1. Is it lightning in the clouds or the fragrance of meadows
Flapping its wings over it is the bird of foreboding
١. ألشَيْمِ برقٍ أم شميمِ عَرارِ
أوْرى بجانحَتَيْهِ زنْدُ أُوارِ
2. Or did passion dishevel its cloak, so the hands
Of youth tore from it the raiment of dignity
٢. أم هزّ مِعطَفَهُ الغرامَ فمزّقَتْ
أيدي الصّبابةِ عنه ثوبَ وَقارِ
3. Or did the hand of love make it taste at dawn
A draft, so it remained for it prostrate and intoxicated
٣. أم باكرتْهُ يدُ الهَوى بمُدامةٍ
صِرْفٍ فباتَ لها صريعَ خُمارِ
4. And the wafting breeze of an open garden
Disclosed what secrets it contained
٤. وعليلُ نفحةِ روضةٍ مطلولةٍ
باحتْ بما ضمّتْ من الأسرارِ
5. When the cloaks inhaled its subtle fragrance
The embers of fire curled up in the heart
٥. ما استَنْشَقَتْ منها المعاطفُ بلّةً
إلا انثَنَتْ في القلبِ جُذوةَ نارِ
6. Where the boughs sway tipsily in its dunes
Agitated by the warbling of the birds
٦. حيثُ الغصونُ تميسُ في كُثبانِها
طرَباً لسجعِ ملاحنِ الأطيارِ
7. The hands of youth toyed with them so they swayed
As if they had drunk from a cup of poison
٧. عبثتْ بها أيدي الصَّبا فتمايلتْ
فكأنّما شرِبَتْ بكأسِ عُقارِ
8. And the garlands of flowers were crowned
With necklaces of the pearls of rain
٨. وتكلّلتْ تيجانُ أزهارِ الرُبى
بفرائدٍ من لؤلؤِ الأمطارِ
9. So the air was scented with the musk of clouds
And the earth adorned with carpet of flowers
٩. فالجوّ في مِسكيّةِ الغيمِ انبرى
والأرضُ في موشيّةِ الأزهارِ
10. The singers sway languidly in its expanses
Swaying coquettishly like the swaying of a charmer
١٠. والغانياتُ تميسُ في أرجائها
مختالةً ميسَ القَنا الخَطّارِ
11. By each murderess who slew with the sword of her charm
Deliberately, though her victim had no blood-revenge
١١. من كلِّ سافكةٍ بسيفِ فُتورِها
عمداً وما لِقَتيلها من ثارِ
12. Like the moon in the remoteness of attainment, and in grace
Like a gazelle, in kohl, and overflowing charm
١٢. كالبدرِ في بُعدِ المنالِ وفي السّنا
والريمِ في كحَلٍ وفرطِ نِفارِ
13. And a swaying, which the morning breeze disheveled,
Toying with the cloaks of the trees
١٣. ومهفهفٍ عبثَ الصّبا بقوامِه
عبثَ الصَّبا بمعاطِفِ الأشجارِ
14. And the glitter of what the goblets of his beauty poured
Melted my heart with the most potent wine
١٤. وسنانَ ما حالَتْ قِداحُ جمالِه
إلا ثَنى قلبي من الأعشارِ
15. I gave him respite to the sun but it inclined
Towards a flask growing in the light of day
١٥. عاطيتُهُ راحاً الى الشمسِ انتمَتْ
بزُجاجةٍ تُنْمى لضوءِ نَهارِ
16. And the night prides itself with its necklaces and crescent moon
Among necklaces and bracelets
١٦. والليلُ من جَوزائه وهلالِه
يختالُ بين قِلادةٍ وسِوارِ