1. The eyelids bloomed with the secret of his passion,
When sorrows came to his heart.
١. نَمَّت بِسِرِّ غرامِهِ الأَجْفانُ
لما نَأَتْ بفؤادِهِ الأَظْعَانُ
2. He kept hiding it and showing it through weeping,
Until confiding and declaring became the same.
٢. ما زَال يُخْفِيه ويُظْهرُهُ البكا
حتى استوى الإِسرارُ والإِعلانُ
3. And he folded the pages of youth concealing,
So his tears became a title for her.
٣. ولقد طوى صُحُفَ الصبابَةِ كاتِمًا
فَبَدَا لها من دمعِهِ عُنْوانُ
4. Do not blame him if his tears flowed,
For separation and abandonment afflicted him.
٤. لا تعذُلِيه إِن جَرَتْ عَبَرَاتُه
فالبَيْنُ جارَ عليه والهِجْرانُ
5. They went away, could they not give him a glance,
While the gazelles scattered around.
٥. سارُوا فَهَلاَّ زَوَّدُوهُ بنظرةٍ
منهمْ وقد تَتَلَفَّتُ الغِزلانُ
6. If it is good with the people of the sanctuary
To kill, then where is goodness and benevolence?
٦. إِنْ كان يحْسُنُ عند سُكَّانِ الحِمى
قتلى فأَين الحُسْنُ والإِحسانُ
7. I did not know before the scattering of companions,
That love - my friend - is humiliation.
٧. ما كنتُ أَعلَمُ قبل تشتيتِ النَّوى
أَنَّ الهوى يا صاحِبَيَّ هَوانُ
8. They appeared and the houses shone like stars rising,
The breeze blew and the branches swayed.
٨. بانوا فأَشرَقَتِ البدورُ طوالِعاً
وسرى النسيمُ ومادَتِ الأَغصانُ
9. On the carriages a beauty smiled,
Eden though Redwan was unaware of her.
٩. وعلى الرّكائِب غادةٌ سَمَحَتْ بها
عَدَنٌ ولم يشعًرْ بها رضْوانُ
10. When she pretended to carry her train,
The delicate stature of Na'man submitted.
١٠. لما ادَّعَتْ يبرينُ منها رِدْفَها
دانَتْ لِلِينِ قِوَامِها نَعْمَانُ
11. You were honored but now you are disgraced,
And from the afflictions of love, I honor and humiliate you.
١١. عَزَّتْ فهُنْتُ ومن بَلِيَّاتِ الهوى
أَنِّي أُعِزُّكِ دائماً وأَهانُ
12. Her charms brought the north wind, so like
A passionate lover I was blown away.
١٢. وعَدَت شمائِلُها الشَّمالَ فكما
هَبَّتْ هَفَوْتُ كأَنني نَشْوانُ
13. I knew her to be compliant to love, as my aspect
Was fresh and the branch of my youth flourishing.
١٣. وعَهِدْتُها طَوْعَ الهوى إِذْ منظري
نَضْرٌ وغصنُ شَبِيبَتِي ريَّانُ
14. I drag the train of my youth randomly,
As the train was dragged for it.
١٤. أَيامَ أَسحبُ فضلَ ذَيْلِ صَبَابتي
تيهاً كما سُحِبَتْ لها أَردانُ
15. O life, if you are lost, the stuffing of my essence
Is fire and the outpouring of my tears a flood.
١٥. يا عَيْشُ إِنْ تُفْقَدْ فَحَشْوُ جوانِحي
نارٌ وفيضُ مدامِعي طُوفانُ
16. Time passed and Ahmad bin Muhammad
Has glory beyond which Kayan's glory diminishes.
١٦. ولَّى الصِّبا ولأَحمدِ بنِ محمدٍ
مجدٌ تقاصَرَ دونَهُ كِيوانُ
17. We have ink from his rest and knowledge,
Each like heavy abundant rain.
١٧. حَبْرٌ لنا من راحتَيْهِ وعِلْمِهِ
غيثانِ كلٌّ منهما هتَّانُ
18. Alexandria adorned itself with delight through him,
And the height of its glory longed for Baghdan.
١٨. لَبسَتْ به الإِسكندريَّةُ بهجةً
فَعنَتْ لعزِّ جلالها بَغْدانُ
19. The ranks of supremacy honored him,
Say, how can realms not take pride?
١٩. وتفاخَرَتْ رُتَبُ العلا شرفًا به
قُلْ كيف لا تتفاخَرُ البُلْدَانُ
20. The eye of every leader desired him lovingly,
Each infatuated and passionate.
٢٠. ورَنَتْ إِليه عينُ كل رئاسةٍ
حُبًّا فكلٌّ مغرَمٌ هَيْمَانُ
21. His bright smile delighted, so time shone
Perplexed by the light of his face.
٢١. ونضَا مُحَيَّاهُ الدياجيَ فازْدَهَتْ
تِيهًا بُغرَّةِ وجهه الأَزِمانُ
22. Or do you not see Ramadan approaching laughing,
While Sha'ban left regretfully?
٢٢. أَوَ ما ترى رَمَضَانَ أَقبلَ ضاحكاً
ومضَى قَرينَ تأَسُّفٍ شعبانُ
23. When God loves a servant, he remains
In all hearts a place for his passion.
٢٣. وإِذا أَحبَّ الله عبداً لم يَزَلْ
لِهَواهُ في كُلِّ القلوبِ مَكانُ
24. In his palm, tongue and soul,
For us are favor, faith and safety.
٢٤. في كَفِّه ولسانِهِ وجنانِهِ
مَنٌّ وإِيمانٌ لنا وأَمانُ
25. On his gardens of rhetoric and eloquence,
Eyes and ears marvel.
٢٥. وعلى رياضِ بَنَانِه وبيانِه
تتغايَرُ الأَبصارُ والآذانُ
26. What can I say, and he has shown virtues,
That exalted, of which no human can boast?
٢٦. ماذا أَقولُ وقد أَبانَ فضائلاً
جَلَّتْ فلم يَفْخَرْ بها إِنسانُ
27. If I say, like the full moon in beauty of sight,
The moon itself can be diminished by flaws.
٢٧. إِن قلتُ مثلُ البدر بهجَةَ منظرٍ
فالبدرُ قد يُودِي به النُّقْصانُ
28. If I say, the clouds tell of his generosity,
Yet their downpour is limited.
٢٨. لو قلتُ تحكيه الغَمامُ سماحةً
فنوالُه طولَ المدى عِقْيانُ
29. O guardian of the faith, hear praise of him,
That strengthened pillars and set caravans moving.
٢٩. يا حافِظَ الدينِ استمِعْ مَدْحاً بِهِ
شَدَتِ القِيانُ وسارَتِ الرُّكْبانُ
30. For you are smiling in the face of virtues,
Slender in waist and human in the eye of supremacy.
٣٠. فَلأَنْتَ في وجهِ المكارِمِ مَبْسِمٌ
خَصِرٌ وفي عين العلا إِنسانُ
31. You restored me from humiliation to honor,
And man is honored at times and disgraced at others.
٣١. عوضتني من بعدِ هَوْنٍ عِزَّةً
والمرءُ يُكرم تارةً ويُهانُ
32. Time makes me incline toward others, and yet
Not every pasture is fertile Sa'dan.
٣٢. ولقد ينوِّلِنَي سواكَ وإِنما
ما كُلُّ مرعًى مُخْصِب سَعْدانُ
33. I admit I am incapable
Of thanking you for what you have given me, and clouds have watered me.
٣٣. أَقْرَرْتُ أَنِّي عاجِزٌ عن شكر ما
أَوْليتَني ولوانَّني سَحْبانُ