
I ask the travelers about her, while tears keep asking,

أسائل عنها الركب والدمع سائل

1. I ask the travelers about her, while tears keep asking,
Perhaps gentle ways have softened her for reunion.

١. أسائلُ عنها الركبَ والدمعُ سائلٌ
عَسى استعطَفَتْها للوصالِ الوسائلُ

2. And I question the messenger but he has no knowledge,
Of what the spearheads and missiles have concealed.

٢. وأستخبِرُ الحادي ولا علمَ عندَهُ
بما كتمَتْ عنه القَنا والقنابِلُ

3. The breeze has folded its hands cooled by her distance,
So I returned while having for the night confused dreams.

٣. وقد عقدتْ كفُّ النسيمِ برودَها
فعدتُ وعندي للبَليلِ بلابِلُ

4. How can I blame the wind in the wind after she left,
When it enveloped the traits of her figure?

٤. وكيف ألومُ الراحَ في الراحِ بعدَها
إذا كان فيها في الشَمولِ شمائلُ

5. If she dwells in Babylon then yearn for her,
For every gazelle that enters Babylon is plundered.

٥. فإن غُرِسَتْ في بابلٍ فتوقّها
فكلُّ غزالٍ حلّ بابلَ نابِلُ

6. Were it not for the customary rules of verse,
Clouds of tears from my passion would pour down showers.

٦. ولولا رسومٌ للرسومِ لأقْشَعَتْ
سحائبُ من دمعي هوامٍ هواملُ

7. And the wind of separation has kindled the fire of departure,
So hopes of reunion were reduced through it.

٧. وقد شبّ ريحُ الهجْرِ نارَ هَجيرِه
فقُلِّصَ منها للوصالِ أصائلُ

8. It destroyed gardens of youth and prime,
For which the blossoms of pleasure are now lifeless.

٨. وأودى رياضاً من صِبا وصبابةٍ
لبهجتِها زهرُ الخمائلِ خاملُ

9. I reproach, do not disturb my heart for it is,
Beyond reproach. Is the living man in stupor to be blamed?

٩. أعاذلُ لا تعبَثْ بقلبي فإنّه
عن العذلِ لا ذُهليّةُ الحيّ ذاهلُ

10. If I wronged you one year, disobeying,
Then he has no equivalent rival to match you.

١٠. وإن لُمْتُ عاماً أولاً منه عاصياً
فما عندَه في قابلٍ لك قابِلُ

11. By God, the nightingale is to me no helper,
When intimate friends have abandoned the forsaken.

١١. وواللهِ ما السُلوانُ عندي بناصرٍ
لمن خذلَتْه الآنساتُ الخواذِلُ

12. Leave the red rose to lament with its hurt,
Whoever desires elevation from it is mean.

١٢. دعِ الكلةَ الحمراءَ تشجو بريمِها
لمن رامَ منها طُرّةً فهو باخِلُ

13. It bears only part of its tyranny over another,
This witness, its torn dress, and anklets.

١٣. تحملَ منه بعضُه جوْرَ بعضِه
وهذا وشاحٌ شاهدٌ وخلاخِلُ

14. She blamed me saying: respond in kind!
But where is the patience to resist her?

١٤. رماني وقال اردُدْ عليّ مثالَها
فأنصَفَ لكنْ أين صبرٌ يُناضلُ

15. As for her anger, its victory is confirmed,
Rightly so, and as for her mouth, it is withering.

١٥. وغيرانَ أمّا ظِفْرُه فمهنّدٌ
ذليقٌ وأما نابُه فهو ذابِلُ

16. I opened my cloak of woven thread as if it were,
The darkness of night that is continuous.

١٦. شققتُ إليه ثوبَ نقْعٍ كأنّه
دُجى الليلِ أنه متواصِلُ

17. And I was not one of her heroes except that I am,
Stalwart in bearing the strokes of misfortune.

١٧. وما كنتُ من أبطالِه غير أنني
جليدٌ لأعباءِ النوائبِ حاملُ

18. Were it not for the Commander of the Faithful, my side would not be honored,
Nor would a group from me form a tribe.

١٨. ولولا الإمامُ الحَبْرُ ما عزّ جانبي
ولا سدّ مني معشرٌ وقبائلُ

19. He is the sea of knowledge and refinement has been obliterated,
So one who asks and one who questions have drawn from it.

١٩. هو البحرُ بالعِرفانِ والعُرفُ قد طَمى
فأنهلَ منه سائلٌ ومُسائلُ

20. The seal ring of Tayy in generosity is overflowing,
And firm in eloquence though not very eloquent.

٢٠. فحاتمُ طيٍّ في السماحةِ مادِرٌ
لديهِ وقسٌّ في الفصاحةِ باقِلُ

21. Among mankind the horsemen of discourse, and when
Their later ones are praised, so are the earlier ones.

٢١. من الفُرْسِ فُرسانُ الحديثِ ومن غدَتْ
أواخرُهُم ممدوحةٌ والأوائلُ

22. They are the people. Their glory is indeed camping,
With them, and their fame is travelling.

٢٢. همُ القومُ أمّا مجدُهم فمخيّمٌ
لديهم وأما ذكرُهُم فهو راحِلُ

23. Swallow-like thoughts wander with them on the day of meeting,
And assemblies are adorned with them on the day of bestowal.

٢٣. تتيهُ بهِم يومَ اللقاءِ سوابحٌ
وتُزْهى بهم يومَ العَطاءِ محافِلُ

24. The hands of some of them enflame the fires of valor in war,
With them the water of clemency flows profusely.

٢٤. وتُلهِبُ نارَ البأسِ في الحربِ منهمُ
أيادِ بها ماءُ السماحةِ جائلُ

25. People are but the shafts of spears while they are the
Arrowheads, and some superior ones are the lower parts.

٢٥. وما الناسُ إلا متنُ رمحٍ وهم به ال
عَوالي وبعضُ الفاخرينَ الأسافِلُ

26. May God water the meadow of glory with their pouring drink,
For its counterpart, abased nibblers, are invalid.

٢٦. سقى الله دوحَ المجدِ صيّبَ سَقْيهِمْ
فعارضُهُ داني الهيادبِ هاطِلُ

27. Through the Commander of the Faithful they have a nobility that ascends,
To where the descending stars alight.

٢٧. لهمْ شرفٌ بالحافظِ الحَبْرِ يعتلي
فيصعَدُ حيثُ النيّراتُ نوازِلُ

28. And no less a commander is the Sword of Truth, vigilant for him,
Whose words are those of lightning and whose determination is firm.

٢٨. وناهيكَ من حَبْرٍ حُسامُ يراعُه
له لفْظُ سحبانٍ وقُسُّ حَمائلِ

29. He roams the field of eloquence charging with the spear
Of piercing proof that his fingers have straightened.

٢٩. يجولُ بميدانِ البلاغةِ طاعناً
برُمْحِ يراعٍ سدّدَتْهُ الأناملُ

30. His writings are but battalions in the fray,
And his convincing arguments the heavily-armed companies.

٣٠. وما كُتْبُه إلا الكتائبُ في الوغى
ولا الحجّةُ الغرّاءُ إلا الجحافِلُ

31. He has plucked each bloom of pride from the gardens of his ancestors,
And what fruit is there other than sublime traits?

٣١. جنى كلَّ فخرٍ عن رياضِ جدودِه
وهل ثمرٌ إلا العُلا والفضائلُ

32. Congratulations for the deaf month, for it
Is serious for one who hears what I say.

٣٢. فهُنِّئَ بالشهْرِ الأصمّ فإنّه
لجدُّ سميعٍ بالذي أنا قائلُ

33. He still remains in enduring honor and lasting bounty,
In prosperity, felicity that does not cease.

٣٣. ولا زالَ في عزٍّ يدومُ ونعمةٍ
يُقيمُ وسعدٍ مُسعدٍ لا يُزايلُ