1. He was accustomed to being driven away and driving others away
What horseman atop the back of a steed?
١. تعوّد الطردَ بها والطِرادْ
أيُّ جوادٍ فوق متنِ الجوادْ
2. And suffice with saving its sides when needed
For help comes only when desperately needed
٢. وكفّ بالنجدةِ أعطافَه
وإنما النجدةُ حيثُ النِجادْ
3. If its love for her didn't turn white from fright
Then there's nothing that didn't turn his heart white
٣. إن لم يشِبْ فَوْداهُ من هولِها
فدونَها ما شابَ منهُ الفؤادْ
4. By God, he didn't recount his tales
Between a coquette whose teeth he filed or a tormentor
٤. لله ما أسْرى أحاديثَه
بين حِدالٍ سنّهُ أو جِلادْ
5. Either the cups of life are passed around
Or the resolves of the wine-pourers are passed around
٥. إما معان مُروَياتُ الحَيا
أو عزَماتٌ مُورَياتُ الزِنادْ
6. The night heard his news
As they flowed from the whispers of the lovesick
٦. قد سمعَ الليلُ بأخبارِه
مشروحةً من لهَواتِ الوهادْ
7. Where it mounted the star Al Nakeeb fascinately
And the cloud above it took the ladder scornfully
٧. حيثُ امتطى النكْباءَ ذيّالةً
واحتقَبَ الغيمُ عليها مزادْ
8. And the weather during its morning mourned
Having dressed the night in black
٨. والجوّ في مأتمِ إصباحِه
قد لبسَ الليلَ عليه حِدادْ
9. This is glory, and who is it
That ruled when he kept to his pillow?
٩. هذا هو المجدُ ومن ذا الذي
سادَ وقد لازم طيَّ الوِسادْ
10. By God, O thorns of the roads, conceal yourself
From a bare observer, armed with the thorns of spears
١٠. بالله يا شوكَ السِبال احتجِبْ
عن ناظرٍ مُعرىً بشوكِ القتادْ
11. After he established his glories with the hands of integrity
There is no view for the misguided concerning him
١١. لا رأيَ في الغيّ له بعدَما
شادَ معاليْهِ بأيدي الرّشادْ
12. How far misfortune is from one who praises
Ahmad the Sponsor of Increase
١٢. ما أبعدَ النُقصانَ من حامدٍ
لأحمدَ الكافلِ بالازديادْ
13. What pride has mounted its back
And surpassed the star, and almost reached?
١٣. أيُّ فَخارٍ قد عَلا متنَهُ
فجاوزَ النجمُ عليه وكادْ
14. Call out loudly if you visit him
By God, the glories have made every companion deaf
١٤. نادِ بأعلى الصوتِ إن زُرْتَه
بك المعالي عسرَتْ كلَّ نادْ
15. In the folds of its prosperity lies the purpose of wealth
So seek that intended purpose
١٥. في طيّ يُمناهُ مَرادُ الغِنى
فاستَهْدِ من ذاك المَرادِ المُرادْ
16. Aflame, critical - oh what
Hidden criticism lies in his flaming
١٦. متّقدٌ منتَقِدٌ يا له
من انتقاد كامنٍ في اتّقادْ
17. The backings are not sent
Unless they depend on the Hashimite
١٧. لا يرسلُ الأسنادَ إلا إذا
كان له بالهاشميّ استِنادْ
18. A consistent narration whose text
In the soundness of its precision - what momentum!
١٨. روايةٌ مطّرّدٌ متنُها
في صحةِ الإتقانِ أيَّ اطّرادْ
19. And only its outstanding ones, they are the ones
Who judge for us the knots of belief
١٩. وإنما فُتياهُ فهيَ التي
تحكُمُ منا عُقَدَ الاعتقادْ
20. It scrawls from its tranquility scribbles
That plunge in the inkpot the saliva of pens
٢٠. يرقِمُ من راحتِه أرقَمٌ
يمجّ في الطُرْسِ لُعابَ المِدادْ
21. That unsheathe sharp swords
The Sultan pursues his purposes
٢١. مسفِّعُ الأقلامِ فيما حبَتْ
ظبى السُيوفِ المُرهَفاتِ الحِدادْ
22. So the Ruler appeases him in what he wants
If an early time contained him
٢٢. يتّبِعُ السلطانُ أغراضَهُ
فردّهُ الحاكمُ فيما أرادْ
23. Despite his being first in reliance
He would have interceded for Al-Nu'man
٢٣. فلو حَواهُ زمنٌ أولٌ
مع أنّه الأولُ في الاعتمادْ
24. With a mention of him in what Ziyad bestowed
This is the eloquent tongue pouring forth
٢٤. لكان للنُعمانِ مُستَشْفِعاً
بذكرِه فيما حباهُ زيادْ
25. Informing us of what saddened the heart
The Most Fortunate clothed his words with it
٢٥. هذا لسان الطُرسِ مسترسِلٌ
يخبِرُنا عمّا أحنّ الفؤادْ
26. So love for him turned away from bliss
And look at Suhban in Wael
٢٦. ألبسَهُ الأسعدُ ألفاظَهُ
فانصرفَ الحبُّ له عن سُعادْ
27. What harshness addressing restoration!
An eloquence that almost
٢٧. وانظُرْ الى سحبانَ في وائلٍ
منه وقسٍّ خاطباً في إيادْ
28. Shook with rapture the cliff of the inanimate
This is news that spread when they
٢٨. فصاحةٌ كادت لإفراطها
تهزُّ بالنشوةِ عِطفَ الجَمادْ
29. Witnessed what surpassed and excelled it
The companions did not present
٢٩. ذا خبرٌ شاعَ وقد عايَنوا
إذ حضروا ما زادَ عنه وزادْ
30. Except his name, though repeating their mention is not repeated
They drew near a King whose soul
٣٠. ما قدّم الأصحابَ إلا اسمَهُ
ومعشراً ذكرُهُمُ لا يُعادْ
31. Was gentle from his soul even when distant
And a speaker said, why have you not aligned
٣١. تقرّبوا من ملِكٍ رُوحُه
من روحِه دانيةٌ في البِعادْ
32. Yourself with the path of one who passed nobly and justly?
I said to him, my excuse is that I am a man
٣٢. وقائلٌ ما لكَ لم ينتظِمْ
في سِلْكِ مَنْ مرّ كريماً وعادْ
33. Who must obey the judgment of time
And the saying of intimidation - do not cast
٣٣. قلت له عُذريَ أني امرؤ
له على حكمِ الزّمانِ انقِيادْ
34. We hide if the countries conceal your thoughts
Take them, for they have come to you from a mind
٣٤. وقولُ رعبٍ لا ترُمْ إننا
نخفى إذا ما أضمرتْكَ البِلادْ
35. That raves with love for you in every valley
From a sea of flowery speech which overflowed
٣٥. خُذها فقد جاءَتْكَ من خاطرٍ
يهيمُ من حُبِّك في كلّ وادْ
36. And took two seas of flowery speech as loot
٣٦. من بحرِ تحريرٍ سَجا فاغْتَدى
بحرانُ تحريرٍ لديهِ ثَمادْ