1. The stars gathered in their orbits
Surrounded by many nomads and knights
١. أَمَّا الكواكِبُ فاحْتَمَوْا بمواكِبِ
كم من عِرابٍ حَوْلَهُمْ وأَعارِبِ
2. And I fell for the rising of a piercing star among them
It was the falling of a piercing star
٢. ولقدْ هَوِيتُ طلوعَ نجمٍ ثاقِبٍ
منهم فكان هُوِيَ نَجْمٍ ثاقِبِ
3. Those stars, if you want their radiance
Ask the tears, they will bring down pouring rain
٣. تلك النجومُ فَإِنْ تُرِدْ أَنْواءَها
فَسَلِ الدموعَ تُجِبْ بغَيْث ساكِب
4. They made the sky their mounts and swore
No rising star can reach a setting one
٤. جَعَلُوا سماءَهُمُ الرِّكابَ وأًقسموا
أَنْ لا وصول لِطالعٍ في غارِبِ
5. They strode, their horses clad in armors
As if embroidered robes of knights
٥. ساروا وحوْلَ حُدُوجِهِمْ زُرْقُ القَنَا
فكأَنما نُظِمتْ وِشاحَ ترائبِ
6. Of dark ones going with dark stalwarts
Or white ones with dashing whites
٦. من أَسمَرٍ يقضي بأَسْمَرَ عاسِلٍ
أَو أَبيضٍ يمضي بأَبْيَضَ قاضِبِ
7. Say to the blacks, let the going be easy
For they have prevented their gazelles with leopards
٧. قلْ لَسودِ دَعِي الخُروج فإِنَّها
قد مَنَّعتْ غِزْلانَها بثعالِبِ
8. They shook from their quivers well-aimed arrows
And drew from their eyelids striking blades
٨. هَزَّوا من الأَعطافِ آلة طاعنٍ
ونَضَوْا من الأَجفانِ آلةَ ضاربِ
9. And shot with a precise eye's arrow
Bringing down a pouring rain with precise eyes
٩. ورَمَوْا بسهمٍ من عيونٍ صائبٍ
فقضَى بغَيْثٍ من عيونٍ صائِبِ
10. And I had clad my heart for a gentle nation
And learned that beauty is the first conqueror
١٠. ولقد كسوتُ القلبَ لأْمةَ سَلْوَةٍ
وعلِمْتُ أَنَّ الحُسْنَ أَولُ سالبِ
11. The moon rose to me with a visiting face
So I stayed where the star's gaze kept guard
١١. وجلا عليَّ البدرُ وجه مُواصِلٍ
فأَبِيتُ حيثُ النَّجْمُ طَرْفُ مُراقِبِ
12. And I went to al-Mansur with poetry scrolls
Which I let down to him with the perfect suitor
١٢. وجلَوْتُ للمنصورِ غيدَ قصائدٍ
أَنزلَتُهَا منهُ بأَكْملَ خاطِبِ
13. And he granted me a stipend he freed
For me from taxes given to the stipended
١٣. وخُصِصْتُ منه براتبٍ فاعْتَاقَهُ
عنِّي بَهَائِمُ خُصِّصوا بَمَرَاتِبِ
14. From an agent who deceives him with agents
Or a clerk who seizes him with troops
١٤. من عامل يغتالَهُ بعوامِلٍ
أَو كاتبٍ يحْتَازُهُ بِكتائبِ
15. And money is scattered in their slaves' laps
By Nizam al-Din's dispersing hands
١٥. والمالُ يُنْثَرُ في حُجُورِ عبيدِهِمْ
بَيدَي نظامِ الدينِ نَثْر الخاصِبِ
16. O time, you allowed him an overseer
With blind eyes, so do not begrudge him an eyebrow
١٦. يا دهْرُ أَنتَ سَمَحْتَ منه بناظِرٍ
أعْمى فلا تَبْخَلْ عليه بِحَاجِبِ
17. Is your command complete, O feeble one, while
These examples spoke nothing false?
١٧. أَيَتِمُّ أَمْرُكَ يا أَشَلُّ وهذِه ال
أَمثالُ لم تنطِقْ بشيءٍ كاذبِ
18. O feeble one, craft is a slanted profession
Its wont is deceit, the place of the fraudulent
١٨. إِن الصناعةَ يا أَشلُّ مُهنَّدٌ
ماضِي الغِرارِ محلُّه لِلضَّاربِ
19. Your right hand is paralyzed from protecting its wealth
Intentionally, while your sons' hands are active in pillage
١٩. شُلَّت يَمِينُكَ عن صِيانَةِ مالِها
قَصْداً وصحَّتْ من بَنِيكَ لِنَاهِبِ
20. And I see you have empowered your palm with what
Your blind eye has denied the seeker
٢٠. وأَراكَ قد ملَّكْتَ كفَّكَ عَيْنَ ما
جَحَدَتْهُ عيْنُك بالْعَمَى لِلطالبِ
21. No peaceful face of yours should order me
Silently, when you hide a warring heart
٢١. لا يأْمْرنِّي منك وجْهُ مُسالمٍ
صمْتاً وقد أَخْفَيْتَ قَلْبَ مُحاربِ
22. If I stood in the diwan composing satire of it
A book of poetry, I would not have done my duty
٢٢. لو قُمْتُ في الديوانِ أَنظِمُ هَجْوَهُ
ديوانَ شعرٍ لم أَقُمْ بالواجِبِ
23. Flattering hands have controlled it with their palms
And dominated it with overwhelming rule
٢٣. دَسْتٌ بياذِقُهُ سطَتْ بشِياهِهِ
وتَحكَّمتْ فيهِ بحكْمٍ غالِب
24. Abu al-Budur, the damned, is adorned as if
He knows not the moon is born of passing nights
٢٤. يُزْهَى أَبو البدرِ اللعينُ كأَنَّهُ
لم يَدْرِ أَن البَدْرَ نَجْلُ غياهِبِ
25. And Abu al-Faraj, the lowly, is seen conferred
Ranks and positions suitable to him
٢٥. ويُرَى أَبو الفَرجِ الخسيسُ مجازِفاً
يُقْضَى له بمناصِبٍ ومناسِبِ
26. And in it al-Za'lamsh inclines by his nature
So confusion sheds its cloak's lapels
٢٦. ويَمِيلُ فيه الزَّعْلَمشُّ لِطَبْعِهِ
فَيهُزُّ منه التِّيهُ مَعْطِفَ شارب
27. A people as if God poured their forms
And the ignominy when they were molded in a mold
٢٧. قومٌ كأَنَّ اللَّه صَبَّ شُخوصَهُمْ
واللُّؤْمَ لما صُوِّروا في قالَبِ
28. O writer who brought the writers what
Made them most deserving of writers
٢٨. يا كاتِباً أَدَى إِلَي الكُتَّاب ما
عادُوا أَحَقَّ لأَجلِهِ بمُكاتِبِ
29. Your fingers grasped the clouds and I found them
Lightning, and your palm a pouring rain
٢٩. لَقَطَتْ أَنَامِلُك السَّحابَ فخِلْتُها
بَرْقاً وكَفَّكَ هاطِلاتِ سَحَائِبِ
30. Far from you to turn your care aside
And sleep from gold leaving to your uncle
٣٠. حاشاكَ أَ تَثْنِي اهْتِمامَكَ جانباً
وتنامَ عن ذَهبٍ لِخِلِّكَ ذاهِبِ
31. It is a stipend I used to await its star
But it fell and made my anxiety my stipend
٣١. هُو راتِبٌ قد كُنْتُ أَرْقُبُ نَجْمَهُ
فَهَوَى وقد جَعَلَ التُّقلُّقَ راتِبي
32. And the night, if it does not come, is not ending
Ever, nor is the watcher of stars bringing news
٣٢. والليلُ إِنْ لَمْ يأْتِ لَيْسَ بمُنْقَضٍ
أَبدًا ولا راعِي النُّجُومِ بآيِب