
His virtues made him discreet,

عزت ضمائره على كتمانه

1. His virtues made him discreet,
So his worth portrayed his elite.

١. عزّتْ ضمائرُهُ على كتمانِه
فلذاكَ عبّرَ شأنُهُ عن شانِه

2. He gently wiped the shoulder of ardent longing,
With the ease of eloquence bending its rein.

٢. وأقامَ يمسحُ عِطْفَ شوقٍ جامحٍ
في راحةِ العَبَراتِ ثُنْيُ عِنانِه

3. And inclined his heart with a soaring wing,
If not for the ribs, it would have flown from his body.

٣. وثَنى الفؤادَ له جناحا طائرٍ
لولا الضلوعُ لَطارَ عن جُثمانِه

4. Until when love mounted its steed,
Sighs raced with it from his sorrows.

٤. حتى إذا ركِبَ الغرامُ مطيّةً
تحدو بها الزفراتُ من أشجانِه

5. Has not a pearl shed tears down the cheek of carnelian,
Its luster dissatisfied without its coral.

٥. أوما الى جيدِ العقيقِ بمدْمَعٍ
لم يرضَ لؤلؤُهُ بلا مَرجانِه

6. I wore a garment with which I adorned revelry,
And promenaded in what I tailored from silk brocade.

٦. ربعٌ لبستُ به التصابي مَعلماً
ورفلتُ في المَسحوبِ من أردانِه

7. As if the shoulders were branches from its boughs,
Or the hips were from its dunes.

٧. فكأنما الأعطافُ من أغصانِه
كانتْ أو الأردافُ من كُثْبانِه

8. Where the left hand hustles with inclusion,
Intoxicated it tilts in its robes.

٨. في حيثُ يسعى بالشُمولِ شمالُه
فيميلُ سُكْراً في معاطفِ بانِه

9. And the leaves turn in their pages,
With sorrows the tunes are lost in its melodies.

٩. وتُرجِّعُ الأوراقُ في أوراقِه
شجواً يضيعُ اللحنُ في ألحانِه

10. Separation has picked and chosen,
From his lamentations what was of its lamentations.

١٠. ضم الفراقُ فاقتصّ منْ
أظعانِه ما كان من إظعانِه

11. And the fragrance of sighs went forth by its name,
Singing to the soul without its basil.

١١. وأريجةِ النفَحاتِ سارتْ كاسمها
تُغني بذاك الروحِ عن رَيْحانِه

12. So I took off from his shoulder a mocha-colored robe,
And dressed him in it so I rose in his domain.

١٢. فخلعتُ عن عِطفَيْهِ خلعةَ قهوةٍ
ألبستُها فغدوتُ في سُلطانِه

13. And even if I indulged in the wine of youth,
And collected glory from its cups.

١٣. إني وإن أمعنتُ من خمرِ الصِبى
وجنيتُ فيها العزَّ من أفنانِه

14. And raced in perilous praise with a mind,
To which is allotted precedence in its arena.

١٤. وركضتُ في المدْحِ الخطيرِ بخاطرٍ
يُقْضى له بالسَبْقِ في مَيدانِه

15. And opened the scent of his praise from ambergris,
With seasoned ambergris without its smoke.

١٥. وفتقتُ ريحَ ثنائه من عنبرٍ
بالعنبرِ المَشمومِ دون دُخانِه

16. And sent from it his stranger to his majesty,
Who returned it with generosity in his homeland.

١٦. وبعثتُ منه غريبَه لجلالِه
فأقرّهُ بالبَذْلِ في أوطانِه

17. Like the Mashriqi who adorned with the water of Firind,
And the Samhari who prided with the fire of Binan.

١٧. كالمَشْرِقيّ زَها بماءِ فِرِنْدِه
والسمهريّ هَفا بنارِ بِنانِه

18. It would not harm he whose hands are bound by his rope,
If fate is not of his aides.

١٨. ما ضرّ مَنْ عُقِدَتْ يداهُ بحبْلِه
أن لا يكونَ الدهرُ من أعوانِه

19. A grief that diminishes you from the unique of his resolve,
Added to the unique of his eloquence.

١٩. ندْبٌ يُنيلُك من بديعِ ثُباتِه
حُلْماً يُضافُ الى بديعِ بَيانِه

20. Two swords, if the sunset of his decrees passes,
Or the sunset of his tongue passes.

٢٠. سِيّانِ إنْ أمضى غُروبَ حُسامِه
في الخَطْبِ أو أمضى غُروبَ لِسانِه

21. And a strategist, if he engaged the wild beasts,
Their lions would cower to his fawns.

٢١. ومدبّرٍ لو باشرَ الوحشَ انثنَتْ
آسادُه تحْنو على غِزْلانِه

22. Justice that apportions in the subjects impartially,
Not tilting injustice in its scale.

٢٢. عدْلٌ تقسّمَ في الرعيةِ مُقْسِماً
أن لا يُميلَ الجورَ في مِيزانِه

23. The luster of a firm resolve flew in its atmosphere,
Torches to its devil.

٢٣. ومَضاءُ عزمٍ كالشِهابِ تطايرَتْ
في جوّهِ شُعَلٌ الى شيطانِه

24. Neither the unrelenting warrior among his comrades,
Nor the literary man from his brothers.

٢٤. لا الصارمُ البتّارُ من أصحابِه
يوماً ولا الخطيُّ من أخوانِه

25. Alexandria looked upon it as the ambition,
Of Alexander gone and remote his place.

٢٥. نظرتْ به الاسكندريّةُ همّةَ ال
اسكندرِ الماضي وبُعْدِ مَكانِه

26. God reward you, you who collect blessings,
Who would not accept other than generosity from his treasury.

٢٦. للهِ دَرُّكَ من مُحصِّلِ نعمةٍ
لم يرضَ غيرَ البَذْلِ من خُزّانه

27. I said to the one praising his benevolence,
Take the banner of eulogy from his eulogizer.

٢٧. قد قلتُ للمُثْني على إحسانِه
خذ رايةَ التقريظِ من حسّانِه

28. Why not, when you have met an ocean, if
The children of Jafnah were drowned in its abyss.

٢٨. لم لا وقد صادفتَ بحراً لو أتى
أولادُ جَفنةَ غُرِّقوا بجِفانِه

29. O happiest of the happy, your generosity has indeed
Flooded me, were it not for swimming I would have drowned in its deluge.

٢٩. يا أسعدَ السعداءِ جودُك قد طَما
فغرقتُ لولا العَوْمُ في طوفانِه

30. None feels poetry but one praising
Whose couplets embroidered your name upon its compilation.

٣٠. ما أشعرُ الشُعراءِ إلا مادحٌ
طرزتَ باسمِكَ طُرّتَيْ ديوانِه

31. Blasphemy to camphor and ugliness after it,
To the unique son of Hussein in his generosity.

٣١. كُفْراً بكافورٍ وقُبْحاً بعدَه
لابنِ الحسينِ الفردِ في إحسانِه

32. If the example of Jesus before you,
Or after you in times was your parallel.

٣٢. إن كان يا عيسى مثالَك مالُك
من قبلُ أو من بعدُ في أزمانِه

33. Then I become absolved with the absolution of a polytheist,
From Ahmad of the past and from his faith.

٣٣. فبرئتُ حينئذٍ براءةَ مُشركٍ
من أحمدَ الماضي ومن إيمانِه

34. If they preceded, I have succeeded latterly,
With the name of the book, superior to its title.

٣٤. إن قدّموا فلقدْ سبقت مؤخراً
باسمِ الكتابِ أجلّ من عُنوانِه

35. Or camphor was with Ahmad’s miracles,
If he was human to the time of his time.

٣٥. أو كان كافورٌ بمعجِزِ أحمدٍ
قد كان إنساناً لعينِ زمانِه

36. For fate knows you are the kohl,
With which it conferred beauty upon mankind.

٣٦. فالدهرُ يعلمُ أنّك الكُحْلُ الذي
خلعَ الجمالَ به على إنسانِه

37. And dyed his pillows and the moles upon his cheeks,
And kindled his affection and the secret of his soul.

٣٧. ولَمى مراشفِهِ وخالُ خُدودِه
وأحمُّ فَوْدَيْهِ وسرُّ جَنانِه

38. A hue in the face of the full moon from it a sign,
Elevated others so raised his status.

٣٨. لونٌ بوجهِ البدرِ منه إشارةٌ
شانَتْ سواهُ فرفّعَتْ من شانِه

39. As if youth clung to his love,
And lent him what delighted of its prime.

٣٩. وكأنّما علِقَ الشبابُ بحبّه
فأعارَهُ ما راقَ من رَيْعانِه

40. So make peace, and reconstruct the house of virtues, sublimity,
Beneficence and reinforce its pillars.

٤٠. فاسلمْ وشِدْ بيتَ المكارمِ والعُلا
والمأثُراتِ وشُدّ من أركانِه