
I am not one who is thought to be

لست ممن يظن فيه سوى ما

1. I am not one who is thought to be
Other than what affection dictates in its excess.

١. لَسْتُ مِمَّنْ يُظَنُّ فيه سِوَى ما
يقتضيهِ الوِدادُ في الإِفْراطِ

2. Had I seen that as a sickness,
I would have turned from my resolve to Hippocrates.

٢. وَلَوَ انِّي رأَيتُ ذلِكَ داءً
رُحْتُ من عَزْمَتِي إِلى بُقْرَاطِ

3. Far be it from God that I should slip into error
After the straight path has become clear to me.

٣. حاشَ لِلَّهِ أَنْ أَزِلَّ ضلالاً
بَعْدَ ما لاحَ لِي سَوِيُّ الصِّراطِ