever it tried to rise, the saying of slander checked it

٤٩. دَعْوَةً رَجَّعَهَا مُسْتَمْسِكٌ
بِعُرَى القَصْدِ التي لم تُفْصَمِ

50. With you, not permitted to throw
Affliction has overwhelmed it, so it complains

٥٠. كُلَّمَا رامَ نهوضاً حَصَّهُ
قَوْلُ زُغْبٍ عندَهُ لا تَرمِ

51. To your hands for the most just judgment

٥١. قد سَطَا الخَطْبُ عليه فاشْتَكَى
من أَيادِيكَ لأَوفي حَكَمِ