1. And for many a tattered garment I've risked
My life to mend when called by valorous deeds
١. ولربّ خِرْقٍ جُبْتُهُ بأضامرٍ
لُحُقِ الأياطِلِ قادَها الإقدامُ
2. Timid as arrows at first, in fright taking cover,
Yet when the battle was joined, most fierce indeed
٢. خُوصٌ كأمثالِ السِهامِ مخافةً
فإذا سَما خطْبٌ فهنّ سنامُ
3. The talk of fair-faced youths on a pitch-black night
Slumber and passion both shrouding each noble steed
٣. في فتيةٍ بيضِ الوجوهِ حديثُهُمْ
والليلُ داجٍ صبوةٌ وغَرامُ
4. Time has disheveled their hair, yet they seem
Intoxicated, though no wine have they freed
٤. عبثَ الكَرى برؤوسِهم فأحالَها
فكأنهم سَكْرى وليس مُدامُ