
May Allah protect you, O Abu Al-Hasan

كان لك الله يا أبا الحسن

1. May Allah protect you, O Abu Al-Hasan
As a savior from the tyranny of tribulations

١. كانَ لَكَ اللُّه يا أَبا الحَسَنِ
مُنَجِّياً من طوارِقِ الفِتنِ

2. With your virtues that brought you honor
You have become self-sufficient, without need for praise

٢. أَنتَ بآلائِكَ التي شَرُفَتْ
أَصْبَحْتَ عن سائر المديح غَنِي

3. Your father attained every glory
And you follow in his footsteps

٣. أَبوكَ قد حازَ كّلَّ مَكْرُمَةٍ
وأَنتَ من بعدِهِ على السَّنَنِ

4. O son of a Caliph, O finest of youth
Whose equal in this age does not exist

٤. يا ابْنَ خُلَيْفٍ ويا أَجَلَّ فَتًى
مثالُه في الزمانِ لم يَكُنِ

5. I am tested by the passage of time
As is the way for free men, the mine of trials

٥. إِني بصرفِ الزَّمانِ مُمْتَحَنٌ
كذلك الحُرُّ مَعْدِنُ المِحَنِ

6. And the messenger has come telling me
That you seek the script without reproach from me

٦. وقد أَتاني الرسولُ يُخْبِرُنِي
أَنْكَ تبغِي الكتابَ غَيْرَ وَنِي

7. But matters impede me, so if you are just
Be patient - the time is not yet ripe

٧. ولي أَمورٌ تعوقُنِي فإذا
أَنصفْتَ فاصْبِرْ فالوَقْتُ لم يَحِنِ

8. With paper that shines white
Ink as black as coal upon it

٨. من وَرَقٍ راشِحٍ يلوحُ به
أَحْلَكْ حِبْرٍ يكونُ كَالقُطُنِ

9. And each day I say I will fulfill it
But the turns of fate preoccupy me

٩. وكُلَّ يَوْمٍ أَقُولُ أُنْجِزُهُ
ونائباتُ الزَّمانِ تَصْرِفُني

10. So accept the excuses of a weary servant
Praising you in secret and openly

١٠. فاقْبَلْ معاذِيرَ خادِمٍ كَلِفٍ
في سِرِّه مادحٍ وفي العَلَنِ

11. And judge as you see fit, for if
You are pleased, it is pleasure to the age

١١. واحكُمْ بما ترتضِيهِ فَهْوَ إِذا
رضيتَ عنه رِضاً عن الزمنِ