
If only he had adorned it with the skirts of Hindustan

لو شاء بل بها ذيول الحندس

1. If only he had adorned it with the skirts of Hindustan
And fragranced it with the scent of his sigh at dawn,

١. لو شاءَ بَلّ بها ذُيولَ الحِندِسِ
واعتاضَها من صُبحهِ المتنفّسِ

2. But he denied love and feared that the tongue of the goblet
Would reveal it to you - so keep its helplessness with you,

٢. لكنه جحدَ الغرامَ وخاف أن
يوحي إليك بها لسانُ الأكؤُسِ

3. For it is enough for him that his overflowing tears
Were not contained, like a loosened bridle.

٣. فاحبِسْ أعنَّتَها لديكَ فحسبُه
طرْفٌ عنانُ دموعِه لم يُحبَسِ

4. There is a link between the living and the dead,
Do you not hear it in the bright daylight?

٤. بين الحُميّا والمُحيّا نسبةٌ
أوَ لستَ تسمعُ بالنهارِ المُشمِسِ

5. I remembered the olden days, and yet
I remembered the olden days and did not forget.

٥. أذكرْتُه الزمنَ القديمَ وإنما
أذكرتُه الزمن القديم وما نَسي

6. It was an age whose morning and evening
Vied over the attributes of a hare-lipped elf.

٦. دهرٌ كأنّ صباحَه ومساءهُ
يتنازعانِ صفاتِ أشْنَبَ ألْعَسِ

7. Sorrow slapped his cheek
And a narcissus tear flowed from his eye.

٧. لطمَ الشقيقُ عليه صفحةَ خدّهِ
وأفاضَ دمعَ الطّلّ طَرْفَ النرجِسِ

8. Until the stars of his perfection set
And the cups of his morning melted into Hindustan,

٨. حتى إذا أفلت نجوم كماله
والتف صبح كؤوسه بالحندسِ

9. Keep up love, for if you cry,
These tears are the bubbles of those goblets.

٩. أدِمِ الغرامَ فإن بكيت فإنما
هذي الدموع حَبابُ تلك الأكؤسِ

10. And you have often ignited a spark of yearning
That kindled the glowing embers of weeping eyes,

١٠. ولقدْ قدَحْتَ زِنادَ شوقٍ طالما
أورى شَرارَ المَدْمَع المتبجّسِ