
To you from an exalted angel and from a sublime king,

إليك من ملك سام ومن ملك

1. To you from an exalted angel and from a sublime king,
Our ship was a ladder to the heavens,

١. إِليكَ من مَلَكٍ سامٍ ومن مَلِكٍ
كانَتْ لنا الفُلْكُ مَرْقَاةً إِلى الفَلَكِ

2. So we won by kissing a land you tread upon,
The fishes saw it, the highest of their kind.

٢. فُزْنا بتقبيل أَرضٍ قد وطِئْتَ بها
باتَ السِّماكُ يراها أَرْفَعَ السُّمُكِ

3. And lower your tent beaten down about the moon,
Since it is but woven from webs.

٣. واحْطُطْ سُرادِقَكَ المضروب عن قَمَرِ
فإِنَّما هو مَحْبُوكٌ منَ الحُبُكِ

4. And pull over the clouds if they close in around you,
The trailing trains of your pouring robes.

٤. واسحَبْ على السُّحْبِ إِنْ كَفَّتْ وإِنْ وَكَفَتْ
أَذيالَ منسكبٍ جارٍ بمُنْسَبِكِ

5. With your unsheathed sword you struck such battle
That it did not make your name one struck on the roads.

٥. ضَرَبْتَ من سِكَّكِ الحربِ المُبَادِ بها
ما صَيَّرَ اسْمَكَ مضروباً على السِّكَكِ

6. Naught is insignificant with your might save the high-sailing,
Nor blood from a foe save your own blood spilled.

٦. ما دون بأْسِكَ بالٌ غيرُ مُنْكَسِفٍ
ولا دَمٌ من عدُوٍّ غيرُ مُنْسَفِكِ

7. He ransoms you who was never lowered in degree,
And was never beneath it, slipping down in worth.

٧. يفديكَ مَنْ لَمْ يَزَلْ تعلُوهُ في دَرَجٍ
ولم يَزَلْ دُونَها ينحَطُّ في دَرَكِ

8. Good fortune established you above the moon in station,
So that it cannot detach itself from its cycle.

٨. أَحَلَّكَ السَّعْدُ فوق البدرِ منزِلَةً
من أَجْلِهَا هُوَ لا يَنْفَكُّ في الحَلَكِ

9. And he of the crown remains, as you command him,
O you of piercing glances, interceded for by the beloved.

٩. وبات ذو التَّاجِ فيما أَنتَ تأْمُرُهُ
يا ذا الذُّؤابةِ مشفوعاً بذِي الحُبُكِ

10. The prey came near you in fear that you would hunt them
When you hurled the idolaters into the pit.

١٠. دانَتْ لَكَ الصِّيدُ خوفاً أَن تَصَيَّدَهَا
لما قَذَفْتَ بأَهْلِ الشِّرْكِ في الشَّرَكِ

11. You were intimate with destruction when you were impassioned by it;
Religion did not make you forget the sanctity of devotion.

١١. أَلْفَتْكَ والفَتْكُ حالٌ مُذْ شُغِفْتَ بها
لم يُنْسِكَ الدِّينُ فيها حُرْمَةَ النُّسُكِ

12. You left, after Bilal, every excellence,
That was the best that remained of your inheritance.

١٢. تركتَ بعد بلالٍ كُلَّ صالحةٍ
كانت له خَيْرَ ما أَبقى من التِّرَكِ

13. And the kingdom made you capable, O Gentle One, for it,
After it had almost despaired of ruin.

١٣. والمُلْكُ أَهَّلَكَ اللُّه اللطيفُ له
من بعدِ ما كادَ أَنْ يُشْفِي على الهَلَكِ

14. You laid low under its mounts every arrogant one,
The intrepid rider unseated from his mare.

١٤. أَنْزَلْتَ دُونَ مطاهُ كُلَّ مرتكِبٍ
بناهضٍ من مُراعٍ غيرِ مُرْتَبِكِ

15. The fortresses are yours - and if they were inaccessible,
What lies between destroyer and destroyed.

١٥. لك الحصونُ فإِنْ كانت مُمَنَّعَةً
ما بين مُنْتَهِكٍ بادٍ ومُنْتَهَكِ

16. The reins of command flung themselves to you in them,
With raids of an attacker, grappling in earnest.

١٦. أَلقَتْ إِليك مقاليدَ الأُمورِ بها
غاراتُ مُضْطلعٍ بالخطبِ مُحْتَنِكِ

17. They saw your sword - it did not smile at them
Except to make them weep violently from laughing.

١٧. رأَوْا حُسامَكَ ما أَضْحَكْتَ صَفْحَتَهُ
إِلا وأَبْكَيْتها من شِدَّةِ الضَّحِكِ

18. So they surrendered to peaceful coexistence with you
Aiming their army away from you and battle.

١٨. فَسَلَّمُوها وتَهْنيِهِمْ مُسَالَمَةٌ
رَمَتْ بِمُعْتَكَرٍ عنهم ومُعْتَرَكِ

19. They could not attain your lofty ambition nor gain your heights -
So what fault lies with them if they fear you and your might?

١٩. ما أدركوا سَعْيَكَ العالي وما بَلَغُوا
فهَلْ عليهم إِذا خافوك من دَرَكِ

20. It gives the two rulers joy that the kingdom continues unbroken
Until the kings of earth rise for the King.

٢٠. يهنى الأَميرَيْنِ أَنَّ الملكَ مُتَّصِلٌ
حتى تقومَ ملوكُ الأرْضِ للمَلِكِ

21. Two moons came from the Highest with something in common -
From the heights over them is each partaker.

٢١. بدرانِ جاءَا منَ العَلْيَا بمُشْتَبِهٍ
منَ العوالي عليه كُلُّ مُشْتَبِكِ

22. So whenever they alone partake in what distinguishes them,
We come with one distinguished among them and partaking.

٢٢. فكُلَّما استركا فيما به انفردا
جِئْنَا بمنفردٍ منهم ومُشْتَرِكِ

23. O you who brings renewed news of days gone by,
Say - and do not stint - from their glory, other than your own.

٢٣. يا من يُحَدِّثُ عن يامٍ بمُؤْتَنِفٍ
من مَجْدِها قُلْ وبالِغْ غَيْرَ مُؤْتَفِكِ

24. The attributes of Zurei's house raised up their growth,
And so their envious enemies spent the night in misery.

٢٤. أَوصافُ آلِ زُرَيْعٍ رَفَّ مَنْبِتُها
فبات حاسِدُها الأَشقى على الحَسَكِ

25. The kingdom is a sun - and were it not for the helping hand
It would have been eclipsed like that sun in its decline.

٢٥. والمُلْكُ شمسٌ ولولا ياسِرٌ أُخِذَتْ
كما أُدُلكت تلكَ الشمسُ في الدَّلَكِ

26. The forbearing are assailed with stillness for its sake,
And malice is assailed with stillness from it, by its motion.

٢٦. ذو الحِلْمِ يُرْمَى حِراكٌ بالسُّكونِ له
والكيدِ يُرْمَى سكونٌ منه بالحَرَكِ

27. In the implement of might - and days are mighty -
If you doubt, then ask the outspread earth.

٢٧. في آلةِ البأْسِ والأَيامُ باسِمَةٌ
فإِنْ شَكَكْتَ فَسَلْ مَسْرُودَةَ الشِّكَكِ

28. And say to those who inherited that their lifetimes' work
Did effort in exultation and zeal exhaust you?

٢٨. وقُلْ لمَنْ ورِثَتْ أَعمارَهُمْ يَدُهُ
أَفناكُمُ السَّعْيُ في السَّمُّورِ والفَنَكِ

29. This is the firm handhold for whoever grasps it,
Glory - so it did not snap in the hand of one who held to it.

٢٩. هذا هُوَ العُرْوَةُ الوُثْقَى لمُمْسِكِها
عزًّا فلا انفصَمَتْ في كفِّ مُمْتَسِكِ

30. This is the sea - its gifts were not neglected,
And it is a sea, whether one draws from it or leaves it.

٣٠. هذا هُوَ البَحْرُ لم تُتْرَكْ مواهِبُهُ
والبحرُ من آخِذٍ منه ومُتَّركِ

31. The rain did not scratch its pouring generosity,
And the meadow did not scratch the like of what you scratched in it.

٣١. لم يَحْكِ جُودَ يَدَيْهِ الغيثُ منهمِراً
ومثلَ ما حِكْتَ فيه الرَّوْضُ لَمْ يَحِكِ

32. Poetry - it is musk intoxicating us, a rending of its pods,
Flowing without reserve in the cheeks when

٣٢. شِعْرٌ هُوَ المِسْكُ مفتونًا لنا شِقِهِ
تَضُوعُ من رَبَّةِ الخَلْخَالِ والمَسَكِ

33. Nothing else is pure, mixed on the palette.

٣٣. يَجْرِي بغيرِ حجابٍ في اللَّهَاةِ إِذا
ما غَيْرُهُ كان منشوباً على الحَنَكِ