
Poetry is the poet's war spoils

الشعر للشعراء مغنم معرك

1. Poetry is the poet's war spoils
Each person contains as much as his vitality allows

١. الشَّعرُ للشُّعَرَاءِ مَغْنَمُ مَعْرَكٍ
كلُّ امرءٍ يَحْوِي بقَدْرِ نَشَاطِهِ

2. Hence the breadth of ample means in his coins
And hence the tightness of scarcity in his carats

٢. فلذا انبساطُ الوُسْعِ في دينارِهِ
ولذا انقباضُ الضِّيقِ في قِيراطِهِ

3. And a person's thoughts are what occurred in either
His ascendance where he proceeds or decline

٣. وخواطرُ الإِنسانِ ما خَطَرَتْ ففي اس
تعلائِهِ يَمْضِي أَو اسْتِحْطَاطِهِ

4. So a lad whose anus oozes with pus from his pains
And a lad whose clothes emit musk from his wraps

٤. فَفَتًى يفِيحُ الخُرْءُ من وَجْعَائِهِ
وفتًى يذيعُ المِسْكُ من أَسْفَاطِهِ

5. And I see the son of Saqati versified his poetry
From what his father selected from his rags

٥. وأَرى فَتَى السَّقَطِيِّ نظَّمَ شِعْرَهُ
ممّا اجتباهُ أَبوهُ من أَسقَاطِهِ

6. And when Abu Ju'ran comes with his poetry
From his camel hide, excuse him for his excess

٦. وإِذا أَبو جُعْرَانَ جاءَ بشعرِهِ
من بَعْرِهِ فاعذِرْهُ في إِفْرَاطِهِ

7. Descriptions of your glory are a bouquet by which
He has thus turned away from his mat

٧. أَوصافُ مجدِكَ وَرْدَةٌ يَرْدَى بها
فلذاكَ نَكَّبَ دونها بِنِياطِه

8. Look to Awad and the meaning of his name
And use your intellect, you will know him

٨. انظُرْ لعوَّاضٍ ومعنى اسْمِهِ
واستعملِ الفكرةَ تَعْرفْهُ

9. And whenever he recites his poetry
Write it with a ta and make errors in it

٩. وكلَّما أَنشدَ من شعرِهِ
فاكتبه بالطَّاءِ وَصحِّفْه