1. This passion cannot be diminished,
It seeks love and desire.
١. هذا اللّوى لا حُطّ منه لواءُ
يرتاد عنه هوىً وهواءُ
2. Unravel the tears' knots into its knots,
If its love has made you drink the bitter cup.
٢. فاحْلُل عقودَ الدمعِ في عقداتِه
إن جرّعَتْك غرامَك الجَرعاءُ
3. Play with your cloak like a wand, for
Its limbs have gifted you open spaces.
٣. والعبْ بعِطفِك كالقضيب فإنما
أهدَتْ بوارِحَها لك البُرَحاءُ
4. Of the traces of his shining stars, nothing remains
Except tears, for they are lights.
٤. لم يبقَ من آثارِ أنجُمِ غِيدِه
إلا الدموع فإنها أنواءُ
5. They made the protectors their protection and migrated,
So wherever they settled were gazelles and mountain goats.
٥. جعلوا الحُماةَ حِماهُم وترحّلوا
فبحيثُ ما حلّوا ظُبىً وظِباءُ
6. They swept the reed beds and the black did
What the black does not do.
٦. وتكنّسوا قصَبَ الوشيجِ وتفعل ال
سّمراءُ ما لا تفعلُ السّمراءُ
7. These dwellings are like dwellings, so ask
About their full moons, for they have darkened.
٧. هذي المنازلُ كالمنازل فاسألوا
عن بدرها فلقد دجَتْ ظلماءُ
8. Blame separation, though you have not bound
Any agreement of solace, so when will gathering be blamed?
٨. ذُمَّ الفِراقُ وما علقْتَ بذمّةٍ
من سلوةٍ فمتى يُذمّ لقاءُ
9. That life is for God, for between us
There is no enmity and our habits are not hostile.
٩. لله ذاك العيشُ إذ لا بيننا
بينٌ ولا عاداتُنا عُدَواءُ
10. The air is clear, the springs are sweet,
The meadows verdant, and the breeze gentle.
١٠. والجوّ صافٍ والمواردُ عذبةٌ
والروضُ نضْرٌ والنسيمُ رُخاءُ
11. I tried to remove passion but it clung to me,
A man pulled at it and so did an old woman.
١١. ولقد نزعتُ عن الغرامِ فشاقَني
أرَجٌ نماهُ مندلٌ وكِباءُ
12. The zephyr of Najd blew, and youth blew for me,
So passions met passions.
١٢. هبّتْ صَبا نجدٍ وهبّ لي الصِّبا
فتلاقَتِ الأهواءُ والأهواءُ
13. What fault is it of the critic that he stripped
My excuse away and my excuse is an innocent damsel?
١٣. ماذا على العذّال أن خلعَ الهوى
عُذري وعُذري غادةٌ عذراءُ
14. Rather, how can love suit me and its abode
Is below the lowly, and I below the Gemini?
١٤. بل كيف يحسنُ بي الهوى ومحلّهُ
دون الحضيضِ ودونيَ الجوزاء
15. Would that the rain of clouds sates me, not
Would that I sate and not the thirsty.
١٥. يا حبّذا رِيُّ الكئيب من الظّما
لا حبّذا أروى ولا ظَمياءُ
16. It is the shoulder of resolve which if
It were a wind, they'd say it was fate.
١٦. هو منكِبُ العزمِ الذي لو أنّهُ
ريحٌ لقالوا إنها النّكْباءُ
17. And I have a thought which if its light shines forth
The intelligent would witness it is intelligence.
١٧. ولديّ فكرٌ إن تبلّج نورُه
شهد الذكاءُ بأن ذاك ذُكاءُ
18. Fate cast its ropes and he chose,
And he prevents like an unwedded person.
١٨. ألقى القريضُ له مقالدَ أمره
فاختارَ وهو المانعُ كالأبّاءُ
19. How many a verse whose structure is raised
By pillars, its highest being the lofty.
١٩. كم بيتِ شعرٍ قد علا بنيانُه
بيتاً دعائمُ سَمكِه العلياءُ
20. It brings the dead to life after their demise
And sometimes it kills the living by it.
٢٠. يُحيي به الأمواتَ بعد فنائها
ولربّما ماتت به الأحياءُ
21. Its words like meteors except
In every discourse, a shower of meteors.
٢١. ألفاظه كالشهبِ إلا أنها
في كل خطبٍ فيلقٌ شهباءُ
22. And I belong to the elite of Bani Uday,
Where glory grows stout.
٢٢. والى سَراةِ بني عديٍّ أنتمي
في حيثُ تُنمى العزةُ القعساءُ
23. A people who are the caves of the age and its people,
And a people naturally courageous.
٢٣. قومٌ همُ غُررُ الزمان وأهله
والعالمونَ جِبلّةٌ دهماءُ
24. They fetch orations though it is perilous
And hasten to war though it is demise.
٢٤. يتورّدون الخطبَ وهو مهالكٌ
ويبادرون الحربَ وهي فناءُ
25. They address with tongues of blades which
Without them the orators would stammer.
٢٥. ويخاطبون بألسنِ البيضِ التي
من دونها يتلجلجُ الخُطباءُ
26. With each well-aimed sword that
Severs the head of the tyrant when the clamor arises.
٢٦. من كل أروعَ ضاربٍ بحسامه
رأس الكميّ إذا التظَتْ هيجاءُ
27. A shoot whose origin is protected, as though
Under the standard's fold there is a standard.
٢٧. ناءٍ مناطُ نجادِه فكأنه
من تحت منعقِد اللواءِ لواءُ
28. Proportionate in all limbs, his chest
A heart, and his heart altogether dark.
٢٨. متناسبِ الأجزاءِ أجمعُ صدرِه
قلبٌ وأجمعُ قلبِه سوداءُ
29. If the horizons darken, he is a flame,
Or if dangers darken, he is a light.
٢٩. إن تظلِم الأفدارُ فهو مهنّدٌ
أو تُظلِم الأخطارُ فهو ضياءُ
30. He rushes to the fire of turmoil, likening it
To fingers from which water overflows.
٣٠. يصبو الى نار الوغى فيُشبُّها
بأناملٍ منها يفيضُ الماءُ
31. The neighing din shakes him as though
The grey mare judged against him.
٣١. ويهزّه هزَجُ الصهيل كأنما
حكمتْ عليه القهوةُ الصّهباءُ
32. The sons of honored Lakhm, a group
Who do not waver and in firmness lies praise.
٣٢. أبناء لخمَ الأكرمينَ عصابةً
لا ينثنون وفي الثّباتِ ثناءُ
33. They spread their accounts before their Khamis
In war, which is the white banner.
٣٣. نشروا أمام خميسِهم أحسابَهم
في الحرب وهي الرايةُ البيضاءُ
34. They took from Al-Nu'man a canon of virtues
By which bounty lasted for their guest.
٣٤. أخذوا عن النعمان شرعَ مكارمٍ
دامَتْ لضيفِهم بها النِّعْماءُ
35. They struck their abodes with travelers' whips, so
The stranger and the near were equal.
٣٥. ضربوا بمُستنِّ الركابِ قبابَهم
فتساوتِ الغُرباءُ والقُرباءُ
36. And the two guests controlled their wealth
As though they were their partners.
٣٦. وتحكّم الضيفانُ في أموالهم
حتى كأنهمُ لهم شُركاءُ
37. The shame of time fears them so its sinner
Did not know in ease what distress was.
٣٧. يخشاهم ريبُ الزمان فجارُهم
لم يدْرِ في السّراءِ ما الضرّاءُ
38. A lineage, if bloom were in its shining
Dawn and dusk would resemble one another.
٣٨. نسبٌ لو انّ الزهرَ في إشراقِه
لتشابَه الإصباحُ والإمساءُ
39. More magnificent than the shining moon, but
The words of Abdullah about it are howling.
٣٩. أبهى من القمر المنير وإنما
أقوالُ عبد الله فيه عُواءُ
40. I have gathered the accounts, so come with a tribe
To which the eloquent assign nobility even if it is a female ostrich.
٤٠. أملفّقَ الأحسابِ جِئ بقبيلة
تُنمى لها ولو انّها العنقاءُ
41. Forge as is your old habit a lineage
And leave Udayy and go as you wish.
٤١. زوّرْ كعادتك القديمة نسبةً
واتركْ عديّاً وامضِ كيف تشاءُ
42. And I reckon your mother, o wavering one, mixed
So people altogether are your mixed-race.
٤٢. وأظنّ أمكَ يا مذَبذبُ خلّطَتْ
فالناسُ فيك جمعُهم خُلَطاءُ
43. Do not deny, for in your poem there is solecism,
Its words will forever testify against you.
٤٣. لا تنكرنّ ففي قريضك عُجمةٌ
ألفاظُه أبداً بها شُهداء
44. Cleanse it of terrible mistakes and solecisms
And go, let the scholars correct it for you.
٤٤. نظِّفْه من خطأٍ ولحنٍ فاحشٍ
واذهبْ تصوّبْهُ لك العلماءُ
45. And transmit it fully voweled for too often
You misspelled what the poets composed for you.
٤٥. وانقُلهُ مضبوطَ الحروفِ فطالما
صحّفْتَ ما نظمَتْ لك الشعراءُ
46. And direct your arrows into your core, for
Only equals and peers compete.
٤٦. واردُدْ سهامك في صميمك إنما
تتناضلُ الأمثالُ والأكفاءُ
47. Ubayd, no man has lost who has a supporter
When banners tremble.
٤٧. أعُبَيْدُ ما خابَ امرؤٌ عونٌ له
عونٌ إذا ما هزّتِ اللأواءُ
48. And zeal has roused for a Nabataean tribe
To show you enmity, o eloquent one.
٤٨. ولقد نزعتْ لأمةٍ نبطيّة
تُبديك آنفةً لها الفُصَحاءُ
49. Ubayd, Jarir has no grudge against you
If views showed you his path.
٤٩. أعُبيدُ ما لجريرَ فيك جريرةٌ
لو بصّرتْك طريقَها الآراءُ
50. The lightning of meeting deceived you, so you feared it
As a mountain gap though no clouds poured upon you.
٥٠. غرّتك بارقةُ اللقاءِ فخفتَها
خوراً ولم تهطِلْ عليك سماءُ
51. And you asked in delivering yourself when
You supposed cowardice that they were panegyrists.
٥١. وسألتَ في إنجاءِ نفسك عندما
ظنّيتَ جُبناً أنهم مُدحاءُ
52. So you mounted the departing camel and the horizons narrowed
In your eyes, both dusty and green.
٥٢. فركبتَ قادمةَ الفرارِ وضاقتِ ال
غبراءُ في عينيك والخضراءُ
53. And you left your perfection, o despicable one, though
The cattle were only for the generous community.
٥٣. وتركتَ كمالك يا لئيمُ ولم يكنْ
للمال إلا المعشرُ الكرماءُ
54. It was from plunder so returns to its origin
In his bounty, and so are things.
٥٤. قد كان من نهبٍ فعاد لأصلِه
في فضلِه وكذلك الأشياءُ
55. Behold, your misdeeds have led your ruin by force.
Die in sorrow, for illness has befallen you.
٥٥. ها إنّ ظِلفَك ساقَ حتفَك عنوةً
مُتْ حسرةً قد حاقَ فيك الداءُ
56. Virtuous deeds do not improve the conduct of a corrupt one;
Improving the conduct of his walk are calamities.
٥٦. لا تُصلحُ النعماءُ سيرةَ مُفسدٍ
إصلاحُ سيرةِ سيرِه البأساءُ
57. And God knows best about worshippers, and His judgment
Is just, and perhaps in agony lies healing.
٥٧. والله أعلمُ بالعبادِ وحكمُه
عدلٌ ورُبّ شقاً وفيه شِفاءُ
58. And they turned their backs on my feelings,
And the fire cannot be kindled by allies.
٥٨. ومعرّضينَ لخاطري عِرضَيهِما
والنارُ لا تقوى بها الحَلْفاءُ
59. I ignored them until we were ignorant in folly
That they were blind.
٥٩. أغضيْتُ عيني عنهما حتى لقد
خلنا بجهل أنها عمياءُ
60. And if friends are not equitable,
Know them to be enemies.
٦٠. والأصدقاء إذا همُ لم يُنصَفوا
فاعلَمْ بأنهم هم الأعداء
61. If the inclination of their love does not stand with justice,
Then I have blame in the wake of reproach.
٦١. إن لم يقُمْ بالعدل ميلُ ودادِهم
فلديّ في أثر العتابِ هِجاءُ
62. And the enmity of poets, what they have heard of it,
So let them do after this what they wish.
٦٢. وعداوة الشعراء ما سمعوا به
فليفعلوا من بعد ذا ما شاءوا