
I do not drink wine

لا أشرب الراح إلا

1. I do not drink wine
Except what's between a grape vine and vines

١. لا أَشْرَبُ الرَّاحَ إِلاَّ
ما بَيْنَ شادٍ وشادِنْ

2. And if I pass away I have
Places to return to, to their origins

٢. وإِن فَنِيتُ فعندي
إِلى مَعَادٍ معادِنُ

3. Rise up my boon companion and listen
While the night is pitch black in the darkness

٣. قُمْ يا نديمِي فأَنْصِتْ
والليلُ داجٍ لِداجنْ

4. He sang and complained, so he pulled off
The dress of a singer, singers

٤. غَنَّى وناحَ فَنَزَّعْ
تُ ثوبَ خاشٍ مُخَاشِنْ

5. Yield to the drinking and pleasure
In every sense and senses

٥. طاوِعْ على القَصْفِ والعَزْ
ف كُلَّ حاسٍ وحاسِنْ

6. And get up from your sitting place
From the seats of dignity and dignitaries

٦. وانهَضْ بطيشِكَ عن سِمْ
تِ ذي وَقَارٍ وقارِنْ

7. Bring the wine cup and welcome
With pure and purified

٧. هاتِ الكُمَيْتَ وأَهلاً
منها بصَافٍ وصافِنْ

8. More generous than he who is generous
In every land with its lands

٨. أَثُورُ من ذِي ومن ذا
بكُلِّ غابٍ بغابِنْ

9. And if nights trick me
One day with someone I trick

٩. وإَن رَمَتْني الليالي
يوماً بدَاهٍ أُدَاهِنْ